"But I'm in a hurry, so I'll stop here today."

The swords in both hands were so fast that afterimages appeared, and the woman made a double slash that Ritsuka's eyesight could not catch.

She thought that this attack was inevitable, but what surprised the woman was that Ritsuka's sight clearly did not see the woman's attack, but she still prepared the correct defensive posture at the first time and received it at the minimum cost. this attack.

It's combat experience!

The woman who is also a warrior immediately understood the essence of this phenomenon. The girl in front of her, who looked less than 20 years old, had unimaginable combat experience. These experiences turned into sharp judgment and combat intuition for combat, helping She blocked her own attack.

But that was all. The woman could tell that the girl was not good at close combat, and the action just now was already at the limit.

In the blink of an eye, the woman thought so much and made a final decision. She kicked Ritsuka in the chest and knocked him to the ground, rolling around several times.

At this moment, Amiya was also hit here by the dragon knight's Bengyuan body, and the transformation was released.

The war situation took a turn for the worse, and disaster never came singly.

While everyone's attention was focused on Ritsuka and Amiya, Dr. Pac-Man appeared behind everyone and pointed the faulty drive at Kira.

As Kirara screamed, a brand new virus was injected into her body. Everyone was shocked and hurriedly distanced themselves from Dr. Pac-Man, but it was too late. Kirara passed out in pain.

The Dragon Knight Bengyuan body released its transformation and returned to Dr. Pac-Man with the woman. Amiya looked at him and immediately noticed the faulty drive in his hand.

"Are you the ones spreading that Pac-Man virus?"


Dr. Pac-Man, whose body was flashing data streams, stared at Amiya who asked the question for a while, then nodded and introduced himself to everyone.

"My name is Dr. Pac-Man."

"Why do you do this?"

Ritsuka asked as she stood up, holding her chest.

"For the sublimation of all mankind."

Dr. Pac-Man glanced at his hand that was flashing an orange data stream and said almost fanatically.

"The sublimation of humanity?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. After everything is over, everyone will understand."

After saying that, Dr. Pac-Man left the scene with the other two people. Everything that needed to be done was done, and all that was left was to wait. 】

Companions of Justice (Expired): The Ascension of Humanity?

Infinite Snake: Roar~ Things are starting to get interesting!

The Day the Gods Fallen: Is this the so-called human sublimation? I want to see it too.

Traveler: Is it my imagination? Why do I feel that the boss who is related to Ritsuka has such a high-level goal? The boss that was linked last time was a member of an organization that longed for the redemption of mankind. Now Dr. Pac-Man has directly stated that he wants to sublimate mankind.

Emergency food: It’s true when you say that.

Chaos Evil Gudazi: Hey...thinking about it, I just look like a villain for trying so hard to stop them!

Beast of Mercy: Humph! Have you finally realized your stupidity?

President of Meili's Support Club: Don't feel confused, Fujimaru. What you did was not wrong, and there is essentially no difference between good intentions and bad intentions imposed on everyone.

ZIO Second Generation: Yes, no one can forcefully choose the future for others. Human beings must rely on their own eyes to see, their own ears to hear, their own bodies to feel, and ultimately their own hearts to make decisions. OK. Kamen Riders may not fight for justice, but what they need to protect is human beings' freedom to make their own choices.

The great teacher’s dead eyes: Who are you? If you're kidnapped, just blink.

Iron Fist Invincible: How long does it take for your kid to come back? Why does it take so long to go back to your hometown? If you don’t come back, your attendance will be lost!

ZIO Generation 2: Well, it should be soon. I’ll be back after finishing my work here, maybe?

[In Rhode Island Hospital, Warfarin and other doctors are extremely busy at the moment. According to rough statistics, there are more than 100,000 patients infected with Pac-Man disease around the world.

Amiya and Precious moved Ritsuka and the others, as well as the comatose Kirara, to the CR Center, but the instruments here were unable to detect the symptoms of gaming sickness in Ritsuka and Kirara. Obviously, Dr. Pac-Man The virus injected into Kirara was a brand new virus that had not been recorded.

Afterwards, the two sides conducted a basic exchange of information, and Amiya used her knowledge of the game to answer Ritsuka's doubts about "why Pac-Man would attack her first."

"The enemy in this game called "Pac-Man" is called Ghost (Spirit Rider). Only Ghost can defeat Pac-Man! I think Pac-Man attacks Ms. Ritsuka first to eliminate the threat first."

Theresa came over midway and asked Ritsuka that she wanted to leave my soul to study the method of defeating Pac-Man. The two sides also decided to act separately. The doctor camp wanted to rescue a large number of patients with all its strength, while the Spirit Rider camp started to work. He started his career as a supernatural hunter and began to collect information about Dr. Pac-Man.

Their first target is the police who heard that they have had contact with Dr. Pac-Man and his friends. 】

239: Police Officer Kousaka Kyosuke (8k)

[The event goes back to a few hours before Amiya and Ritsuka met Dr. Pac-Man for the first time.

On the bed in the police station infirmary, a young man with dog ears named Kousaka Kyosuke opened his eyes. Unlike yesterday, which was still immature and green, Kousaka Kyousuke's eyes at this moment gave people the impression that they had become much more mature. .

He looked around at the familiar and unfamiliar infirmary around him. Although the style of the room was somewhat similar to the infirmary he knew, many details were different.

Sitting up from the bed, Kyosuke tried to sort out the information he had before losing consciousness.

First of all, one thing that has to be explained is that the Kyousuke Kousaka who is here and now is not Kyosuke Kousaka, a native of the Terra world, at least that is not the case internally now.

The one who is temporarily in charge of this body is a soul from another world, a detective from the Special Investigation Division also named Kousaka Kyosuke.

And the reason why he came to this world...

"Lord God can really do anything."

Kousaka Kyosuke couldn't help but smile bitterly, finally recalling the voice he heard from a certain god before going to bed.

It was an ordinary morning. Kyousuke, who was hiding on the rooftop of the police station and eating his favorite milk candies, received a special phone call. The phone number was a code with unknown meaning. In order to avoid being found by the woman, he At this time, Kyousuke's cell phone was clearly turned off.

It is worth noting that Kyousuke does not have dog ears on his head at this time, and this is obviously not the world of Terra.


"Moxi Moxi? Is this Mr. Kosaka Police Officer?"

On the other end of the phone, a girl's voice was full of energy. It was a voice that impressed Kyousuke very deeply. After all, when they first met, the other party claimed to be a god.

"Um, is that Miss Honoka?"

"Yes! This is Honoka dayo!"

As always, the god on the opposite side maintained a high mood. Kyousuke was also infected by this enthusiasm, and a smile appeared on his lips. 】

Fruit King: God, Lord God? In this different world, I am not only a Kamen Rider, but also a god! ?

Kaiye: Honoka, calm down!

Stalkless Bird: Don’t drink water while watching the video. Look, it’s spraying everywhere!

Fruit Emperor: But that’s a god! It’s so awesome!

Devil Girl: Do gods also exist in the world of Kamen Rider? I wonder if it has anything to do with the existence of X?

Ghost Kazuma: The police know God and so on. Isn’t that too strong?

My sister’s father: Kyousuke! How dare you go to work and try to fish!

My XX can’t be that cute: It hurts, it hurts, be gentle, Dad, this is me in the video, it has nothing to do with me in the real world!

Thunder Cannon: Can Kamen Rider still become a god?

[After saying hello in a cheerful mood, Kyousuke also thought that Honoka, who was far away in a different world, couldn't suddenly call him just to reminisce about old times.

Even though the other party is a very approachable god, he will not be so idle.

"What's the matter, Miss Honoka?"

"It's like this. A certain demon king told me that there is a world that seems to be facing a crisis that can change the world. If you only rely on the Kamen Riders in that world who have not yet completed their growth, they may not be able to cope with it, so they need help."

The girl on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, seeming to be recalling something.

"The Demon King said that he had tried to bring two Kamen Riders over, but he still didn't feel safe, so he asked me if I was free. The distance between my place and that place was a bit far, and it would take some time to get there, so I wanted to find him. Do yourself a favor."

"A crisis for the world?"

After hearing the key words that he cared about, Kyousuke's eyes changed from the previous laziness and became sharp.

He sat up from his usual lazy spot, tightened his loose tie, and entered serious mode.

"Leave it to me. Please tell me how to get to that world. As a police officer, I can't just sit idly by and watch such a big event!"

"Oh! That's the momentum, Mr. Police!"

On the other side of the phone, the silver-haired god wearing a white robe similar to ancient Greek style slightly raised the corners of his mouth. Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with asking this policeman.

"In that case, I will send your soul there first, and you must hold on until I arrive!"

"Oh! Leave it to me...what? Wait? Soul?"

An ominous premonition came over him, and just as Kyousuke was about to speak out to stop him, the next second he felt the world was spinning, and his consciousness quickly sank into darkness.

But on the beautiful planet where the previous gods were, the silver-haired gods were complacent.

"Humph~ As expected of me, soul transmission is much faster than ordinary teleportation. Mr. Policeman must be the first foreign aid to arrive!"

On the side, another blonde goddess looked at the other party speechlessly, covering her forehead and asked.

"If you do this, what will happen to Mr. Policeman's belt?"


The proud smile disappeared, and the silver-haired god turned his head and looked back blankly, with the three big characters "Never thought about it" clearly exposed on his face.

"Oh, Honoka is still the same Honoka after all."

"No, it's okay! I'm going to take a trip to Mr. Police's world right now!"

Realizing that he seemed to be missing again, the silver-haired god started running with his face burning, and disappeared in front of the blonde goddess in the blink of an eye. 】

Devil Child: Well, it seems that I have overthought it. Existence X cannot be related to such an idiot.

Water Goddess: Hahaha...Kazuma, this god is so stupid!

Ghost Kazuma: Well, although his personality is a bit dull, his power is indeed that of a real god. Just the ability to travel through the world at will can completely defeat a goddess who is stupid and has poor abilities.

Water Goddess: Is there such a lowly god? Tell me quickly and let me laugh at her!

Ghost Kazuma: Yes, which goddess is she?

Dr. Lobster: Doesn’t anyone care about the devil that Honoka talks about?

Part-time Demon King: I'm a little concerned too. From Honoka's tone, this Demon King is at least on the same level as her.

Fantasy Killer: The world of Kamen Rider is really full of monsters, demons, and snakes. By the way, a demon king is actually saving the world.

Grandma Spider: Demon kings are all people who do whatever they want, so it’s not surprising that a demon king will appear to save the world.

Rhode Island CEO: Dr. Kelsey, could this devil be...

I know everything: No, it should have nothing to do with the Demon King we know. At least there is no Demon King power in the world in the video, otherwise Theresia would not be able to become that character.

[The flashback ended, Kyousuke finally understood the situation and sat up from the bed. Although the current situation was different from what he expected, what he wanted to do would not change.

Again, since the world is in crisis, he cannot sit idly by.

"I'm sorry, I am in this world, please lend me this body for now..."

--etc! who the hell are you? Don't talk to yourself, okay? Give me your body now!

At this moment, a slightly panicked voice sounded in Kyousuke's mind. The smart Kyousuke was just stunned for a moment, and immediately understood the identity of the other party. There was no doubt that he was the original owner of this body. For now, let's call him For Terra Kyosuke.

Compared to Kyosuke, who has experienced a lot and has grown up, Terra Kyosuke has completely lost his calm at this moment and is shouting in his inner world.

After regaining consciousness, he found that he was like watching a first-person perspective movie. He could feel the existence of the five senses, but could not control his body. While panicking, he heard his body say " "Borrowing your body" really scared him.

Fortunately, the guy who was currently controlling his body seemed to be able to hear the thoughts he wanted to convey, and the two soon began to communicate.

After a heated argument, Terra Kyousuke understood the reason why this person who claimed to be from another world would appear in his body.

——In other words, the world is facing a huge crisis now. Are you a foreign aid sent by a big shot?

"Yes, so I'm sorry that I can't give my body back to you for the time being. But please don't worry, I will never do anything harmful to you."

Kyousuke's attitude was very sincere and he carefully explained his purpose to the other self in his body. Although Terra Kyosuke has not fully grown yet, he is still Kousaka Kyosuke in his heart. After hearing that the other person is using his own body to save the world, he Instead, there was no initial resistance.

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