The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 349 Space Agency

Planes: Interstellar

Identity: Pang Xuelin, 35 years old, scientist, astronaut, farmer

World background: In 2043, eight years after the end of the world in the ninth area, the counterattack of the shrimp civilization caused the deaths of the transformed people within ten years. Most of the vegetation on the earth is infected with the Fusarium wilt virus and is dying day by day. The food crops are affected by the disease. The impact is also on the verge of extinction, the land is desertified, the precipitation is reduced, and the total human population has dropped below 50 million.

Mission: Use the Lazarus Project to help humans find new immigrant planets.

mission rewards:

1. Randomly select a technology from this plane as a reward

2. Reward the host for a chance to return to the world he has experienced.

Pang Xuelin meditated for a moment, got up and put on his clothes, and walked down the stairs. He saw Cromwell Oliver, the former director of the academic committee of the Antarctic Base with pale hair, was setting the dinner plate. His wife, Chris, was humming and busy in the kitchen. .

Back then in the ninth area of ​​the world, Cromwell Oliver entered the Antarctic base to work hard for the continuation of human civilization. Later, Pang Xuelin brought the two sisters Chris to find Oliver, and the three grandparents and grandchildren reunited.

Now, ten years have passed since that time.

Compared to the youthful world in District Ninth, Chris in front of her has a much plumper figure, but her face remains the same, and the years don't seem to have left many marks on her face.

Thinking of the girl who gave her body to herself before she left the base and said she was going to give birth to her child, Pang Xuelin's face showed a trace of tenderness, and he was about to speak.

At this moment, a soft voice suddenly came from behind him: "Papa!"

Pang Xuelin turned his head, and saw a little mixed-race girl who looked like a porcelain doll, blinking a pair of big sapphire-like eyes and looking at him. Her black hair is tied into a beautiful braid, and her eyebrows and eyes are a bit like Chris, but her mouth and nose are more like her.

An unprecedented emotion surged into Pang Xuelin's heart. This feeling of blood connection made Pang Xuelin burst into tears instantly.


Pang Xuelin subconsciously squatted down and opened his arms.


Little Murphy trotted all the way into Pang Xuelin's arms.

Pang Xuelin picked up little Murphy and kissed Murphy's face several times. The stubble made the little girl giggle.

"Okay, you father and daughter, stop making trouble and come over to eat quickly."

Chris gave Pang Xuelin a reproachful look, and said.

Pang Xuelin smiled and carried little Murphy to the dining table.

Breakfast is corn mush with pickled cucumbers, and a small piece of roasted venison for each person.

Pang Xuelin didn't want to let go of the little Murphy in his arms. He gave the little girl a bite first, and then he took a bite himself.

Chris said: "Murphy, don't pester Dad, eat by yourself."

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "No need, I'll hold her and feed her."

Chris said: "Husband, how can you be like this, little Murphy is almost spoiled by you!"

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "I am happy, Murphy, do you like it when Dad hugs you like this?"


Little Murphy blinked her beautiful big eyes and said softly.

Chris rolled a blank look at Pang Xuelin, feeling a bit apprehensive: "Murphy, we don't want Dad to hug you, can Mom hug you?"

Murphy looked at Pang Xuelin, then at Chris, and said timidly, "Okay then."

"Ha, little Murphy is so good!"

Chris bent down and snatched Murphy from Pang Xuelin's arms at once.

At this time, Cromwell Oliver on the side smiled and said, "Okay, you two, let's see how little Murphy has been wronged. Murphy, come to great-grandfather's arms quickly."


Oliver spoke, and Chris was helpless.

So Murphy was snatched by Oliver again, Pang Xuelin and Chris looked at each other, and couldn't help but chuckle.

After eating, Chris cleaned up the kitchen, then changed into her work clothes, put on a bamboo hat and said, "Husband, I'm going to harvest corn, you send little Murphy to school, by the way, remember to take the big one when you come back at night." When Murphy picked her up from the space agency, she said that grandpa missed her. Since she went to the space agency, the girl has become more and more homeless."


Pang Xuelin nodded, and took Murphy into an old pickup truck.

The surface of the pickup is covered with traces of sand and dust erosion, but after ignition, the condition of the car is surprisingly good.

The car started, followed the lush cornfields on both sides, and quickly disappeared at the end of the road.

Chris boarded a harvester and began to get busy in the field.

Along the way, what appeared in front of Pang Xuelin was a desolate and desolate world.

Except for the occasional patches of green cornfields, the vegetation in most areas has been barren and discolored, and there is no one in ten.

There are still clusters of dust clouds floating in the sky, these are the products after the sandstorm.

Relying on the memories instilled in him by the system, Pang Xuelin brought little Murphy to a small town ten kilometers away.

Murphy went to primary school in the town's public school.

"Murphy, listen to the teacher's words at school, and Dad will come back to pick you up at night!"

"Okay, goodbye, Dad."

"Goodbye Murphy!"

Seeing Murphy's figure disappear at the school gate, Pang Xuelin turned and left, ready to drive to the space agency.

The corners of Pang Xuelin's mouth curled up slightly. The desolate and decaying world along the way did not change his mood.

This is the first time he has children in the plane world, and this feeling of blood connection makes him very happy.

It wasn't until he came to the space agency that Pang Xuelin's mood gradually became serious.

The space agency was established only in recent years. Due to the spread of blight, the re-established human government on Earth had to turn its attention to outer space again, looking for a way out of civilization.

But the catastrophe that year caused a devastating blow to the scientific research power of human society.

Especially in the field of aerospace, talent is extremely scarce.

Currently, the person in charge of the entire aerospace department is Professor Brand. Under the leadership of Professor Brand, human beings are building a large combined spaceship, the Eternal Night, in geosynchronous orbit.

Of course, this so-called large scale is only relative to the current level of human technology. Compared with the spaceships Tia and Goethe of the shrimp civilization in the world of the ninth district, the Eternal Night is only equivalent to a small sampan.

Even compared to the Hermes spacecraft in the world of The Martian, it is much worse.

The total mass of the Eternal Night is less than 3,000 tons, of which the mass of fuel accounts for more than half.

According to the Lazarus Project proposed by Professor Brand, human civilization sent the first batch of adventurers to travel through the wormhole near Mars on the Eternal Night, looking for a new home for mankind in the new world.

Thirty-five-year-old Pang Xuelin is one of the core members of this plan.

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