"But in the end, it is destined to be the child who feels the most pain."

Mejiro Takane touched his eldest daughter's cheek lovingly, as if stroking fragile porcelain.

The memory goes back to that time 7 years ago.

After learning everything, Mejiro Gaofeng quickly noticed the anomaly of Mejiro McQueen. After all, the mimicry of the scorpion zerg was not perfect. It would occasionally show its original shape when it lost consciousness. How could it possibly deceive the shrewd and capable Mejiro? What about the peak?

But when Mejiro Gaofeng fell into despair, it was this young lady who saved her.

——It’s okay, Sister Gao Feng, I will definitely protect you! I promise you, I will destroy all the zerg!

She was clearly angrier than anyone else, more helpless than anyone else, and more desperate than anyone else, but the purple Ma Niang still cheered up, hugged Mejiro Gaofeng, who had lost the meaning of life, and gave her warm body temperature to Loving elders.

"I knew at that moment that she was an extension of McQueen's child, and also that child's dream. Even if one day she knew everything and filled her with pain and despair, the child would not stop. Bar."

Mejiro Takane looked at the twin turbines again, and in his magnificent purple eyes was the answer that the twin turbines were currently looking for.

"So I will continue this dream. Even if that day comes one day, I will try my best to wait until the last second."

This is different from Mejiro McQueen, and belongs to the determination of Mejiro Peak.

In fact, she did it. Even though Mejiro McQueen became ignorant of the world and had little contact with the outside world, she did extend this dream for a full 7 years, and it will remain so until the last moment.

Mejiro Tamine stood up and bowed deeply to the twin turbines.

"I know what I did was stupid, but I still want to ask you to keep this secret for me."


Twin Turbine was silent. She looked at Mejiro McQueen who looked like a sleeping beauty on the sofa, and she had a clear understanding in her heart at this moment.

She stood up and bowed to Mejiro Peak.

"Thank you, Miss Gaofeng. You helped me figure something out."

"What are you doing?"

"I will keep it a secret because I also want to believe what Miss Gao Feng said."

Twin Turbine showed a relieved smile, and the confusion on his body became less. 】

Celestial daughter-in-law: Wuwu, Sister Gaofeng, my sister Gaofeng, Wuwu...

Only eat a little sweets: Wuwu, Sister Gaofeng, my Sister Gaofeng, Wuwu...

The first-generation cute king: Great. The case of Sister Mejiro McQueen and Sister Mejiro Takashi made Twin Turbine decide to believe Sister Tsurumaru Takeshi!

President of Mellie's Support Association: This is really ironic. Protozoa that are closer to humans have given birth to wrong ideas. Some of the zerg that are hostile to humans have inadvertently saved others.

Shakespeare: The monster who doesn’t understand the human heart learns what the human heart will bring. The sparks that burst out are really amazing.

[After Mimetic Lionheart Dusk and Mi Yu returned to the branch, facing the current situation, the former immediately issued the first order to the latter.

"From the currently known intelligence, it can be seen that the zerg leader seems to have shown extraordinary interest in this special zerg, Tsurumaru Tsuyoshi.

Mi Yu, taking Lei Fei, captured this special insect, and maybe he could find a way to defeat the leader of the insect in it. "

This is a lie.

This is not what Mimic Lionheart Dusk thinks at all.

For the zerg leader, as long as he surpasses the insect meter, there is nothing to fear. What the protozoa side wants to know is just why Tsurumaru Takeshi can complete the molt so quickly.

Protozoa and zerg look very similar, but have completely different physiological habits.

Their adult stage is very powerful, far exceeding the strength of ordinary zerg adults, but instead, their larval state is generally weak, and the time required to complete molting is even longer.

It has only been 7 years since the zerg came to the earth, and a large number of adult worms have continued to appear. However, it has been a full 15 years since the protozoa came here. Only Tsurumaru Tsuyoshi has completed the molting. It can even be said that she is still extremely In rare cases, it takes at least 30 years for normal protozoa to survive.

Therefore, Tsurumaru Tsuyoshi is also very important to the protozoa.

"This... okay, I get it."

Mi Yu, who didn't know what the other person was thinking, looked hesitant after receiving the photo from Mimic Lion Heart Dusk.

She remembered that this horse girl named Tsurumaru Goushi, the East China Sea Emperor and the twin turbines had a relatively close relationship with each other. When a powerful enemy like the Zerg leader appeared, they had to fight with the East China Sea Emperor, one of the most powerful ones. Is it really wise to turn against one another?

Mi Yu didn't know the answer, but in the end he chose the perfect harmony that Lionheart Dusk taught him and obeyed the other party's orders.

In a ZECT sanatorium located on the seaside, a short-haired Ma Niang was locked in a special closed room. There was only a glass window at the door to see the outside situation, but Special Zhou, who had long been tired of seeing the scenery, could only Biting the carrot boredly, waiting for her knight's daily visit.

Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long today. An orange-haired horse lady quickly arrived, attracting Qi Zhou's attention.

"Let me reward you!"

As if seeing its owner, the husky pricked up its ears, ate its own carrot in two or three mouthfuls, and came to the window with a vague mouth, its tail wagging behind it.

Seeing that she was still energetic, Silent Suzuka also showed a peaceful smile.

"Eat your food before you talk, Xiaote, did they bully you today?"

"That's not true. My uncles and aunts are pretty good to me. Although I have to wear that strange bracelet, they still let me practice well. Well, I just have to stay in this room and I'm not allowed to leave this nursing home. ”

As Qi Qizhou spoke, a look of worry appeared on his pretty face.

"I have no problem, but what about you, Suzuka-san? You look very tired recently."


Silent Suzuka pursed her lips. During this period, she joined ZECT for a special week and was assigned to lead a team to participate in various battles against Zerg.

Several requests to see Lionheart Dusk were also denied.

To be honest, she was in a very bad mood and was always in a state of composure. She wanted to run freely rather than fight, but in order to protect Xiaote, she had to obey ZECT's orders.

"It's okay, Xiaote. Don't worry, I will definitely rescue you."

Assuring the other party with a forced smile, Silent Suzuka left here under Special Zhou's worried gaze, because she noticed that a black horse girl was waiting for her in the blind spot of Special Zhou's sight.

"What's the matter?"

Faced with the kidnapping of Mi Yu, even though Silent Suzuka knew that the other party was just as helpless as herself and was just obeying orders, she still wouldn't give him a good look.

Mi Yu knew this very well and just shrank his neck in disappointment.

"The commander-in-chief ordered us to arrest the horse girl named Tsurumaru Goushi."

"Catch the horse girl?"

Silent Suzuka sneered. Previously, she was asked to engage in an internal knight fight with Kabuto and the others, and now she is kidnapping Ma Ni.

——ZECT is really an out-and-out insect organization. Is this really an organization whose goal is to eliminate zerg?

Silent Suzuka thought maliciously, and her face became more and more gloomy. Seeing this, Miyu became a little worried.

——It doesn’t matter if the other party hates you, but what if you hate the commander-in-chief?

So she immediately added.

"Then, that Tsurumaru Tsuyoshi said he was a zerg."

But what Miyu didn't expect was that it was a good thing she didn't say this. As soon as she said this, Silent Suzuka's expression turned even worse, as if she would start a fight with Miyu here in the next second.

Mi Yu was so frightened that he trembled and didn't know what the problem was with his words.

In the end, Silent Suzuka suppressed the anger in her heart. If she showed disobedience here, the hope of rescuing Special Zhou would become even slimmer.

"Let's go."

After leaving a cold sentence, Suzuka silently walked away from here. Mi Yu was stunned for a moment, but still followed. 】

402: Sisters (4k)


Confusion and fear continued to grow in his mind, followed by a strong sense of dizziness and nausea. Tsurumaru Takeshi had to use his newly mastered rising time to run desperately, escape from everyone he knew, and go to A place that no one can find.

Finally, when the poor horse lady came to her senses, she was already at a strange riverside.

Staggering towards the news of the small river, Tsurumaru Tsuyoshi cast his gaze towards the reflection in the water.

On the slightly undulating water, the person looking at her at this moment was not the monster she had imagined, but a horse lady with short black shoulder-length hair and a slender figure.

Those purple eyes stared quietly at himself in another world, as if comforting Tsurumaru Takeshi to tell him that everything before was just a nightmare.


Looking at his now white hands again, Tsurumaru Takeshi knew that feeling was a real illusion.

Her instincts, her body, her soul...

Now that she has awakened, she has a profound understanding of what kind of existence she is——

Underneath this beautiful skin lies a disgusting monster.

His vision was blurred by hazy water vapor, Tsurumaru Tsuyoshi pretended to be strong and wiped away his tears, but the tears still flowed from his eyes and passed over his smooth and pretty face.

At this moment, she finally understood what Lionheart said that day at dusk.

He had indeed opened Pandora's box that he should not have opened, and released the monster called "truth", and he would also pay the price for his ignorance. Now he has become a monster. No, he who was a monster from the beginning will never return. I can't be with you anymore.

With this in mind, Tsurumaru Tsuyoshi stood up and took steps again.

She didn't know where she should go, but she didn't want to stop. Once she had time, the endless sorrow and confusion would strangle her throat again, making it difficult for her to breathe.

On the other side, the Emperor of the East China Sea came to the tombstone of Tsurumaru Tsuyoshi's parents, his eyes full of complex emotions at this moment.

Memories slowly flashed by, and the figures of the two relatives emerged in the mind of the Donghai Emperor. The Donghai Emperor's biological father was a human trainer named Tsurumaru, and his biological mother was a racehorse whose original name was Donghai Ziran. mother.

According to her memory, the two were very loving. Her mother had not shown any talent in racing and was even a little sick.

But just like when God closes a door for you, he will always open another window for you.

Although Donghai is naturally weak, he is extremely talented in the field of scientific research. He skipped a grade before graduating and received a degree certificate from a prestigious university before he was 20 years old. He has received invitations from many well-known research laboratories.

The Emperor of the East China Sea was very satisfied with such a family at that time and loved such family members deeply. When he learned that he was about to have a younger sister, he was also fully looking forward to the addition of this new member.

But it all came to nothing at that moment 7 years ago.

When the meteorite fell, the Emperor of the East China Sea saw his long-separated parents showing a terrifying green posture, and his dusty memories were awakened at the same time.

In the complicated eyes of the audience, some childhood clips of the Emperor of the East China Sea began to play in the video——

Not long after he learned that his family was about to add a new member, the Emperor of the East China Sea was spotted by Donghai's childhood sweetheart, Ruduo Symbol, because of his extraordinary racing talent. He went to the Symbol's house to receive the emperor's personal guidance.

On the day before leaving, Donghai Emperor accidentally saw two green things entering his home in the corner of his eye after getting in the car.

The protozoa moved very quickly, and the young Emperor of the East China Sea did not fully see their figures, but felt a faint sense of uneasiness.

But she stopped the driver who came to pick her up, and lied that she had forgotten the thing and returned home.

Everything is business as usual.

The smiles of his parents were still so gentle and kind. The Emperor of the East China Sea wandered around the house on the pretext of looking for something, but he did not see the strange thing he saw at a glance.

——What, I really saw it wrong...

The Emperor of the East China Sea thought this way, returned the same smile to his smiling "parents", and happily embarked on the road to chase his idol.

However, this could not be further from the truth!

It turns out that the scene in which I was laughed off as a delusion when I was a child is actually an unshakable reality. My parents have been tricked by these monsters for a long time, but I have always turned a blind eye to them.

Dark emotions surged in her heart. When she came to her senses, she was already standing in front of the ruins with the belt given to her by Jiado, staring coldly at the trembling son of the monster in the gap in the ruins.

Then, the 16-year-old Emperor of the East China Sea extended his hand to the cub...]

Rice Herrscher: Is this really the case...

White Tyrant: Isn’t this too cruel for Miss Donghai Emperor?

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