The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1920 Supporting a Sauron Khan

However, when talking about the mink fur trade, Suha, the eldest of the four brothers, hesitated:

"Khan, it's true that the mink trade has made huge profits, but if you go to grab the business, you will definitely offend the Horqin tribe and the Ula tribe of the Haixi Jurchen. The Horqin tribe is far south and west of the Great Khingan Mountains, and they want to cross the Great Khingan Mountains to go to the east coast Revenge may be a little difficult. However, the Ula tribe of the Haixi Jurchen is located in the upper reaches of the Songhua River, a branch of Heijiang {Heilongjiang}. If they learn that the mink trade has been robbed, they will definitely come down the river in a birch bark boat to take revenge! "

The Jurchens are different from the Mongols. The Mongols are a people on horseback, and they are useless when they reach the water. They are not the opponents of the Saurons and the Jurchens when they enter the jungle.

But the Ula tribe of the Haixi Jurchen is also a Jurchen. They are also good at walking in the jungle and fishing with birch bark boats. Therefore, it is possible for them to take birch bark boats to Nuergancheng at the mouth of Heilongjiang to take revenge.

For this, Marin has long thought about it, and has mature countermeasures:

"You mean, the Ula tribe might send troops down the river in birch boats to take revenge on Nuergancheng instead of riding through the jungle on horseback?"

Suha nodded:

"Of course, if you go by land, there are high mountains and dense forests, and there are many tigers, bears, and wolves in the mountains. It is very dangerous to spend the night. Moreover, there is a risk of being attacked by the tribes along the way. But taking a birch bark boat down the river, It is safer. As long as the tribes along the coast are not attacked by boat, there is basically no danger."

Marin slapped his chin and said:

"That's all right. When it comes to water warfare, Beihai Kingdom is the king! Moreover, we don't need to fight water warfare with them. We only need to build a strong castle in Nurgan City to ensure that the Jurchens of the Ula tribe cannot be defeated. Moreover, if the city is defended with firearms, it will definitely damage the Wula tribe!"

Then, Marin asked again:

"How strong is the Ula Department? How many troops are there?"

Suha thought for a while and said:

"The Wula tribe is the most powerful of the four Haixi Jurchen tribes. There are thousands of households, and they can pull out nearly ten thousand warriors in wartime..."

Marin nodded, as he expected. In 1607, when Nurhachi fought the Ula tribe, Nurhachi only had 3,000 soldiers and horses, while the Ula tribe dispatched tens of thousands of horses.

However, the weapons and equipment of the two sides are different. Later Jin attached great importance to weapons and armor, and the main force of the Eight Banners basically wore cotton armor. The Ula Department is still relatively primitive equipment, and its organizational structure is also very loose.

As a result, tens of thousands of Ula tribes were defeated by Nurhaci's 3,000 Eight Banners soldiers. Since then, the strength of Houjin, who owned the mink fur resources of the Ula tribe, has greatly increased. It not only controls the huge profits of the mink fur trade, but also owns tens of thousands of people in the Ula tribe. Before the Manchus entered the customs, there were no more than 60,000 real Jurchen men. Among them, the Ula Department will contribute tens of thousands... It can be said that the Ula Department is the boy who gives Nurhachi upgrades and monsters and equipment...

Marin thought for a while and said:

"If we only send a few hundred soldiers and horses, it is indeed difficult to stop the counterattack of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses from the Ula tribe. But what if we use thousands of soldiers and horses to resist?"

"Thousands of soldiers and horses? Is the Great Khan going to send thousands of Beihai elite soldiers to Nuer Gancheng?"

Marin shook his head:

"No, I plan to recruit local soldiers and horses while Nuergancheng is buying mink fur. Besides, I'm not in a hurry to let them go to North America, but I plan to defeat the Wula tribe first!"

"Defeat the Wula tribe?" Suha took a breath, and continued:

"Great Khan, to defeat tens of thousands of the Ula tribe, I'm afraid at least several thousand people will be needed. Even if all of them are Sauron warriors, it will take five thousand people. Moreover, even if they win the battle, they will suffer a lot..."

"What if we use fire guns to defend the city?"

Suha thought for a while and said:

"That's fine, but aren't you worried that the Wula tribe will besiege Nuergan City for a long time and cut off the food in the city?"

Marin shook his head and said:

"Don't worry, the Wula tribe can't do it by themselves if they want to besiege Nuergan City for a long time. You are a Sauron, and you should know the bitter cold climate in Nuergan Dusi. As long as you persist until it snows, the Wula tribe will suffer There is no way to retreat. After all, it is very difficult to supply supplies in the ice and snow.”

"Besides, it's about 2,000 miles from the upper reaches of the Songhua River to Nuergancheng. Do you think the Wula tribe has the ability to transport food over such a long distance? Besides, that's the food that tens of thousands of people need, and the Wula tribe can't afford it! So , the Ula tribe can dispatch tens of thousands of horses to fight near the headquarters. If the distance is far away, they will not be able to dispatch a large army, but only some troops. Moreover, they can only be resolved quickly. Otherwise, the food consumption alone will drag them to death ..."

Su Ha nodded again and again:

"Khan really deserves to be the Europa God of War, and he is really proficient in warfare..."

But Marin turned around and said:

"However, even if the Ula tribe can't conquer Nuergancheng, it's not a problem to be missed by a powerful force. How about it, Suha, I support you as the leader of the Saurons, which is what you Sauron said about Hara Up to..."

Harada is the name of the leader of the basic small tribe of the Saurons, and above Harada is Khan. Generally, multiple small tribes form a large tribal alliance. The leader of the small tribe is called Harada, and the leader of the tribal alliance is called XX Khan.

"Me? Harada?" Su Ha was a little surprised, and his three younger brothers and Bai Geri were also a little surprised. You know, they are all young people, and they have been slaves to the Haixi Jurchen for several years. Suddenly, Su Ha doesn't think he has the ability to become a leader...

So, Su Ha repeatedly shook his head and said:

"Khan, I don't have that ability..."

Marin asked:

"Let me ask you, what is Harada's main duty as a Sauron?"

Suha thought for a while and said:

"Lead the tribe to survive?" This is one of the basic goals of every tribe living in the bitter cold land.

Marin laughed:

"Survival is nothing more than food and clothing, and safety is guaranteed. You say, I will build you a Nurgan city, provide enough food, and give you guns to defend the city. You say, is this in line with Ha? Rada's request?"

Su Ha was taken aback for a moment, and said in his heart that it was really...

With a solid Nuer Gancheng, plus Marin providing enough food and daily necessities, and firearms that can repel powerful enemies... Thinking about it this way, it seems that a pig can be competent for the duties of Harada...

But soon, he said with a bitter face

"But, I don't know how to manage cities! I don't know how to train soldiers..."

Marin waved his hand:

"That's no problem. I will send you civil servants and military generals. The reason why I chose you as the leader is because you are a local and they obey you."

"With enough food and materials from me, you can use these food and the materials that the people in the forest urgently need to attract those small tribes to join you. When there are enough people, maybe you can mix with a good Sauron. sweating..."

"Khan of the Saurons?" Not only Suha, but even Baigri and Suha's three younger brothers were stunned...

Nima... I really dare to think about it... However, Marin really has this strength. As long as there are sufficient supplies and a group of Sauron warriors who can fight are recruited, it is really not a problem to be a little khan in the bitter cold land of Nurgandusi. You know, isn't Khan the big leader who can lead everyone to survive? With Marin's material support, it doesn't take too many minutes for the locals to live a good life. Moreover, it can also send mercenaries to the North Sea country...

In this way, Suha was hastily designated by Marin as Soren Harada of Nuergancheng. His mission is to return to the northeast and become the leader of the Saurons in Nuergan City. First recruit Sauron warriors and nearby wildling Jurchens to expand their strength. After gaining the strength to protect themselves, they began to send Sauron mercenaries to the North Sea country to help Marin conquer the North American jungle... 7

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