At this time, Twin Turbine's phone finally got through, and Ikuno Didus, who was in the van and was following the temporary captain's order to contact the headquarters, put his phone to his ear.


"Can you hear me, Didus? No matter what I say next, you must remain calm and don't make any unnecessary expressions."


Ikuno Didus responded in a low voice, and from the tone of the twin turbines, she heard the urgency of the situation.

"We just found the body of the temporary captain. The person with you is a Zerg. Please take your belt and run away immediately. Someone will come to pick you up."


Ikuno Didus's pupils shrank slightly, and when she was about to calmly pick up her belt and jump out of the car, a pistol was pointed at her head.

"Unfortunately, our hearing is much better than yours."

The temporary captain smiled evilly and was about to pull the trigger to end Ikuno Didus' name when the van suddenly shook violently.

The temporary captain fell unsteadily to the side, and Ikuno Didus also seized the opportunity to kick open the car door and jump out.

The next second, she landed on a speeding motorcycle and was caught by the driver of the motorcycle.

"It's you!"

"Hey, did I tell you? I will return the favor regarding the pork chop rice!"

The Emperor of the East China Sea smiled while flicking his tail to stop the Armor Extender. After taking back the belt from Ikuno Didus, she got out of the car and looked at the brand new Flea Zerg that got off the car.

Behind it, many larvae also came out, obviously wanting to get rid of the East China Sea Emperor here.

The leader of the flea zerg made a temporary captain's voice.

"As expected, you are Kato!"

"You are also a fool who asks stupid questions. Then see the brilliance of the sun for yourself. Transform."


The Emperor of the East China Sea transformed into a mask mode, took out his kunai gun and shot at fleas, insects and larvae.

Facing the fierce gunfire from Jia Dou, Flea and Zerg did not hesitate to use Time Upgrade.

The flea bug's white body disappeared in place, and only the larvae that had no time to dodge were hit by the bullets and exploded one after another.

In the light of the fire, just when the Emperor of the East China Sea was about to explode her armor and activate the time-upgrade together with the enemy, a yellow afterimage interrupted her movements.

With the help of the ultra-high-speed dynamic vision brought by the knight's compound eyes, the Emperor of the East China Sea could see that in the world of rising time, a knight with a shape similar to a wasp flashed out from the side and used continuous punches against the flea and insect that were caught off guard.

The huge punch force is like an industrial pile driver, and each punch can easily leave eye-catching cracks on the hard shell of the zerg.

The storm-like continuous attack ended. The flea and worm were unable to fight back under this terrifying offensive and fell into a state of freeze. The knight also took this opportunity to launch a killing blow.

"Knight Sting!"

Unlike the Emperor of the East China Sea, this knight pressed the mechanical wasp on his wrist, and the stinging tail of the wasp expanded. A strong electric current wrapped around the wasp, and finally concentrated on one point and was swung out by the knight.

"Rider Sting!"

The extremely penetrating jab penetrated the Zerg's body, and a violent explosion occurred.

At the last moment when the rising time was over, the yellow knight's black compound eyes looked at the East China Sea Emperor, and then she quickly left the scene without any nostalgia.

"The new Kamen Rider..."

Ordinary people cannot see the situation of rising time. From the perspective of Ikuno Didus, the fleas and zerg were just shot by the Emperor of the East China Sea with a gun, but only the Emperor of the East China Sea knew clearly that the enemy was not defeated by him. .

"I feel like things are getting interesting."

Looking at the direction in which the Hornet Knight left, the East China Sea Emperor murmured to himself.

"Crossing the line! Amazing finish, one by Tsurumaru Takeshi! Won by 1 and 1/2 lengths! Let us congratulate this future star..."


Standing on the dirt with his knees propped up, Tsurumaru Tsuyoshi had no time to wipe the sweat off his face and subconsciously looked towards the auditorium.

There she saw it.

In addition to the Northern Genju who had already arrived, the Tokai Emperor, Twin Turbine and Ikuno Didus, whom they had met several times, were all there to cheer for their victory.


The smile on the East China Sea Emperor's face was very sincere at the moment, and he was lip-syncing to himself.

"Come on the winner's stage!"

Warmth spread in my heart, and the seven years of loneliness were somewhat filled at this moment. Tsurumaru Takeshi also showed a smile, waved to this side, and walked to the lounge.

Watching the interaction between the two, Ikuno Didus pushed up his glasses.

"As for Kato, I will report to the superiors that no transformer has been found."

"Oh why?"

Emperor Donghai asked with interest.

"Just think of it as a return gift for saving your life.\

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