The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1931: Soldier Armor for Cattle

In general, Hokkaido Island in the future will become a pivotal link in Marin's interest chain in the Ming Dynasty, which is very important. Therefore, Marin intends to control Hokkaido Island in his own hands.

For this reason, Malinte explained to Shuizi that in the future, Hokkaido will be managed by officials appointed by him himself, instead of being controlled by Ganfu Shuizi. Gan Fushuizi felt very disappointed, but she couldn't help it. Because she understands that without the support of Marin, neither she nor her son can compete with even the smallest daimyo in Japan.

However, Marin said that in the future, if the country of Osumi, or even Kyoto, is taken over, it will be handed over to Shuizi to manage the civil affairs. As for Marin, he only has the jurisdiction over the gold, silver and copper mines and the Hokkaido fishing grounds. And this, for Gan Fu Shuizi, is definitely great news. Because, Gan Fushuizi didn't know the terrifying reserves of Iwami Yinshan, nor did he understand the importance of the whaling industry after the appearance of whaling guns.

It's not just Ganfushuizi, most East Asians in this era probably focus on arable land, ignoring minerals and fisheries. Because, compared with land output, the mining and fishing industries in this era are really too small.

Even the daimyo in Japan, even the quality of the fief, all use Shi Gao (grain production) to quantify the quality of the fief. A fallacy that needs to be pointed out is that many people rumored that one stone during the Sengoku period in Japan was 30 kilograms, or even 20 kilograms, which is completely nonsense.

I learned from Gan Fushuizi that the current Japanese farmland is not measured in mu, but in section as the basic unit of arable land. A section of land in Japan during the Warring States Period is equivalent to 1093.2 square meters, or 1.63 mu. The weight of a stone of rice is about 260 catties, which is 130 kilograms.

According to the current Japanese statement, the first section of Ueda = 1.5 shi, the first section of Zhongtian = 1.3 shi, and the first section of Shimoda = 1.1 shi. Calculated in this way, in Ueda in Japan at this time, 1.63 mu produces 423.8 catties, and the yield per mu is 260 catties. While Zhongtian is equivalent to 225 catties, Shimoda is almost 190 catties per mu.

Such data is quite reliable. After all, under the influence of Chinese culture, Japan also knows how to use manure and cattle.

And if it is calculated by 30 kilograms, then the yield per mu of Japan’s Ueda is only 60 catties, that of Nakata is only 50.75 catties, and that of Shimoda is only 43.7 catties... Such data, no matter how you look at it, is nonsense, even half of the yield per mu in Europe less than...

But in ancient Japan, rice was grown, and the yield per mu was already a little higher than that of wheat. According to the elders of later generations, when chemical fertilizers were not used in the past, soil fertilizer was used, and the yield of rice was generally more than 300 catties per mu, and the yield of wheat was generally more than 200 catties per mu. If it is a good paddy field, the rice production capacity per mu can reach four to five hundred catties...

However, Shigao in Japan roughly refers to the yield of rice, not rice. Calculated based on 70% of the rice yield rate,

Then, the yield per mu of rice in Ueda, Japan is also 371 jin, that in Nakata is 321 jin, and in Shimoda is 271 jin... This figure, compared with the output in ancient China, seems very reasonable...

However, Gan Fushuizi also pointed out that this standard is the taxation standard of Japanese daimyo, which is actually set higher. For example, in Xiatian, the yield of many rice per mu is not as high as 271 catties, and some yields are not even 200 catties per mu. But those Japanese daimyos don’t care, just collect food according to this data, if you don’t give it, you will die...

In the Edo period, the stone height of the Tokugawa shogun's house was 3.98 million shi, which is almost 4 million shi. According to the habit of the master's family collecting half of the grain, the shogun's annual grain is 2 million shi, which is 520 million catties of rice, which is still very rich.

However, those local daimyos don't have so much food. For example, in Dayu Country, there are several counties with a stone height of only 175,000 shi, which is a total output of 45 million jin. The ones taken away by daimyo and tyrants are at least 22.5 million catties.

But Marin did the math and found that Japan really doesn't have much arable land. For example, the Dasumi country stone has a height of 175,000 stones, which is a total output of 45.5 million catties. Even according to the calculation of Shimoda's 190 catties, it is only 239,000 mu of arable land. According to Ueda's calculation, it is only 175,000 mu.

And even if it is calculated on the basis of 239,000 mu of land, it is only 159 square kilometers of arable land. However, the area of ​​Dasumi Country is about 4,500 square kilometers. Even if calculated based on the highest 239,000 mu of cultivated land, the proportion of cultivated land is only 1/28, which is 3.53%.

But this is also impossible, because most of Japan is dominated by mountains. Rice fields and the like can only be developed on mountainous valleys and narrow coastal plains.

However, the Ishikari Plain in Hokkaido, which Marin is about to send troops to occupy, is a large plain of 4,000 square kilometers, which is very suitable for farming. And 4,000 square kilometers, that is equivalent to 6 million mu, which is 25 times the cultivated land area of ​​Dasumi country! Even if only one-sixth of the cultivated land is reclaimed, there will be 1 million mu, which is 4.1 times the total cultivated land of Dasumi!

The only problem is that 1 million mu of arable land requires at least 10,000 farmers to cultivate it...

Of course, this may be a problem in North America. But it’s amazing that in Japan, the most important thing people lack is people!

But Gan Fushuizi said that Japanese farmers are too short and thin. Although they can endure hardships, a family of five can't farm 100 acres, and 50 acres can make them exhausted...

Marin thinks about it too, the small guys with an average height of more than 1.4 meters and 1.5 meters look about the same height as elementary school students. Asking their family to cultivate 100 mu of land is simply fatal. Even if it is the ideal of Chinese farmers, it is nothing more than "a cow on thirty acres of land, and a wife and children on a kang". It can be seen from this that 30 mu of land should be a scale that a family can handle. And 50 acres of land, it is more difficult.

In addition, Gan Fu Shuizi also raised the biggest problem - the problem of farming cattle!

In this era of Japan, population is not a problem, cattle are the same as the Ming Dynasty, it is a big problem! If the family farms less than ten mu of land, then even if there is no cattle, the men in the family work hard as cattle to pull the plow and survive desperately, and they can barely cope.

However, if the arable land area is too large, exceeding 20 mu, it is unrealistic to pull the plow manually. Because human strength and endurance are not as strong as cattle. Even if it is 20 mu of land, pulling a plow with human power can make people tired.

Fortunately, both the Ming Dynasty and Japan had a large population, and each family's field area was generally only a dozen or even a few acres. Therefore, the shortage of cattle is not a big problem.

But if Marin wants to use 10,000 households to cultivate 500,000 mu of land, he has to use livestock to pull cattle. In fact, if Marin is ruthless about the lack of cattle, he can buy 10,000 cattle from Eastern Europe and ship them to Hokkaido, Japan.

However, rice fields are mainly cultivated in Japan. As for paddy fields, it is difficult for ordinary cattle to adapt to the environment of soaking in paddy fields for a long time, and it is easy to get sick and rotten hooves. Horse plowing is not good either. As far as Marin knows, there are only a few southern horse breeds such as Hu Jian's Jinyijiang horse that can adapt to paddy field farming. Moreover, for paddy fields and land, no horseshoes are nailed. Because, if the horseshoe is nailed and soaked in the paddy field, the horseshoe will rust and break.

In this regard, Marin is also helpless. If it is a dry land, there are many ways. Not only can the cattle from Eastern Europe be used, but also Mongolian horses can be imported from Mongolia for horse farming. But paddy fields...

Marin said that he can only use the commodities that the Japanese are interested in as much as possible, and exchange them for cattle...

Paddy field cattle are precious resources, whether in Daming or Japan, they are urgently needed strategic materials. However, in this era, Marin also had the opportunity to get some Japanese cattle.

Because, right now is the era of the village chief and the Warring States period. Those big names may value weapons and armor more than farming cattle. Because, with excellent weapons and armor, they can go to neighboring countries to grab other people's cattle...

Therefore, as long as Marin is willing to sell excellent swords and armor, he will not worry about those warlike Japanese names who refuse to sell cattle...

"Well, that's it. I will ask the military industry department to create a batch of excellent armor suitable for elementary school students... Oh no, it is suitable for short Japanese samurai. Take it to the Japanese daimyo for paddy field cattle! The plate armor is too heavy I'm afraid they won't be able to move after wearing them. So, let's make some small armors with shark skin, and use copper nails to nail some iron pieces on the key parts..." Marin said to Gan Fushuizi...

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