The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 352 Preempting Murphy

Returning to the town, Pang Xuelin couldn't help feeling a little headache.

He had some doubts. Back then, Cooper deliberately cut off contact with the space agency and lived his peaceful life on a farm in the countryside.

In the movie, the main reason why Cooper chose to come out of the mountain again was that the environment on the earth was getting worse year by year. With his two children, he could not see the hope of the future.

In addition, he found the space agency by accident and discovered that Professor Brand had launched the Lazarus Project, which is expected to keep his children alive.

This is why he chose to join the Lazarus Project.

But now, his wife is pregnant with Liujia, and his little daughter has not yet been born. For him, a good life has just begun.

Therefore, when I find him for the first time, the other party will reject him for the first time.

But Pang Xuelin is not worried.

His main purpose of looking for Cooper was still for the attic of his house.

If I guessed correctly, after the future Cooper falls into the fifth-dimensional space-time, he will always be trapped in the timeline where his attic space is located.

As long as he appears in his attic, he will definitely be seen by the future Cooper who is trapped in the five-dimensional time and space.

As for how to let Cooper in the five-dimensional space-time pass black hole information to himself, it depends on what he says to the current Cooper.

Stayed in Nola Town for one night, and the next day, Pang Xuelin went to Cooper's house again.

bang bang bang—

After knocking on the door for a while, what appeared in front of Pang Xuelin was still a double-barreled shotgun.

"Why are you still here, don't you understand what we are saying? There is no Cooper you are looking for here!"

Cooper's father-in-law Donald raised his shotgun and shouted angrily.

Pang Xuelin raised his hands and said loudly: "Mr. Cooper, I have no other intentions. I am not here to let you go back and join the space agency. I just need to talk to you in your attic. Just leave, and promise not to disturb your life from now on!"

Donald said: "I tell you here, there is no Cooper you are looking for here, so get out of here!"

Pang Xuelin was a little helpless, took two steps back, and said loudly again: "Mr. Cooper, everything I said is true. If you still don't want to see me, I can only come back tomorrow!"

"Stinky boy, get out of here!"

Donald put the shotgun against Pang Xuelin's chest again.

At this moment, a gentle female voice came from behind Donald: "Dad, let him in."

Donald also turned his head in surprise, and said, "Evelyn, why did you come out? Ku... Where is he?"

Evelyn didn't answer Donald's words, but said to Pang Xuelin with a smile: "Cooper is in the living room, if you want to find him, go now."

"Mrs. Cooper, I'm bothering you!"

Pang Xuelin smiled at Evelyn, pushed aside the shotgun in Donald's hand, and went straight into the house.

In the living room, Cooper was sitting on the sofa with an uneasy expression on his face.

Pang Xuelin came to Cooper with a smile, stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Cooper, I am Pang Xuelin, Captain of the Astronaut Brigade of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration..."

Cooper looked up at him and said, "I'll give you five minutes to convince me."

Pang Xuelin withdrew his hand and said, "Okay, let's make a long story short. Mr. Cooper, do you believe in fate?"


Cooper looked at Pang Xuelin in surprise.

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "Can you take me to the attic of your house?"

"My attic?"

Cooper hesitated, stood up and said, "Captain Pang, please."

Pang Xuelin smiled and nodded, followed Cooper upstairs.

The attic is actually a large study room, with a huge bookshelf covering the entire wall, filled with all kinds of books.

Most of them are professional books in the field of aerospace and science and engineering.

Pang Xuelin turned around, turned around and said with a smile, "Mr. Cooper, it seems that you still haven't forgotten your mission."

Cooper said indifferently: "It's just that I'm too lazy to throw it away, and I just have a look at it to pass the time."

Pang Xuelin smiled and said: "Okay, Mr. Cooper, let's get down to business. My next question is very important. I hope you can always keep it in mind. No matter what time it is, even when you are dying, you will still keep this question Keep the question firmly in your mind."

"what is the problem?"

Cooper was taken aback for a moment, and his face gradually became serious.

Pang Xuelin said: "Have any strange phenomena happened in the attic of your house? For example, when there is no one, books suddenly fall on the ground, or for example, gravity is abnormal. During a sandstorm, the speed of falling sand and dust is inconsistent. The ground formed one after another light and dark stripes, and the hands of the watch in front of me were moving around randomly..."

Pang Xuelin picked up a watch that had stopped rotating on the bookshelf, looked at Cooper and said.

Cooper was a little confused, and said in confusion: "Captain Pang, the attic of our house has always been normal, and nothing strange has happened. Also, I don't understand what you mean?"

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Maybe you don't understand what it means now, but I think maybe the next moment, maybe when your daughter is born, maybe when your daughter starts going to will understand."


Cooper looked at Pang Xuelin as if looking at a fool.


At this moment, a book on the bookshelf suddenly fell down.

Pang Xuelin turned around in an instant, looked at the book that fell from the bookshelf, and ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

Cooper, on the other hand, stared at Pang Xuelin dumbfounded, and then he looked at the book and said, "Maybe it was an accident that the book was not put away..."

With that said, Cooper stepped forward and put the thick spacecraft operation manual back on the bookshelf.

The next moment, the entire bookshelf shook violently, and a book was automatically removed from the bookshelf and fell to the ground.

At this time, Donald and Evelyn also rushed upstairs, staring dumbfounded at everything in front of them.

Cooper stood there dumbfounded.

After a while, he turned his gaze to Pang Xuelin and said, "Captain Pang, can you tell me what happened?"

Pang Xuelin shook his head, all his attention was on the watch in his hand.

"Cooper, give me paper and pen."


Soon, Cooper found a pen and paper, and stood beside Pang Xuelin, looking at his watch curiously.

I saw the hands of the watch vibrating constantly, the time was long and the time was short.

Cooper was stunned, and turned his gaze to the white paper that Pang Xuelin was recording.

Pang Xuelin kept writing strange symbols on it.

Dot dot, dot dot, dot dot, dot dot, dot dot...

"Is this... Morse code?"

Cooper reflected immediately.

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "I found what I wanted!"


Half an hour later, I double-checked it several times to confirm that there was nothing wrong with the Morse code I wrote down.

Only then did Pang Xuelin tear off the white paper, and heaved a sigh of relief: "It's fine."

Cooper said: "Captain Pang, can you tell me now, what happened?"

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly and said, "Cooper, it's not that I won't tell you. I think it's better for you not to know about this matter, unless you want to become an astronaut again and join the astronaut brigade of the space agency."

Cooper was taken aback for a moment, pondered for a while, and sighed, "Forget it."

Seeing that Pang Xuelin really didn't intend to ask Cooper to return to the space agency, Donald looked at Pang Xuelin with a lot less guard.

In the evening, Evelyn cooked a sumptuous meal for Pang Xuelin.

After dinner, everyone sat on the sofa and chatted, and they talked about the child in Evelyn's belly before they knew it.

Cooper suddenly seemed to think of something, and said, "Captain Pang, you said that Evelyn will give birth to a girl in the future, is that true?"

Pang Xuelin nodded with a smile and said, "Pu Jiu is not far from ten."

Pang Xuelin didn't dare to be 100% certain, because his actions during the day were bound to change the direction of Cooper's life in the future.

This is like an eternal topic in the grandfather paradox. If someone traveled to the past and killed your grandfather before your father was born, would you still exist in the future?

If viewed from a one-dimensional linear time perspective, there are contradictions in this.

But what if time is two-dimensional?

The direction of each point in time has infinite possibilities.

According to the original development of this time and space, Cooper will join the Lazarus Project in the future, experience several life and death disasters, and finally fall into a black hole and enter the five-dimensional time and space, and then be trapped in the five-dimensional time and space formed by his attic study , Trying to pass the information inside the black hole to his daughter Murphy.

After knowing that Murphy became an adult and became a physicist, she realized that all the strange phenomena that happened in the attic since she was a child were all messages sent back to her by her father who fell into the five-dimensional time and space.

Later, it was Murphy who deciphered Cook's message, which allowed human civilization to continue in space.

Now, Pang Xuelin came to find Cooper in advance and told him that some strange phenomena would happen in the attic.

Then Cooper in the five-dimensional space-time in the future may get such information, so that he can transmit the internal data of the black hole to Pang Xuelin through the attic space when he first arrives at the attic.

This is a conjecture of Pang Xuelin, fortunately, his conjecture has been verified.

However, now that he has obtained the internal data of the black hole in advance, Pang Xuelin does not know whether Cooper's fate will be changed in the future, and where Cooper's future will go.

It was as if he re-opened a river channel in a river with an unchanged direction. Some fish in the river continued to move along the original channel, while others entered a new channel and swam to new unknowns.

Cooper is undoubtedly one of these fish swimming into the unknown.

As for Cooper at this time, when he heard Pang Xuelin say that he would have a daughter in the future, he was so happy that he couldn't hold back.

After experiencing the weird experience before, Cooper had already developed an inexplicable trust in Pang Xuelin in his heart.

"Evelyn, Captain Pang said we're going to have a daughter, and if it's a daughter, how about we call her Murphy? Murphy Cooper, I think that's a great name."

Evelyn smiled and said, "I think it's a good name."

At this time, Pang Xuelin said with a strange expression: "Mr. Cooper, you'd better not take this name."


Cooper was a little surprised.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "The name Murphy has been registered by me, and my daughter is named Murphy."

"Huh? What a coincidence?"

Cooper was surprised.

Evelyn smiled and said, "Captain Pang, since you have taken away our family's Murphy's name, please help us get one."

Cooper smiled and said, "Yes, Captain Pang, you have to return a name."

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "How about Edith? Edith Cooper."

"Edith Cooper?"

Cooper and his wife looked at each other, with satisfied smiles on both of their faces: "That's a good name!"


Early the next morning, Pang Xuelin bid farewell to the Coopers and spent nearly ten hours driving back to the space agency. In Professor Brand's office, he met this wise little old man.

"Pang, you are finally back. How are you? Did you find that Mr. Cooper?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "I found it."

"What about others?" Pang Xuelin took out a stack of manuscript paper from the briefcase he was carrying, and handed it to Professor Brand. "He has a beautiful wife now, and he might have a lovely daughter soon." , life is very happy, and I don't want to destroy this beauty. However, this time I am not without gains."

"Harvest, what harvest?"

Brand looked at Pang Xuelindao curiously.

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "You can understand the content on the manuscript paper."

Last night, he substituted the data obtained from Cooper in the five-dimensional space-time into the equation system given by Dowbrand, and easily solved the basic parameter equation of the graviton.

The rest of the work depends on how the space agency implements this theoretical breakthrough into practical engineering.

Brand did not speak, but looked at the contents of the manuscript paper word by word.

Gradually, the expression on his face changed.

From the relaxation at the beginning, it gradually became dignified, and later, it became full of surprises and a little bit of incredible.

Finally, he raised his head, looked at Pang Xuelin, and said with a trembling voice, "Pang, how did you do it?"

Pang Xuelin shrugged and smiled: "In short, our most difficult step has been completed, isn't it? In addition, I think plan B can be cancelled, we have a chance to save all mankind!"

Brand's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Pang Xuelin in disbelief and said, " know?"

Pang Xuelin said: "I'm not stupid. After reading your theoretical formula that day, I knew that under the existing experimental technical conditions, it is impossible to obtain the parameters you want. level, and there is no way to support human beings to carry out large-scale space immigration. Therefore, the real Lazarus Project is to train a group of human elite astronauts, bring the essence of human civilization and a large number of fertilized eggs, and go to a new world to restart human beings. Civilization."

Brand looked at Pang Xuelin silently, without speaking.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh and said, "Pang, no matter how you did it, anyway, thank you!"

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly and said, "You're welcome, Professor Brand. I think there is a more important job waiting for us."

"What job?"

Brand was slightly taken aback.

Pang Xuelin said: "Re-enacting the Lazarus plan, the Eternal Night spacecraft is too crude, the previous plan was completely consuming the lives of elite astronauts and fighting for the luck of human civilization, but now, we don't need to do this Yes. As long as we can reduce the cost of entering space on a large scale, we can completely improve the entire plan and our spacecraft, and let us explorers have higher security.”

Brand nodded and said, "Your idea is very good, and I will propose it to the higher-ups as soon as possible."

Pang Xuelin nodded and said: "Professor Brand, if there is nothing else, I will go back first. I haven't been home for almost three months. I have to spend time with my family."

Brand smiled and said, "No problem, I'll give you a month's vacation, but after one month, you must report to me, and you will be required to lead the new Lazarus Project."

"Okay, I'll definitely be back in a month."

Pang Xuelin nodded and said seriously.


Coming out of Brand's office, Pang Xuelin smiled.

Brand new technology, brand new spaceship, brand new Lazarus plan.

This is not only a guarantee for the safety of their own lives, but also a guarantee for the lives of the astronauts who participated in this plan.

Pang Xuelin shook his head, and was about to return to his office when he heard a burst of surprise voices behind him.

When Pang Xuelin turned around, he saw Murphy running towards him while trotting all the way, while shouting, "Brother-in-law!"

Pang Xuelin subconsciously opened his arms and took Murphy into his arms.

The two hugged quietly for a while before Pang Xuelin released Murphy.

Murphy's face glowed with enthusiasm, and he said, "Brother-in-law, you finally showed up. Where have you been for the past two months? I asked Professor Brand, but Professor Brand didn't say anything."

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "I have something to do, and I went on a business trip. This errand was done very well, and Professor Brand rewarded me with a month's vacation."

"A month's vacation?" Murphy asked in surprise, "The old man is so generous? Then I'll try it too."

Ten minutes later, Murphy came out of Brand's office dejectedly.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Murphy, how is it? Has Professor Brand agreed to give you a vacation?"

Murphy said with a sad face: "Professor Brand said that he can give me a long vacation, but I don't want to participate in the Lazarus plan..."

Pang Xuelin pursed his lips and smiled: "I think this proposal is good, do you want to try it?"

"Hey, brother-in-law, don't!"

Murphy said quickly.

The reason why she tried every means to join the Lazarus Project was to be able to accompany her brother-in-law when Pang Xuelin went on an expedition.

Compared to this, a short one-month vacation is naturally nothing.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said: "Okay, I'm going to go home later, do you want to be my car and go back together?"

"Oh, okay, brother-in-law, wait for me, I'll go back to the office for something..."

After speaking, Murphy ran to the end of the corridor without looking back.

Looking at Murphy's slim figure, Pang Xuelin smiled and did not speak.

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