The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1947 I have made contributions to the Holy See!

There are more than 7,000 "indigenous rebels" surrounding the Guantanamo Castle. Among them, 3,000 people used to help Tara manage the "puppet army" of the Cuban indigenous people. The leader also gave a very German name-Han s.

During the siege of the city, those who went to the villages to destroy were basically more than 4,000 natives who were not puppet troops. However, some puppet army officers commanded them to "beat, smash and loot in an orderly manner"...

Yes, orderly vandalism. This is not the real native barbarian army in Haiti, but a puppet army with a strict organizational structure.

When the natives other than the more than 4,000 puppet troops were "beating, smashing and looting" in the village, the 3,000 puppet troops stood still in a neat line and stared at the direction of the castle. That posture, very much like a regular army...

"This... the natives also have an army?" Baron Mawson from Lorraine was taken aback when he saw the situation.

Because, in Santo Domingo, although there are many indigenous troops, they are basically noisy, like a mess. If it weren't for the fact that there were only a few hundred people in the castle, and the gap in numbers was too great, it was easy to be swallowed by the opponent's superiority in numbers, and the defenders could have counterattacked.

But the "indigenous rebels" outside the Guantanamo Castle clearly looked like an army. Especially the 3,000 indigenous people standing in the front row, although the weapons they used were very backward, most of them were simple spears made of sharpened wooden sticks, and earthen bows and arrows. However, while the other 4,000 people went to loot and set fire to several villages around the castle, these 3,000 people stared at the castle without moving, obviously fearing that the defenders in the castle would fight back...

Following Baron Mawson's questioning, several other representatives also set their sights on Tara.

Tara put on a helpless look, and said:

"That rebel leader used to be my servant..."

"Your servant? How could he train an army? You know, those who can train two or three thousand people in a decent manner are usually only able to do it by the children of the knight family." Baron Mawson wondered.

Tara seemed to cover her face helplessly, and then said:

"When we first came to Cuba Island, my servant named 'Stubborn Stone' (Hans' original name) was very obedient and loved to learn, so I took him with me. Moreover, because of the lack of manpower to supervise the natives People, I asked the stubborn stone to recruit 100 young and strong natives, and trained them to use spears and bows to guard against those natives who may have evil intentions..."

"But I didn't expect that he would learn how to command the army... Originally, he was still loyal, but a few months ago, the guy named Carlos over there sent someone to come in a canoe and secretly touched the stubborn stone. Under the bewitching of Carlos' men, the stubborn stone led more than 100 men to defect out of the castle. Then, he pulled up a team of thousands of people..."

"It's also fortunate that I didn't teach them how to use firearms, nor did I give them firearms. Otherwise, 'Havana City' would be in danger..." Tara pretended to be alive after a catastrophe.

After learning from Marin for a few years, Tara's performance can definitely reach the level of Hengdian's extras, among other things. And in this age, this level is enough...

"That is to say, Carlos on Hispaniola was trained by the Spaniards,

And the stubborn stone leader on the island of Cuba was cultivated by you yourself? " Baron Mawson concluded.

Tara continued to pretend to be embarrassed, saying

"it seems to be like this……"

At this time, Baron Mawson and the representatives of several other German anti-Malaysian states almost burst out laughing—it's so cool, the colony of Beihai State is really not peaceful! However, the more this is the case, the more they feel refreshed!

Tara pretended not to see their suppressed smiles, and said seriously

"But it's okay, I have already applied for reinforcements from the mainland. Our Majesty Marin has also decided to send tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to encircle and suppress these two rebels. However, it is difficult for most Europeans to adapt to the hot and humid local environment. .If we are in the wild, we can easily defeat them. However, if they hide in the forest, it will be difficult..."

Regarding Tara's words, the representatives of the princes present all nodded in agreement. After all, Germany is currently also a densely forested place. After many robbers and rebels hid in the black forest, it was difficult for the government army to wipe them out.

But understanding is understanding, but they are still very happy to see that the colony of Beihai State has become a mess. After all, it is also very comfortable to watch the enemy suffer.

Seeing the representatives of several vassal states who were clearly happy but had to control their expressions, Tara also pretended not to know, "comforting" said

"My lords don't have to worry, our Majesty has decided to mobilize tens of thousands of troops from the mainland. Not only will they be able to defeat the rebels, but they will also be left to cut down trees, and all the trees will be cut down. In this way, those rebels will have nowhere to hide. .One day, both Cuba and Hispaniola will settle down. Moreover, our Majesty has decided to rescue 100,000 healthy natives from the severely diseased Hispaniola. Then, put them all develop into great disciples of the Lord..."

Like an idiot, Tara babbled about her future "plans". Bishop Rugani and a few members of the Holy See, as "our own people", also heard that Beihai really wanted to develop 100,000 aboriginals into Christians as promised. Naturally, they were overjoyed and nodded in approval.

And Baron Mosen and other representatives of the German states rolled their eyes suddenly—Nima, this stick, how can we see that we are worried about him? I'm afraid it's too late for him to die! However, the Beihai Kingdom is really willing to spend, and actually wants to develop 100,000 Christians. This big hand, simply flattered the Holy See to the extreme...

In this era when the Holy See is still very authoritative, even if the representatives of several states are upset, they must keep smiling and echo Bishop Rugani from time to time. In particular, the two representatives from the bishop's country are themselves members of the church. Although he is hostile to Marin, he has to pretend to be very happy when he hears about the plan to develop 100,000 Christians. In fact, they are very conflicted, and they are really happy about adding 100,000 Christians. However, the person who did this was Marin, the enemy of their boss, and they were very upset...


Seeing the faces of several people who didn't know whether to cry or laugh, Tara felt secretly refreshed. He remembered a very irritating sentence Marin once said - he just likes to see you want to kill me but take me helpless...

In order to prove the merits of the mission, Tara prepared months ago. Witnessed by Bishop Rugani and other representatives of the investigation team, Tara called 100 local teenagers and recited large passages of the Bible in Latin in front of the investigation team, to the delight of Bishop Rugani and other church representatives I have to slap my hands red.

Well, with these 100 children who can recite the "Bible" in Latin, Bishop Rugani can make a positive evaluation of the colonial behavior of the North Sea State...

In fact, Tara also wanted to find more aboriginals to recite the Bible, but very few aboriginals could learn European languages. Tara could find 100 aboriginal teenagers who could recite the Bible in Latin. It took a lot of effort.

In addition to 100 teenagers who can recite the Bible, there are actually two adult indigenous priests who can speak German in the church in Guantanamo Castle. These two were geniuses among the aborigines, and Tara didn't know how to use them.

Ordinarily, for such a genius, it should be very useful to go to the government to help. But Marin worried that this kind of person was too smart, and really developed a self-reliance after mastering a lot of skills.

So, later Marin thought of a very wicked way-all the geniuses of the indigenous people were sent to the church as priests. In this way, after these geniuses entered the cage of the church, they could not even get married and have children. Even if they were smart, they could only read scriptures and pray to God every day...

In this way, the genius of the natives was wasted in the church. However, this move can greatly please the Holy See, so why not do it?

Sure enough, after the two indigenous genius missionaries communicated with the representatives of the investigation team in fluent German and Latin, Bishop Rugani characterized the missionary work on Cuba Island—very effective, and we hope to continue to work hard...

At this time, Tara raised her chest high, with a proud expression on her face. That smug and exaggerated expression, let’s be clear-I have made contributions to the Holy See, and I am a great contributor! Come and praise me...

The Rise of the Emperor

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