Chaldea in the real world.



Looking down at the pair of "silver bracelets" on his hands, Chen Shi showed a "fuck" expression, and then looked at the gloomy Fujimaru Ritsuka next to him with a forced smile.

"Well, my dear old sister, what are you doing?"


"Oh no. You are not in the Ghost state now and need to live longer. I am just a heroic spirit. As for that? By the way, where did you get these handcuffs?"

"Mom, I provided it~"

At a speed that even Chen Zhao was amazed by, Minamoto Yorimitsu, wearing a black sailor uniform, suddenly appeared at the door of the conference room, blocking Chen Zhao's planned escape route.

"Who are you taking advantage of? When did I become your son?"

"Ritsuka is my mother's child, so her brother is naturally my child too! Don't worry, I've long been used to being a mother in a big family~"

Although Minamoto Noraiguang's eyes were smiling, the distress in them immediately made Chen Shi feel uncomfortable all over.

——No way, we have to find a way to escape.

Chen Shi began to look around, only to find that not only Minamoto Yorimitsu, but also the entire area of ​​the conference room had been blocked by heroic spirits, and even the ventilation ducts were crowded with the ninja Fuma Kotaro.

"You guys..."

Just as he was about to use his eloquent mouth to try to talk, Chen Zhao suddenly found that the hem of his clothes was pinched by a hand.

Fujimaru Ritsuka turned to look at her, and saw a hint of cowardice in her gloomy expression.

Fujimaru Ritsuka in the video has indeed taken charge of her own affairs and is able to accept the death of Chen Shu, but in reality, Fujimaru Ritsuka has not reached the inner strength to create an infinite soul from her own heart.

Witnessing Chen Shu's death made her feel uneasy like never before.

So, she finally spoke her first words since the video ended.

"...Just today."


"Please, don't go anywhere today, just stay with me, okay? Just for one day."


Today’s victory or defeat is Chen’s oath’s defeat.

728: Epilogue and Cameo (6k)

Moved by the happy atmosphere of Kamen Rider's Christmas, everyone in the audience in front of the screen was immersed in this atmosphere. At this moment, the Enmon Forum was in harmony.

Amidst such rave reviews (big boos), the story of this chapter has also come to an end.

["Tap, step, step..."

In the uninhabited world where everyone in Chaldea had left, a man covered in blood and with disheveled hair pushed away the stones that were pressing on him from the ruins of the Holy Mountain.

The man looked very miserable. The suit he always wore was in tatters. The glasses he always wore were broken and only the twisted frames were left. Some fragments were even inserted into the skin of his face. 】

The moment they saw this man, the audience who were still in mourning turned from sorrow to anger, and almost at the same time they said this man's name.

Beryl Garth.

This is the only scumbag in Group A, and one of the most annoying villains in the "Spirit Rider" theater.

Accountant Ishigami: I’ll go! Why is this guy still alive? Aren’t they all burned to ashes by the 6-charge Eye Soul Killer?

Modern Valkyrie: TMD, Beryl’s immortality is unforgivable!

Your war cry can be triggered twice: Is this the so-called bane of the millennium?

President of Meili's Support Association: It doesn't make sense. Why can this guy survive?

There were many little questions in the audience's minds for a while, and the next moment, their questions were answered.

[It was clear that he looked extremely embarrassed at this moment, but Beryl did not show any negative emotions at all. Instead, he showed a cheerful smile.

Through his clothes that were no different from rags, his countless eyes and black horny skin were finally exposed.

Obviously, this man named Beryl Jatt is no longer a human being.

The audience knows this by watching his fleeting memories.

At the moment when he was about to be destroyed by Mash's Noble Phantasm, he used the power obtained from the deal with the Magic King to assimilate himself with the flesh and blood of part of the Demon God Pillar, thus gaining the immortality to survive.


It was unclear whether a sound of gasping or laughter came from the man's throat.

"I really didn't expect that, captain, you actually hid such a trump card. When I saw you complete the ultimate eye soul, I really broke out in a cold sweat, but... poof hahaha!"

He recalled the end of Kirshtalia he witnessed after he hid himself, and his voice became more and more impudent.

"In the end, weren't you defeated at the hands of such an inexperienced little girl? Even if I didn't stop you, your dream would be just a stupid castle in the air after all! Hahaha!"

Standing on the ruins, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, just when the audience was angered by his words and was about to curse God for being unfair.

Divine punishment has come.

"Ha ha ha ha?"

In Beryl's sight, an orange meteor fell from the sky, flying rapidly in his direction with his horrified eyes.


Although it did not fall directly on Beryl in the end, the terrifying impact of the meteor landing directly blew Beryl away. He hit the rock behind him and vomited blood, causing the already seriously injured The body becomes more and more tattered.

The next second, a somewhat panicked girl's voice reached Beryl's ears.

"Huh!? That's weird! Why are there people here? I've obviously already explored the human reaction in this world, right!?"

Her long orange hair, which was different in color from Ritsuka Fujimaru, danced in the wind. From the smoke and dust raised by the meteor, a girl rushed out and climbed over the ruins at extremely fast speed to be in front of Beryl.

"Hey, are you okay? Don't die, otherwise the little bird will scold me!"


Beryl thought angrily as blood bubbles came out of his mouth and he was so injured that he became unconscious. 】

However, although Beryl did not recognize the visitor, the audience in front of the screen immediately recognized this reckless god with distinctive features.

At the same time, they who had watched a lot of "Kamen Rider" quickly understood what this was going on.

In the comic world.

"It's me! It's a guest appearance!"

On the rooftop of Onogizaka National Academy, Honoka Takasaka, who had just finished today's idol training, jumped up from her seat with excitement.

"Is it my turn to make a cameo this time?"


Next to Honoka Takasaka, Sonoda Umi, who has long blue hair, was also happy for her childhood sweetheart.

She knew that since the character of Honoka Takasaka appeared in the video, her childhood sweetheart had been looking forward to the day when "Kamen Rider" related to her would be aired.

Based on past experience, the guest knight who appears near the end of the movie is basically determined to be the next "Knight".

——Honoka’s story? Even I am looking forward to it. But a knight as strong as Honoka should be the background, right? Even Miss Emperor did not exaggerate to this extent.

Thinking of this, Sonoda Umi glanced at the lively Takasaka Honoka with a smile, yes, but she felt that Takasaka Honoka didn't think that much, and now she was simply happy that she could appear again.

As she expected, Honoka quickly waved her little fist and shouted at the camera.

"That's great. I've been unhappy with this Beryl for a long time. Hurry up and beat him up, the other me!"

[It was as if Honoka's thoughts in reality were conveyed to the video. After approaching a certain distance, Kousaka Honoka suddenly stopped and looked carefully at Beryl lying on the ground.

"This hostility? There is still a bit of inhumanity... Mmmmm!"

After thinking about something by herself, Honoko Kousaka touched her chin thoughtfully and nodded.

"You are definitely a bad guy!"


It is tolerable, but what is intolerable?

Seeing that the other party not only made him look like this, but also pointed at his nose and scolded him with a righteous face, Beryl's anger reached its peak in an instant.

——I couldn’t bear it anymore and broke out with her!

Beryl, who was so passionate, could not care about the opponent's identity. After the Dark Knight's eyes and soul were recharged, in a burst of purple light, he transformed into the Purple Dark Knight and jumped up, a hungry tiger pounced on Takasaka Honoka.

"I'm going to kill you today!"

"He is indeed an evil guy~"

However, in the face of such an attack, the smile on Takasaka Honoka's face became brighter and brighter. At some point, a drive with a knife appeared on her waist.


With a bright smile, Takasaka Honoka put the orange lock seed into it.

Above her head, a zipper opened in the void, and a huge metal orange suddenly fell down and hit Beryl's head. After knocking himself to the ground, it bounced on the head of Honoka Takasaka.

"Lock On!"


With a joyful movement as if she was playing, the girl pressed the "Slicing Blade", and a cheerful voice came from the huge orange head.

"Soiya! Orange Arms! Ikebana On Stage!"

Amidst the Japanese-style standby sound, the huge orange unfolded and folded into an orange samurai armor.

Kousaka Honoka passed the Ouchimaru that appeared in her right hand to her left hand, and pulled out the Musou saber from her waist, assuming a dual-sword style stance.

If Miyamoto Musashi were here, he would probably feel that Takaita Honoka's movements were a bit awkward, as if she might throw the big orange pill in her right hand at any time.

"I'm going to do it, Mr. Bad Guy~ Next is my Stage!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Go to hell!"

He never expected that he would be knocked to the ground by an orange. Beryl, who got up, felt annoyed and angry. He summoned the Eye Gun Catcher and prepared to shoot.

But Honoka Kousaka moved faster than her. Before he had time to pull the trigger, a large orange pill flew towards him and stabbed him. While splashing a burst of sparks, it was knocked out of Beryl's hand. weapons.


Beryl was extremely shocked. He never expected that the other party would throw the weapon without any hesitation. He was stunned for a moment.

Honoka Takasaka would not let go of this opportunity. She directly took the opportunity to pull the charging bolt of the Musou Saber, rushed towards the opponent, and fired continuously, hitting Beryl completely in a rigid state and unable to move at all.

Taking a step to stand in front of Beryl, Honoka Takasaka, who had just finished firing a round of bullets, swung the sword with both hands with all her strength. One sword slashed out a large number of sparks on Beryl's body.

Powerful beyond imagination.

Beryl, who was unable to fight back, actually felt a trace of absurdity. He knew that the other party's attitude and behavior were just for fun, but there was a huge gap between him and himself.

——There is no way I can win. I absolutely cannot be this guy’s opponent. She makes me feel like...

While thinking about it, Beryl stabbed Takaba Honoka a few more times, and the two monsters who fought in front of his eyes not long ago appeared in Beryl's mind.


——Why are so many monsters appearing all of a sudden?


The sharp upward thrust cut a bone-deep wound on Beryl's armor. He was thrown away by this force, and after a fancy mid-air spin, he hit the ground.


The demon pillar's flesh and blood squirmed in the wound. Beryl looked up in fear and anger at Takaita Honoka who bent down to pick up the big orange pill.

"You...who are you?"


The sky-blue pupils under the mask stared at the evil thing in Beryl's wound. Takaita Honoka, who once again confirmed that this guy was not a good person, retracted the Musou saber and reached out to press the cutting blade.

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