Seeing that the horseshoe crab really left, Tsuna Sukawa finally breathed a sigh of relief and canceled the transformation.

Seeing the Scorpion Insect Instrument jump up and grab the Scorpion Sword in his hand and leave angrily, Junkawa Tetsuna gave a bitter smile, and then looked at the twin turbines with a solemn expression.

"Miss Twin Turbo, because you entered the restricted area without permission, our ZECT's top secrets may have been known to the Zerg side. Even Miss Commander-in-Chief may not be able to protect you this time."

Twin Turbine was dizzy with the huge amount of information obtained from the investigation of this incident, and instinctively looked in the direction of the East China Sea Emperor, but there was no one there at this time.

It turned out that while Junkawa Tezuna was still fighting, the East China Sea Emperor had already left here and went to look for Tsurumaru Takeshi in a hurry.

"Ah this..."

The twin turbines that did not escape in time have now lost any chance of escape under the smiling gaze of Sunukawa Tetsuna, and can only hesitantly try to explain.

Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration and remembered what Tong Dou said, so she naturally found an excuse to pass the blame to Lion Heart Dusk.

"It was Torena who arranged for us to come! She said we should know about the existence of the Transcendent Insect Device!"


Junkawa Tetsuna was stunned for a moment. Before she could say anything, a voice with a young tone but a deep tone rang out at an inappropriate time.

"Amazing. I didn't expect that Lionheart Dusk, who was so strategizing, would make such a big mistake. It's really disappointing."

Twin Turbine followed the sound and saw an orange-haired girl (?) wearing a purple dress and a white hat walking slowly surrounded by a large number of ant soldiers. The fan she opened in her hand actually said There is a big word "surprise".

Twin Turbine knew each other. This person was Akikawa Yayoi, the chairman of Central Tereson Academy.

I heard from Ikuno Didus that the other party was also the largest shareholder of ZECT. Trainer Lionheart Dusk's current position as commander-in-chief was largely due to the other party's promotion.

And such a big shot actually appeared in person in such a dangerous blockade area.

This made Twin Turbine frown, and subconsciously thought of the records in the underground laboratory and the unknown person who made a pitiful scream.

Her intuition told her that this must be the key to the problem this time.

While thinking, Akikawa Yayoi had already completed the deployment of the team, covered the lower half of her face with a folding fan and leaned over.

"Twin Turbine classmates, can you tell me carefully about what the Lionheart Twilight trainer has arranged for you?"

"Uh, I'm not sure. Torena just asked us to come over and take a look."

Staring into Akikawa Yayoi's smiling eyes, Twin Turbine lied almost instinctively.

She concealed the existence of the Bronze Knight, and even she herself didn't know why.

Maybe... it was because she vaguely felt that Akikawa Yayoi's smile in front of her was a little fake. 】

400: Substituting one thing for another (5k)

[The commotion at the Tokyo Racecourse soon reached the ears of Lionheart Dusk, who was immersed in the final debugging of the Silver Knight.

When she heard that Twin Turbine personally identified herself as the culprit of the commotion, the tall black-haired horse girl showed a helpless smile, but did not deny the sudden blame, and instead admitted it generously. a little.

This is how it should be. Even without this commotion, when the time comes, Lionheart Dusk will find a way to lead the Emperor of the East China Sea there. It is only a matter of time before the existence of the Beyond Insect Instrument is exposed to the Zerg.

No, it would be better to say that if the Zerg didn't know how to surpass the Insect Meter, Lionheart Dusk would be in trouble.

It's not okay for the Zerg to lose too quickly. At least they have to wait until the East China Sea Emperor has fully grown up.

Shaking his head, Lionheart Dusk turned and looked into the depths of his private laboratory. In the shadows there, a pair of bright eyes like violet gems were watching her quietly.

"I'll leave the final debugging phase of the Silver Knight and the Golden Knight to you. After that, I will completely delete all my memories of the 'Three Knights Plan'."


The man in the shadow did not reply immediately, as if he was thinking whether it was worth it to go to such a point. After a long time, he said something new.

"With Ma Niang's mental strength, neither the zerg nor the protozoa will easily accept your memories, and they probably won't be able to bear it. Is it really necessary to do this?"

"I'm just preparing for the worst. After all, you said it, it's just 'should', right? Who can guarantee that the protozoa haven't found a way to overcome this in the past 15 years?"

Lionheart Dusk lay on a device full of science fiction style and motioned with his eyes to the other party to come over and operate it.

"Well, your plans never go wrong."

After the latter paused for a moment, he walked to the console. When the other party's attention was not on him, Lionheart Dusk's face that had always remained indifferent showed a hint of fatigue.

"Besides, I don't believe in my own will. After all, I'm a loser who gives up halfway..."

Lionheart Dusk's voice was very soft, so soft that no one but her could hear these weak words that would probably surprise those who were familiar with her. 】

The cutest person in the world: has a story! There is a story in this Lionheart Twilight!

Starburst Abandoned Healing: The East China Sea Emperor's biological sister was replaced by that protozoa, and the most important leg for an athlete was broken; Mejiro McQueen's whole family was directly wiped out, and he didn't even notice that he was a Zerg; Mi Yu, Cao Cao Shang Fei and Silent Suzuka also had tragic experiences; even the most optimistic Twin Turbine had a dead friend (her perspective); now even Lionheart Twilight seems to have a story...

Starburst Abandoned Healing and Slash: All the members of Jia Dou are so beautiful, strong and miserable!

Respect for Death: Lionheart Twilight loves Twin Turbo too much, even if he takes such a scapegoat, he is not angry with Twin Turbo, Lionheart Twilight x Twin Turbo! Respect death!

Iron Lady: Can I get CP for you?

Respect Death: Ma Niang’s CP is unlimited, any Ma Niang can create CP (I’m sure)!

Imperial Dance Steps: This collaborator’s voice sounds familiar...

[In the corridor leading to the ZECT headquarters conference room, with the same cold expression as before, Lionheart Dusk, wearing a black suit, walked quietly under the escort of two elite ant soldiers directly under the headquarters.

When passing a place, a petite horse girl with long black hair rushed out, but was stopped by one of the ant soldiers with quick eyes and hands.

"Let me go! Commander, what did she do wrong? You can't do this to her!"

Mi Yu, who was stopped, showed an angry look. She looked at Lion Heart Huang Huang, whose hands were handcuffed. She was about to raise her hand to call the Queen Bee Insect Instrument, but was stopped by Lion Heart Huang Huang's calm words.

"Stop, Mi Yu, obey the order. Have you forgotten the perfect blend I taught you?"


The petite Ma Niang trembled all over, and her raised hands succumbed like eggplants beaten by frost, but there was still a stubbornness in her eyes.

"But Commander-in-Chief, you have done so much for ZECT, yet you are treated like this just because of a single mistake. This is too much..."

"Rice bath!"


The second time he stopped him, Mi Yu heard the stern tone and stopped talking completely.

Seeing this, the two ant soldiers nodded to each other, and one of them pulled Mi Yu out. In order to ensure the smooth progress of this trial, Mi Yu, who showed a sense of resistance, could not let her stay in the headquarters.

So, just like that, the listless Mi Yu was kicked out of the ZECT headquarters.

Sitting on the lawn not far from the headquarters, Mi Yu's ears drooped slightly, showing a lost look.

However, someone didn't seem to want to give her any emo time. Next to her, a non-mainstream horse lady was lying on the lawn in a "big" shape.

"That's great for you. There is actually someone who expects something from you."


Mi Yu turned his head and looked blankly, only to see Ms. Flying Grass on the Grass who suddenly appeared in the previous battle and saved her and others' lives, lazily staring at the sky with a piece of grass in her mouth.

Mi Yu was stunned, never expecting that he would meet the former captain again so soon.

As for the mysterious Kicking Locust, it was an unknown knight that was not recorded in the ZECT files at all.

After the battle, the ant soldiers originally wanted to take Cao Shangfei back into custody, but they didn't expect that Ma Niang, who had changed her appearance so much, was actually pretending to be stunned at that time. She rushed out with an ejection and disappeared in a flash.

As a result, this guy now appeared so openly so close to the ZECT headquarters, which really made Mi Yu completely confused about this guy.

As for Mi Yu's surprise, Cao Shangfei didn't care at all.

"Unlike me, I am already at the bottom of hell. I have nothing at all."

With that said, she sat up and looked directly into Mi Yu's beautiful purple eyes.

"So, don't worry about that boring perfect blend. If you don't grasp the last remaining things, you will be like me."

"don't want."

Mi Yu also looked into the other person's eyes. There was only darkness and nothingness in those blue eyes, which even made her feel a little scared.

"Perfect harmony is what the Commander-in-Chief taught me. I will not let the Commander-in-Chief down!"

Hearing Mi Yu's answer, Cao Shangfei sneered with interest.

"How nice of you to have such lovely fantasies."

With that said, she stood up and staggered towards the distance.

"I'll wait for you in the hell below, Mi Yu, hehehe...\

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