The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 327 Surrender or Destroy!

This is not the arrogance of the Germans. The tonnage of Kaiser-class battleships is about 14,000 tons, and the tonnage of Mainz-class armored cruisers is about 13,000 tons. Although the French have a large number of cruisers, except for two 7,000-ton ships Except for cruisers, the remaining 4 ships are all 4,500-ton class, and the combined tonnage of the three ships can be equal to that of a Mainz-class armored cruiser... . If the total tonnage is calculated carefully, the Germans will overtake a little bit, not to mention the combat effectiveness. The naval battle in Africa has proved everything! \u003c/p\u003e"With all due respect, the battleships of the French Navy should be replaced. Our battleships are outdated, and the Germans are obviously going to overwhelm us." Looking at the German fleet in the distance, they are like a group of lions, the French Although there are a lot of people, it is just a group of hyenas. In a real fight, it is clear who wins and who loses. In this case, it is impossible to say that the French have no psychological burden at all. \u003c/p\u003e"That's right, the performance of our warships is too poor. Whether it is a cruiser or a battleship, we have problems with firepower and defense." Fleet Commander Ladravis put down the binoculars in his hand and said with some concern. A 13,000-ton warship is actually equipped with eight 10-inch cannons! In the early 1990s, the French warships had only two 12-inch guns and two 11-inch guns. In terms of one-sided firepower, one 11-inch gun had to be thrown away. The opponent's projection volume is more than twice that of one's own battleship! \u003c/p\u003eI don’t know if I don’t fight, I’m startled when I fight, the German warships have been verified again in this firefight in previous wars, and even prejudiced people can’t ignore this problem. Even though many middle and low-level French officers didn't know what happened in Africa, they couldn't help beating their hearts when they saw the majestic main artillery group on the other side! \u003c/p\u003e"If nothing else happens, are we going to give in?" Ruiye said faintly. \u003c/p\u003e"Well, Portugal is killing itself. It is impossible for us to go to war with Germany to help a low-level country. We have no chance of winning whether it is the navy or the army." La Delaves said. \u003c/p\u003e"Poor Portuguese. So how do we end?"\u003c/p\u003e"This is the business of the bosses. Germany is mainly targeting Portugal this time. It is already very easy for them to eat two Portuguese colonies in one go. It's not easy, and I won't have a bigger appetite." LaDravis sighed after finishing speaking. \u003c/p\u003e While the Franco-German fleet was facing off, the French government finally made a decision not to intervene in the conflict between Germany and Portugal. After notifying Portugal, the French government notified the German government through a neutral country. As for giving up support for Portugal, the French have very good reasons! \u003c/p\u003eIs this matter not that serious, and you can even talk to the Germans, but Portugal directly laid mines, causing accidental damage to the French warships, and was finally leveled by the German task force with almost no damage! Let things go to the point where they can't be solved directly.... Who do you think is to blame for this.... \u003c/p\u003eThe French did what they said. Just after the German fleet entered the waters near the Iberian Peninsula, the French fleet decisively turned around and left. "The French have surrendered, and our future is already smooth!" Prince Ruprecht said happily as he watched the French fleet go away. \u003c/p\u003eThe French have shown with practical actions that they will not fight for Portugal and Germany, and after France withdraws, it is even more impossible for the British to fight for Portugal and Germany at this juncture! In a few days, the German fleet will put the muzzle on Portugal's forehead! \u003c/p\u003e "The French have given up their support for us, for a maximum of 2 days,

The German fleet will arrive off the coast of Lisbon, and then they will completely level our capital with naval guns! " Earl Frank said to King Carlos I of Portugal with a gray face.\u003c/p\u003e "Really.... The French caused the scramble, and this time, they decided to stand by? "The old king said tremblingly. When the British and the French expressed their support for Portugal at the same time, he still had a glimmer of hope in clinging to Portuguese Africa, but now, in a very short period of time, the two big countries have chosen Submit.\u003c/p\u003e The Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacted the British 2 days ago, and the result was either a bunch of empty words, or no reply at all... and the French were more direct, they directly refused Proposals to continue to provide military and diplomatic help. Now, Portugal can only face the mighty Germany alone!\u003c/p\u003e "I knew it was a conspiracy! The French are unbelievable! They have lost the glory of the Napoleonic era. What is the current republic? It's just a master who bullies the weak and fears the hardest! They deserved to be defeated in the Franco-Prussian War! If possible, I hope the Germans enter Paris again! Then there's a military parade on the Champs Elysees! "Although he was mentally prepared, after being confirmed by his subordinates, the king of this small country still lost control of his emotions!\u003c/p\u003e When Spain lost the colonies of the Philippines and Cuba, Carlos I even mocked the Spaniards Overwhelmed, he exhausted the few remaining gold coins in the country and worked hard to piece together a decent fleet. What was the result? Wasn’t it still easily beaten by the opponent?\u003c/p\u003eLook at Portugal, itself There is no strong military force, but relying on better relations with the big powers, isn’t it still clinging to the colonies of more than two million square kilometers in Africa? Seeing the Spaniards sinking overseas, the Portuguese have a kind of IQ A sense of superiority.\u003c/p\u003eBut soon, the European powers made the Portuguese realize that in this black forest-like world, being weak is a kind of original sin! The last wave is to interpret the afterglow of the sunset empire, but what about Portugal? Facing the wolf-like German fleet, there is not even a little resistance!\u003c/p\u003e "Your Majesty, you have to face reality, at least for now, As long as we agree to the demands of the Germans, we can launch this war more decently by selling, and if you hesitate, then I am afraid that the whole of Lisbon will be turned into a sea of ​​​​flames! Earl Frank said loudly.\u003c/p\u003eThe Germans are not benevolent, and their so-called "redemption policy" has nothing to do with conscience, but at the cost of a certain amount of money, the Portuguese will honestly hand over their assets and related documents in the colony After all, the Portuguese have been an elite for more than ten years, and there are some things. Germany has limited military strength, and there are only a few nodes that can be controlled. Most of the areas are still in the hands of the Portuguese, so the policy proposed by Germany is to give you some compensation, and then Everyone ended this matter in a more decent way.\u003c/p\u003e "That's it! "After finishing speaking, Carlos I closed his eyes in pain.\u003c/p\u003eThe second chapter is presented--! It was also uploaded in advance, please feel sorry for the author who uploaded it in the Internet cafe--!\u003c/p\u003e\u003c /div\u003e

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