The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1907 Deepwater Bay Victory (Part 2)

About 1:00 a.m. after Ugly Time, two Kongming lanterns finally rose near the Deep Water Bay Pier. On the temporary pier of Deep Water Bay, the Portuguese sailors on duty at night were surprised when they saw two kongming lanterns suddenly rising...

"Oh, God! What is that? What kind of lantern can fly?" The Portuguese had never seen Kongming lanterns before, so they were naturally a little confused.

However, they were stunned, but the Ming army was not. On the side of Tianbo Island, after seeing the Kongming lanterns two miles away, Lin Tianhai, the commander of the navy commander, ordered loudly:

"Beat the drums, raise the sails! The fireboat strikes!"

Then, the drums of war on the flagship sounded. At this time, on the Taiping Mountain several miles west of Hong Kong Island, Wang Hong, also under the escort of the brigade of guards, stood on the mountain and looked southeast.

Suddenly hearing the faint sound of drums in the silent night, Wang Hong knew that the decisive battle had begun...

With the sound of the drums and the beat of the drums, the fireboats raised their sails in an orderly manner, took turns passing through the waterway on the west side of Tienbo Island, entered Deep Water Bay, and then quickly lined up and rushed into the bay along the southwest wind... …

Because the attack had already been launched, the Ming army no longer kept silent, but bursts of shouts of killing were heard. The Portuguese night-time sailor on the pier finally felt wrong and began to shout:

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The grape general, who was lightly asleep, was awakened, and got up cursing to check the situation. And many Portuguese sailors on top of rice wine are still sleeping soundly.

Rice wine is not high in degree, but it is really easy to get on. Many Portuguese sailors didn't feel anything when they drank, and after falling asleep, they fell asleep...

Hong Hengjiu didn't drink much, and he was awakened long ago when he heard the noise.

When he got dressed in a hurry, the fire fleet of the Ming army had already lined up and started rushing towards the pier. Among them, some fireboats rushing in the front row have already started to ignite, and the flames on the boats have already risen...

"No, 'Burning the Red Cliffs'!" Hong Hengjiu had also heard the story of the Three Kingdoms, so he naturally knew the classic battle of Chibi. So, seeing the flames rising a mile away from the sea, he knew something was wrong.

So he rushed to the house where Dagama lived and shouted:

"Lord Governor, send someone to steer the boat to escape! Quickly send someone to steer the boat to escape!"

Dagama just came out of his clothes,

Before he could figure out what was going on, he heard Hong Heng-gu's terrified shouts.

"What's the matter? Bernardo, you ask Hong, what is he shouting?"

Bernardo immediately began to communicate with Hong Hengjiu, and then the cold sweat on Bernardo's head flowed down...

After understanding what Hong Heng-gu meant, Bernardo immediately ran to Da Jiama and said:

"Lord Governor, Hong said that the enemy is rushing over with a row of fire boats. There are flammable things such as oil and sulfur on the fire boat. Once they stick to our warship, our warship will be burned!"

"I'm x!" Dagama couldn't help but shouted in foul language, so he shouted in horror:

"Everyone, get on the boat quickly, control the sailboat to leave the berth, and dodge to both sides!"

"Everyone, get on the boat quickly, control the sailboat to leave the berth, and dodge to both sides!"

"Everyone, get on the boat quickly, control the sailboat to leave the berth, and dodge to both sides!"

Dagama shouted three times in a row, and many Portuguese sailors who had sobered up hurriedly started boarding the ship, preparing to raise the sails and drive the boat away from the pier.

However, many drunk Portuguese sailors are still sleeping...

Dagama shouted angrily:

"Forget about those drunks, everyone, get on the boat if you can! Hurry up and avoid the enemy's burning boat!"

At this time, the fireboat in the front row was only about 300 meters away from the warship outside the pier. At this time, the speed of the fireboat is about 5 knots, which is more than 2.5 meters per second. A distance of 300 meters takes about two minutes to reach.

Even though some Portuguese sailors moved quickly, the outermost Portuguese warships had been glued to the Ming military fireboats and started to burn.

Seeing this, Dagama jumped in anger. In the Portuguese navy camp, many people were frightened and fled like flies without heads, and there were signs of bombing the camp.

Hong Heng Jiuyi gritted his teeth and suggested:

"It doesn't matter, Lord Governor, take the soldiers who are still awake and board the nearest ship to escape for their lives, one can run!"

Dagama felt distressed for a while, but he also knew that Hong Hengjiu's suggestion was correct. Therefore, he could only reluctantly take the group of Portuguese sailors who were the first to wake up and boarded the group of warships furthest to the side. Regardless of whether there were enough people, he directly lifted the anchor and set sail and started running...

However, as soon as the ship was manoeuvred, everyone sensed something was wrong. Because the rudder can't be pryed...

"Oops, the Ming army must have destroyed the rudder..." Hong Hengjiu was dripping with cold sweat. But he knew that if he was caught, he would surely die as a national traitor, and would also affect his entire family.

In desperation, he could only suggest to Dagama:

"Lord Governor, quickly send someone into the water to check the rudder!"

Then some Portuguese sailors jumped into the water and started to check the rudder. At this time, several Portuguese warships in the outermost layer were already on fire. Moreover, the gunpowder keg on the ship also caused martyrdom, which accelerated the burning of the warship.

As for the more than 10 Portuguese warships that forcibly pulled anchor and set sail on the inner side, the first two rammed directly into the coastline because they could not turn the rudder...

Finally, an experienced diver found the culprit of the failure of the rudder, and he shouted:

"Pull out the dagger on the helm!"

"Pull out the dagger on the helm!"


After listening to his words, the sailors who jumped into the sea at the stern of the more than 10 activated Portuguese warships began to look for the dagger on the rudder blade. Then, a total of 7 warships successfully restored the function of the rudders before the arrival of the fire ships.

"Rush out of the cracks in that small island!" Seeing that the exit of Deep Water Bay on the west side of Tianbozhou was blocked by Ming army fireboats, Dagama had to take a risk, and rushed to Yiyi with seven warships that had recovered their sailing ability. The very narrow shallow waterway between the stranded East of Tienbo Chau and Hong Kong Island.

Fortunately, the tonnage of Portuguese warships in this era was not large, only two or three hundred tons. So, several ships passed successfully. However, Dagama's flagship "Prince Enrique" was unfortunately stranded in this narrow waterway because of its largest tonnage...

"Abandon the ship! Let's go to the Leiria!" Seeing that the unfortunate Portuguese warships behind him were already on fire in the fireboat formation, Dagama had to reluctantly order to give up because he was afraid of being bitten by the Ming army navy. The flagship, the 450-ton 'Prince Enrique', and the crew ran to the Leiria in a dinghy.

The warships behind the Ming army saw this scene and immediately came to pursue them. However, the stranded "Prince Enrique" just blocked the Ming army navy warship and gave the previous Portuguese ships a chance to escape...

Eventually, the remaining 6 ships entered Repulse Bay and fled hastily towards the middle of the sea.

And, unfortunately, the six ships that escaped were seriously understaffed. Often a warship of 150 people has only about 50 sailors on each ship. In other words, the Portuguese fleet of about 3,750 sailors only escaped 300 people, not even one-tenth of them... Moreover, most of the escaped were pure sailors, with very few gunners. Even if there are many artillery pieces on board, most of them have lost their usefulness...

Seeing this, Dagama came out of sadness, couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and fainted...

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