ZIO Generation 2: Are you sweating profusely, brother?

Passerby heroine: I’m even more curious, Chen Zhao, when did you record the video in physical education class? I remember you put your phone in the classroom, didn't you?

Iron Fist Invincible: No, what kind of airplanes were you doing during physical education class?

[It is naturally impossible for the First Emperor to know that because of his unintentional words, Fujimaru Ritsuka once again quarreled with the oath in his body.

He just extended a hand to Fujimaru Ritsuka, and his movements and tone were quite similar to the way Whitebeard recognized his son from all over the place.

"How about, are you willing to submit to me? If you can really help me complete the divine tool, how about I make you my first retainer?"

"Hmph! Sure enough, no matter which world you are in, you are always so arrogant and arrogant, First Emperor."

Before Fujimaru Ritsuka could reply, a woman's voice suddenly sounded.

Outside the hall, a black-haired woman wearing a white dress slowly stood up and spoke seriously to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"It seems that I was right to come over and take a look. Ritsuka, when facing this guy, you must not be dragged into his rhythm."

"Miss Jingke?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was surprised and said the other party's name, while the First Emperor was slightly stunned, and then showed a relieved expression.

"I'm still wondering why someone could get so close without my noticing. It turns out that's the case. It's you, Jing Ke."

The First Emperor, who had studied heroic spirits, immediately understood the current situation.

"Because the target is mine, can you easily get close to me? Heroic spirits are really convenient."

Facing this assassin who should have died and who had assassinated him in the past, the First Emperor actually felt a novel feeling of meeting an old friend.

The smile on his face did not diminish, as if he had no idea that the other party had the power to kill him, and he did not show any negative emotions.

"But, I know that the deeds of the heroic spirits are both a bonus to you and a curse to you. Even if you can get close, you will never be able to kill me. Haha, your path is destined to be an impossible one. The way back.”

"whispering sound."

Jing Ke clicked his tongue in displeasure, but did not pull out his dagger and stab him in anger.

The First Emperor was right. The first time she saw the current First Emperor, she understood that she could not kill the current First Emperor. This was not only due to fate, but also because there was something alien in him.

It seems that the opponent has quite a lot of back-up tactics.


However, Jing Ke never really thought about relying on force to kill the emperor this time.

"As you said before, the First Emperor. There is no evidence to prove that the road to promotion is not feasible, and vice versa. Your arrogance alone cannot prove that the road to promotion is feasible, right?

And the Fujimaru Ritsuka standing next to me, she truly comes from a peaceful and beautiful future. If that's the case, why should she give up her future to bet on your illusory hegemony? "

Jing Ke's words were like sharp daggers, mercilessly denying the First Emperor's ideas. 】

ps. The painter’s wife has something to say, so I’ll attach it here. In addition, there are some reference pictures in the words, but because the author put them in PS, and PS cannot illustrate, I inserted them in front:

Long time no see everyone. I've been busy with work these days and haven't had enough time, but things have gotten better recently. It just so happened that Xingxing Boss released part of the design of Ma Xiu’s special weapon, so I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about the design ideas ψ(`??)ψ.

The first is naturally the Eye Gun Defender Shield mode in the normal state. The specific shape is to stylize the Eye Gun Saber of the Spirit Rider on the shield of the second part, and then add the iconic eye emblem and energy pipeline. detail. Because it is the most basic initial shape, the overall degree of completion is high, and it is one of my favorite modes.

It is worth mentioning that because Star Boss hopes that the shield will be narrower so as not to look bulky when turned into other weapons, the size of the Eye Gun Defender is much smaller than in reality.

For the second sword mode, Star Boss’s idea was to have one end that can be unfolded and then release the lightsaber, similar to that of Swimsuit Fran, so during the design, it was a relatively simple end to unfold to form a lightsaber. (Refer to Figure 1)

Although the back design is not drawn, it is imagined that the handle of the shield will pop up for holding. The specific holding method is the shining blade of Eternal Shining Teliga. Of course, there is also a two-handed version, which is basically used as a two-handed broadsword. (Refer to Figure 2)

For the design of the gun mode, the reference given by Star Boss was Yaolan’s gun and Emperor Man’s weapon design and decomposition requirements. Therefore, during the design, the shield was divided into two parts: a round shield and a spear. However, the spear Part of it was not removed because I needed to take into account the transformation and the style of the weapon that was close to the demon orchid. (Refer to Figure 3)

Of course, it can also be folded up directly to form a stick, but personally I don’t really like the fragmented Cybertronian compression technology-style deformation, but I prefer the one where you can see how each part deforms. And just one stick looked too monotonous, so I kept the disc.

In order to be compatible with the gun's Noble Phantasm form, this spear is supposed to be used more like a knight's spear for thrusting. Hold the short end of the spear in the spear mode, and then perform a cavalry charge attack, while the disc and the middle part serve as hand guards. and small shield. Of course, you can also choose to throw it like a javelin after charging and directly kill the opponent (refer to Figure 4, the artist requested to indicate that he is referring to the master of Baator)

As for other modes and the performance of the eye gun defender, please look forward to the follow-up story of Star Boss. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed (^▽^ヾ)

704: Debate and Bet (4k)

["Is it illusory?"

Jing Ke's words were so sharp that the First Emperor unconsciously repeated the most eye-catching words in a soft voice.


Just as Jing Ke said, all the plans of the First Emperor today are just based on his vision for the future. Even the Grateful Soul has not been completed, and it is impossible to 100% confirm whether it can withstand the future as the Emperor wishes. The offensive of the beholder world.

Not to mention that there are many problems, large and small, that he may need to solve.

And now, this plan, which was originally constructed and fantasy, has been exposed by Fujimaru Ritsuka that the existence form of the people in the world of beholder is not perfect. Even this fundamental premise has problems, which makes the First Emperor's plan even more difficult. It sounds like it lacks credibility.

From the perspective of people from the future like Fujimaru Ritsuka, the word "ethereal" to describe his plan is extremely appropriate.

Looking at the expression of the First Emperor when he was meditating, Fusu quickly realized this.

The First Emperor's confident talk before was actually a "bluff" in a sense. He was covering up the fact that he was not 100% sure of completing the Eternal Qin Dynasty, and then tried to force Tatsuka Fujimaru to do so before he could react. Pull her aboard Da Qin's pirate ship.

After all, no matter how feasible this opportunity is, at present, it seems that without the help of Fujimaru Ritsuka, even the initial attempt will not be able to wake up.

If you can't take the first step, there is no success.

And the First Emperor is indeed worthy of his name. In just a few words, he shook Fujimaru Ritsuka's heart, almost making her think that she could not convince the First Emperor at all.

Once this idea came up, Fujimaru Ritsuka was naturally at a disadvantage in negotiations.

After all, Great Qin's strength lies here, and Fujimaru Ritsuka will eventually make concessions in order to avoid a head-on war with Great Qin, whether it is due to inner reasons or practical considerations.

In this case, as Jing Ke said, he would completely fall into the rhythm of the First Emperor.

Fujimaru Ritsuka naturally thought of what Fusu noticed quickly. She glanced at the smiling First Emperor with some fear and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

——He is indeed a famous emperor. Even if he does not have any malice in his heart, he is still careless. By the way, brother, why don’t you remind me?

——You were still pestering me to quarrel just now, and you had no energy to pay attention to the situation outside. How should I know?

The Chen Shi in Fujimaru Ritsuka wiped his forehead where there was no cold sweat, and secretly added something behind his back.

"And how could I have imagined so many twists and turns..."

Chen vowed that he was engaged in scientific research and could not understand the operations of politicians like you.

Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't pay much attention, and just glanced at Jing Ke gratefully. The latter waved his hand and continued to speak to the First Emperor.

"Furthermore, First Emperor, whether your plan succeeds or not, it means that the human history of Ritsuka and the others will be affected. I heard you say before that you received a lot of knowledge from the Holy Grail, and you should be very clear about what will happen if you do this. What?"

Before the First Emperor could answer, Jing Ke spoke out.

"The future will be seriously affected. If it is only mild, it will be fine. Human history also has a certain ability to self-repair, and it can be restored on its own; but if it is serious, Fujimaru Ritsuka and their future will be destroyed by your own hands. , more than 7 billion people will disappear because of your actions! Do you really know?"

"7 billion!?"

Fusu couldn't help but make a sound of astonishment and froze on the spot. For him as an ancient person, such a huge number could feel a magical flavor just by listening to it.

You must know that today's Great Qin has a population of just over 40 million in full calculation. This is still the most ideal state. Considering the survivability of ordinary people in this era, this number is expected to be even less.

After the Chaldean group's science popularization, Fusu vaguely knew that the First Emperor's ideas might have a bad impact on the future, but he did not expect it to be so outrageous.

Tell him all at once that the price paid is directly equivalent to more than 170 times the population of Da Qin. This is not something that can be laughed off.

Even though Fusu was a Da Qin man and sincerely hoped that Da Qin could continue forever, he also clearly understood how outrageous it was to do so.

This situation is different from the Lostbelt that occurs in another world line.

The Eternal Qin Empire there has truly existed for thousands of years, and is a future with the same "weight" as the future of Fujimaru Ritsuka and others. The First Emperor of the Lostbelt also created this Lostbelt without knowing it. The battle with Chaldea was simply a battle for survival.

But listening to Jing Ke’s tone, the First Emperor here knew that it would bring such a result, and still chose to implement his plan before anything happened. This is equivalent to wanting to order the seizure of 7 billion people with his own hands. life to fulfill their ambitions.

Although Fusu knew that his father was an out-and-out careerist and had many political disagreements with him, he never expected that he would be so crazy.


Fusu's voice was trembling a little. He wanted to ask the First Emperor to think twice just like he used to admonish his father in the court, but the words came to his lips but he couldn't say them out. Shock and fear filled his heart.

For the first time, he felt that his father was so strange, as if he had truly recognized him for the first time in his life of more than 10 years.

Regarding Fusu's reaction, the First Emperor just glanced at him. After sighing imperceptibly, as a smiling tiger, he looked at Jingke with a rare expression that did not contain a smile.

"You're a bit talkative, Jing Ke. You just need to know some things well, but in Da Qin, there is no need to let people other than me know. It's enough for me to bear the burden."

The First Emperor did not deny Jing Ke's statement, which also made Fujimaru Ritsuka frown.


Fujimaru Ritsuka found it as difficult to understand as Fusu. Even though she did not have a father-son relationship like Fusu and the First Emperor, she already had some understanding of the First Emperor's character.

He was not an emperor who regarded human life as trivial. Various phenomena in this singularity can prove from the side that the First Emperor valued and respected life.

Fujimaru Ritsuka really didn't want to believe that the other party would take away the future of so many people for his own selfish reasons.

At this time, Chen Zhao, who was from the Celestial Dynasty, made a guess in her mind.

——Perhaps the First Emperor was not satisfied with the future of the land beneath his feet?


Since the First Emperor has received knowledge from the Holy Grail, he will naturally know what has happened in the land under his feet for thousands of years. Even from a tolerant perspective, these thousands of years of history are not very beautiful, and can even be described as "rough." " to describe it.

For a great emperor like Shi Huangdi who had accomplished great unification, if he didn't feel angry, Chen Ou would be the first one not to believe it.

After listening to his brother's explanation, Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes flickered and he tried to ask Chen Shi's opinion.

But what few people didn't expect was that the First Emperor waved his hand indifferently.

"Hahaha, it doesn't have to be like this. I'm not that cautious. Although I am a little dissatisfied with this, considering that this is the result without my leadership, it is more than enough to give a passing grade. After all, they are You’re back on your feet, aren’t you?”

The First Emperor looked at the grateful soul in the center of the space, as if recalling the memories in his mind.

The memory did not last long, and soon, the First Emperor chose to speak again.

"I know you are curious. If this is the case, why do I still do such cruel things?

Before answering your question, I want to ask you, Fujimaru Ritsuka. Can you guarantee that everyone in your future will be happy? "


Fujimaru Ritsuka was slightly startled.


Want to ask her if she is happy?

Although Fujimaru Ritsuka has some regrets in his life so far, he can still give the other party a positive answer on this issue.

But if this question were to be extended to the entire world, Fujimaru Ritsuka had no way to answer the First Emperor immediately.

Because the answer is undoubtedly no. Even in modern times with advanced technology, famine, plague, war and death have never left mankind.

With birth, old age, illness and death, naturally some people will feel unhappy.

Just by looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka's reaction, the First Emperor knew the answer he was thinking of.

"No. Yes, no!"

The history of not just one country, but the whole world flew through the mind of the First Emperor. In his view, they were not the history of foreign countries, but the history that might be attributed to the rule of the Qin Dynasty.

"From the perspective of today's Great Qin, your future is undoubtedly far better than that of Great Qin. There are no monsters, monsters, or real enemies. The unfortunate ones are reduced to the minimum. If you are an ordinary king, you will naturally choose this path. I have to choose this path, but..."

The First Emperor remained calm and assertive, and his aura changed accordingly.

"I am Ying Zheng, the First Emperor! I am the First Emperor who has completed the sweep of Liuhe and will surely unify the world! Such a future is simply not enough! How could I allow unfortunate people to exist among my people?

It would be fine if he died early as in the original trajectory, but the opportunity is now in front of me, how could I let it go!

With two futures in front of you, what reason is there to choose the worse one? "

"It's unreasonable. Do you think you can do something that the whole world has not accomplished for thousands of years by yourself?"

"Why not?"

The First Emperor looked back at Jing Ke. This tall figure in a black dragon robe was calm and calm at the moment, calming everyone present.

"Since I now have enough lifespan, I can definitely do it! No matter what price I pay, I will turn my ambition into reality! The Eternal Qin is here, and I am the Eternal Qin!\

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