It is clear that Qi Wen Jiedou will eventually die in Kaiwu's arms, and Kaiwu is obviously a heavyweight knight.

"Thinking about it this way, you are so suspicious. Could it be that you are really a child of another dimension? Would it be dangerous for me to hang out with you? I might also be involved in some kind of knight war. ?”

Thinking of this, Hikigaya Hachiman shuddered.

"Then you want to be a Kamen Rider?"

Chen Shi put down his phone for the first time since the beginning of the chat, and looked at Hikigaya Hachiman's face with a smile. The latter was stunned, feeling that the other party seemed to have something to say, but while thinking, he heard what Chen Shi was saying again. another person asked.

"What about you, Kato? If you had the chance, would you want to be a Kamen Rider?"


Hikigaya Hachiman raised his head in surprise, and his eyes noticed that at some point, there was a cute short-haired girl standing next to him and Chen Shi.

The girl had a black bob hair, and her expression was slightly surprised at this time, as if she didn't expect that Chen Xiao would suddenly talk to her.

"Are you calling me, classmate Chen Shi?"

"There shouldn't be anyone else named Kato in the class, right? You've been standing next to us since the topic started. Don't you want to join in the chat?"

Chen Shi responded calmly, but the other two couldn't calm down at all.

Hikigaya Hachiman: Huh? Is there anyone named Kato in our class?

Hikigaya Hachiman, who claims to have amazing powers of observation, but actually has amazing powers of observation, was a little panicked. His friend suddenly told him that an unknown person was a classmate whom he had been with for a year, which was indeed a bit scary.

--Um? This guy Chen Shi and I should be considered friends, right?

Megumi Kato: Someone can actually notice me. Chen Shi-san is really special.

Megumi Kato, who prides herself on having a thin presence, actually has a thin sense of presence, is a little happy. After all, this is the first time that a classmate has called her by the right name the first time she talks to him. It is indeed worthy of happiness.

Thinking of this, Kato Megumi simply joined the conversation.

"It would be a lie to say that I don't want to do it at all, but I am a little afraid of fighting scary monsters, and I don't want to experience the tragic fate of the Kamen Riders."

Although Hikigaya Hachiman was very concerned about Kato Megumi's identity, he nodded. In the current two Kamen Riders, the knights often have more or less tragic experiences.

He can endure his own pain, but he is also afraid that misfortune will happen to those around him, so Hikigaya Hachiman feels that he will not be a qualified Kamen Rider.

"What about Chen Shi? If you had the chance, would you want to be a Kamen Rider?"

Kato Megumi looked at Chen Shi, a little curious about what this special boy was thinking, and Hikigaya Hachiman also turned his head to look here in time.

Chen Shi paused for a moment, and then showed the brightest smile Hikigaya Hachiman had seen since he met him. It was a more genuine smile than the one he showed after successfully teasing him and Yukinoshita.

"Yes! If there is such an opportunity in front of me and it will bring good results, I will seize this opportunity no matter what!"

Chen Shi said with such a bright smile.

"I love Kamen Rider the most!"

——This is the "real thing".

When Hikigaya Hachiman and Kato Megumi heard each other's smiling words, such thoughts appeared in their minds at the same time.

Time flew by, and soon, this normal chat between classes became a thing of the past.

And it’s time for New Riders to premiere.

[Meteor shower, an astronomical phenomenon in which beautiful meteors streak across the sky in swarms.

Legend has it that whenever a meteor shower appears, it will bring good luck.

The Emperor of the East China Sea/Tsurumaru Tsuyoshi once believed so.

Until that day 7 years ago.

The moment when I successfully won the Japanese Derby/the moment when the meteor shower broke through the atmosphere and continued to magnify in the field of vision...

I lost my dream/I became alone.

The Tokyo arena was buried under rubble, and a huge hole opened up in my heart.


The existences from the universe are far more than just these...

The video begins with the voices and perspectives of the two girls.

It was clear that the two people were talking about different things, but they had an amazing synchronization rate.

And as time went by, when the meteorite fell and hit the Tokyo Racecourse, the words of the two almost perfectly overlapped and they spoke in unison.

The video finally freezes on the scene where the Emperor of the East China Sea looks at his right foot that was crushed under the rubble.

The picture dimmed.

The 23-year-old Emperor of the East China Sea opened his eyes, stood up and looked at his right foot. Judging from the appearance, it was a white and beautiful foot. 】

Emperor Dance Steps: Holy shit, lightning struck at the opening, and my legs were gone!

Cancer of the Earth: I was shocked. Why was there a knife in the opening scene?

Eat only a little sweets: So the emperor has become more mature and steady in the trailer. Is it because of his broken leg?

Imperial dance moves: I was so scared that I quickly hugged my jiojio. Speaking of which, the other Ma Niang is indeed Tsuyoshi. She is a lot more mature in the trailer, so I’m not sure.

Imperial Dance: Wait, if my leg is broken, doesn’t that mean I’m losing the Triple Crown? Don’t do this kind of thing!

The amazing opening shocked many horse racing girls and the audience. Seeing how the Emperor of the East China Sea showed off in the trailer, they thought it would be a story about Ma Aotian that was exciting from beginning to end. They could not guess the beginning. The East China Sea Emperor's leg was broken.

Many Ma Niang who knew the Emperor of the East China Sea suddenly understood why the Emperor of the East China Sea's personality had changed. After such an accident, the body and mind suffered a double blow, it would be incredible if he could remain the same.

"Judging from the president's sayings and sayings that the emperor has made, it seems that the child's subsequent ideological work will be done by you, the president."

In the Teresin Student Union office, Qi Tong said symbolically to Lu Duo, who also nodded.

"If I can get that child back on his feet, I should be very happy in that world, but..."

Lu Duo recalled the scene where the East China Sea Emperor was injured, and his brows wrinkled unconsciously.

——Is your right foot injured too? The fate of these two geniuses is really similar.

Just when the audience was shocked by the opening lightning strike, an even more shocking picture appeared.

[The East China Sea Emperor who got up was stunned for a long time and whispered unconsciously.

"It's okay, I'm by your side..."

The perspective also came to a high school warehouse. A handsome male student walked in with two cute junior girls hugging each other.

Looking at their ambiguous atmosphere and cuddling movements, it was obvious that the male student wanted to give the two girls a good tutoring session on health and physical education. 】

Many viewers called him "good guy" when they saw this.

Some men showed a healthy smile like "Boy, there is something, GKD."

Some women look down upon this Neptune behavior.

Some singles call out, "Hurry up and explode now!"

[Then, in front of everyone’s astonished gaze, a girl held in the arms of a male student performed a transformation on the spot.

From a petite and cute beautiful girl, she turned into a tall and handsome boy, and this boy's face and body shape were exactly the same as the male student holding him.


The male student screamed, pushed the boy in his arms away, and backed away while protecting the other girl. The boy's position was just blocking the door, so the two could only retreat into the warehouse.

The boy who was pushed back a few steps showed a handsome smile, but it was so terrifying in the eyes of the male students.

After smiling, the boy stopped pretending, and directly showed the prototype and transformed into a tall green monster. This monster has many characteristics of insects. If you look at the back from a distance, it looks a bit like an insect cocoon, giving people a ferocious look. And scary.

The male student almost fainted with fright, but he still manfully protected the other girl behind him and comforted her.

"It's okay, I will protect you."

"Well, thank you, senior."

Maybe it was because someone being with him gave him some courage. The male student nodded. He was about to go forward and fight the green monster, but he was stunned in the next second.

——Does the voice that just answered me sound familiar?

Behind the male student, the cute female student had long since disappeared. In her place, a boy who looked exactly like the male student was staring at his back with a bright smile. 】

343: Emperor of the East China Sea (4k)

Many viewers were shocked when they saw the poor passerby being made into two buns with cheese by two green insect monsters.

Chaos Evil Gudazi: Wow! I didn't feel much about it when I watched the trailer, but now I realize that the monsters in the armor are so sane!

Goblin King: Bugs, annoying.

Super Galaxy Eye Tachyon: Is this ability mimicry? All these monsters seem to have the ability to mimic humans.

Barus: Suddenly, I feel that the world of Kato is a bit scary!

The great teacher’s dead fish eyes: Yes, the companion you usually spend time with day and night may be a giant bug inside.

Cancer of the Earth: Stop it! Stop talking! I'm going to cry!

Doctor: I find it very interesting. How long does it take for this kind of creature to imitate others? To what extent can mimicry be achieved? What media is needed? These are all interesting topics.

Black Bullet: Mimicry? This is indeed a relatively common ability among insects.

Ou Chimao: It feels so scary.

[The heart-rending screams of the male students came from the warehouse, and the setting sun was approaching, making this scene even more eerie and gloomy.

At the same time, a group of people took action.

In the dim office, a woman wearing a green OL suit from head to toe narrowed her eyes and gave instructions through the phone in her hand.

"Worm confirmed, operation begins."


In the van on the other end of the phone, a middle-aged man wearing a uniform with "ZECT" printed on it and a lollipop in his mouth responded. Beside him, a bespectacled horse girl named Ikuno Didus nodded slightly and spoke to his troops. Orders were given.

A large number of armed off-road vehicles were dispatched and arrived at the designated location within minutes, surrounding a large warehouse of a school. The students in the school had already been emptied by ZECT in the name of school renovation.

In the van, Ikuno Didus frowned slightly as he looked at the two figures displayed in the thermal imaging detection response on the instrument that were clearly not human.

"The zerg is discovered, the whole team takes action."

The door of the armed vehicle opened, and soldiers wearing ant-shaped armor got out of the car quickly and orderly one after another. They formed a formation as quickly as possible and broke into the warehouse.

These warriors are called ant soldiers by ZECT and are currently the frontline combatants against monsters called zerg.

The ant soldiers who broke into the warehouse quickly fought with the zerg. At first, relying on the large number of people and the firepower of long-range firearms to suppress the fire, the advantage came to the ant soldiers. However, with the appearance of other zerg reinforcements, the battle was dragged into a large area. A form of melee.

The battle lines were divided, and the weaker human camp began to be suppressed.

What's even more troublesome is...

"The caloric value has increased to 384k, and the weight value has reached 240..."

In the van outside the warehouse, Ikuno Didus adjusted her glasses seriously and analyzed the data sent from the ant soldiers. From her perspective, she could observe three zerg. The zerg are in a completely different state.

Their originally green biological carapace quickly turns red, and their bodies begin to emit extremely high-temperature water vapor.

Ikuno Didus, who had been dealing with Zerg for some time, knew what was going on, so he immediately yelled into the headset.

"Attention everyone! The zerg is about to shed its shell!"

Almost at the moment when Didus Ikuno's order was given to the ears of every ant soldier, the shell of the high-heat red insect burst and exploded. The three insects also completed the so-called molting simultaneously, and the three insects were revealed in front of everyone. Spider-like zerg in different colors.

Their appearance is even more ferocious, with colorful patterns on their bodies even forming the shape of skulls.

Facing the three adult insects that appeared in one breath, the middle-aged man whose real name was Nishizaki Ryu but was always called Okino T knew that everything was over. If there was only one of them, he could still use the human sea tactic to consume them. Three of them But it is far beyond the capabilities of their ZECT combat force. All they can do now is give it a try.

So Okino T immediately issued a new order.

"Defeat them before they Clock Up!"

The next second the order was issued, the ant soldiers who still retained their combat capabilities immediately poured out all their bullets on the three adult insects. If they were ordinary people or larval insects, they would not be able to escape such a dragnet attack.

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