The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0784 vampire group

This is a tough vampire caster!

This is Wakeman's pertinent evaluation of the female blood warlock Hera.

Since the appearance of this sorceress, the thought fragments overflowing from the surrounding vampires have decreased dramatically, and it is already difficult for the mind flayers to use "mind perception" to obtain their next move. However, the mental alarm formed by "hostile detection" sounded one after another.

A group of little guys who have just grown up want to give a paw to an old mind flayer? Vikman smiled grimly.

In the world of mind flayers, those below level 5 are infants, and they dare not leave the lair at all. Only when they reach level 6-10 can they become illithids, which can be regarded as the low-level form of their group. Level 11-15, basically an adult, can be called a mind flayer, and has the ability to travel the underground world to find and collect mind servants. Only those above level 16 can be considered a full adult, and those with higher levels can become mind flayer elders.

As long as they are willing, a mind flayer elder can lead some mind flayers and illithids he has recruited to leave the original lair and find a new suitable place to build a lair. This nesting behavior is also the basic way for the mind flayer race to continue to expand outward.

And the 18th-level Vikman is an out-and-out mind flayer elder, and his overall strength is also the strongest in its lair, otherwise he would not be selected by the mastermind as the forerunner to follow the treasure thief all the way to the surface world.

In fact, in terms of attitude and enthusiasm towards knowledge alone, the mind flayer family is enough to be called a model among the strange. For a mind flayer city, as long as you claim to come with knowledge, they will abandon the general principle of keeping strangers away, and give you the green light. However, if after some verification, the knowledge you provide is false or outdated, then the mind flayers who feel deeply deceived will also tell you what horror is with their own unique enthusiasm.

According to legend, in some underground mind flayer cities, there are still some weird surface mages living in seclusion.

It's not ridiculous that a creature that mind flayers consider exquisite brain food should live among them. As long as you can contribute enough knowledge that even mind flayers don't have, then you can gain the right to live in the city of mind flayers, and no mind flayers or illithids will come to trouble you.

Of course, don't expect them to think of you as one of them.

Therefore, many evil mages, liches, or mage guild traitors who can't get along on the surface will try to find ways to settle down in the mind flayer city, and be protected by the mind flayers in disguise.

Such rules of survival for mind flayers lead to an obvious fact.

Any mind flayer who dares to step out of the Underdark and walk independently is a terrifying guy with extremely strong strength. If external factors such as magic equipment, scrolls, potions, wands, and magic towers are deducted, a mind flayer above level 16 can take down two or three human spellcasters of the same level as easily as drinking water.

The main reason is that most of the mind flayer's psychic powers are instantaneous, and only a few need to be continuously channeled. This leads to the fact that they do not need spells to launch attacks, no need for gesture guidance, and no need for spell-casting materials. Therefore, when a human mage is still chanting a spell and casting a spell slowly, it has already covered the opponent with overwhelming psionic magic.

Of course, another very important reason is that the major races do not fully dig and research the mind, so there are very few spells that can protect the mind. This leads to a master who has not prepared a mind barrier or mind protection in advance, and may be broken into the mind sea by the mind flayer in a face-to-face meeting, and become a mind slave controlled by the opponent at will.

It was the superposition of these advantages that made the mind flayer Vikman dismiss the vampire in front of him.

A group of little guys whose average level has not crossed level 15, except for a few blood casters who have reached level 16 and 17, the rest are toddler babbling children in front of it.

Both sides are ruthless and ruthless characters. After the other party could not perceive peace, a sudden outbreak of battle began.

Following the ear-piercing scream of the blood warlock Hera, the high-ranking vampires who were still retreating just now rushed forward at lightning speed. In all directions, from the ground to the sky, there were figures of high-level vampires at every angle. As soon as they made a move, they blocked all possible escape spaces around the mind flayer.

But do mind flayers need to flee?

Watching the battle between the Mind Flayer and the Church of Justice just now, I just felt that its skills were weird, fast, and very penetrating, but I didn't notice much about the rest. But as soon as I personally took over the hands, the vampires immediately realized what it means to be devastated.

It's a pity that the one who was destroyed was himself...

The mind flayer Vikman stood still, and the invisible razor-like shock waves rushed outward in the shape of sharp cones. Wherever it passed, the walls collapsed and the houses collapsed, and the bricks and stones were broken. Even hard stones can't resist the mind flayer's psychic powers, so how can a vampire's thin flesh resist an attack of this intensity?

The two vampires who were swept by the psychic shock wave froze in mid-air and couldn't stop backing away. The invisible but tangible psychic power completely distorted and wrinkled the void around them, and even their bodies were ravaged together. look. The paralyzing power unique to psychic powers made them unable to break free. They could only watch their bodies being rubbed into a pulp by a pair of invisible big hands, and then sprayed further away together with the splashing gravel.

These are two high-level vampires at level 12! He is usually a small boss with a high rank, but in this high-end battlefield, he can't even be regarded as qualified cannon fodder. No, their sacrifices were not in vain. At least four or five high-ranking vampires rushed to Vickman's side during the three fingers it took the mind flayers to deal with them.

Layer upon layer of transparent force field walls blocked all vampires' melee attacks. Vikman's condensed force field protection is as solid as the Holy Light Barrier of a great knight, enough to support ten fingers under the swift and violent attacks of this group of vampires. And ten fingers was enough time for Vikman to slowly wipe out all the attackers around him.

All the vampires were frightened, and whenever they saw the octopus-like tentacles of the mind flayer pointing to their side, they would fly away in panic. This kind of life-and-death juncture, as long as you hesitate a little, wait until you notice that the void around you begins to distort and then avoid it, then it will be too late!

Hera flew around the periphery with three high-ranking blood warlocks, throwing a series of blood-red light balls at the mind flayer every moment. Either it is the "dispelling technique" that removes the force field protection, or the "dissociation technique" that breaks down all formed substances, and the bloodline blessing that increases the flying speed of the vampire is indispensable for a moment.

With these methods, although the vampires were still suffering casualties, the mind flayers wanted to massacre all directions, but the idea of ​​frenzied slaughter was in vain.

At the same time that more than twenty vampires gave up their lives to entangle the mind flayer, more vampires rushed out from the hidden places in Hans City under the inspiration of Hera's blood, and quickly approached the battlefield.

The mind flayer Vikman, who was fighting hard, also turned pale.

Fuck, why so many? Roughly, there are more than a hundred of them, and further away, there are still hostile light spots rushing into its spiritual perception.

Is this fucking still a human city? With so many vampires lurking around him, has the ruler of this city been infiltrated by vampires?

For a while, Vikman was a little out of breath!

Yes, if these damned vampires are all lined up, it will take a lot of effort for Vikman to call and kill them one by one. If he really rushes forward, even if Vikman waits for another level, he may not be able to stand up to the opponent's crazy assault.

In this case, once the external defense is breached, even the Legendary Soul Eater will peel off its skin even if it does not die.

I'm here to hunt down that treasure thief, what are I going to do with this group of inexplicable vampires? It's time to transfer!

After thinking of a reason for himself in an instant, the mind flayer Vikman felt a little bit of retreat.

Although he had already made plans to withdraw, the attack firepower of the mind flayer Vikman became more and more fierce.

The large-scale 7th-order "super frequency detonation" can sweep all enemies within 30 meters around. Vampires within 10 meters will directly explode into blood clots, and vampires between 10 meters and 30 meters will also suffer different damages according to the distance, which can be called a map gun!

And the sixth-level "time acceleration" can allow the mind flayer to pour out more and crazier abilities in just four or five fingers.

As for "mind crushing" and "mind crushing", they are super useful single-body psionic spells. Any vampire who is about to break through its force field protection will be locked in place by these two abilities, forgetting its mission, or madly attacking its own people.

From time to time, Wakeman will also impose the "death impulse" on a certain vampire, causing him to commit suicide directly. And the terrifying ability of "experience severe pain" can even kill a vampire with a good body.

In short, the longer you fight mind flayers, the more terrifying you'll realize the power of psionic powers!

All kinds of strange abilities that have never been heard of are emerging one after another. For a while, the battlefield became a live show of death in tricks like a vampire!

However, Wakeman felt miserable while attacking frantically. Because the sorceress Hera, who had already made up her mind to leave it behind, specially assigned two high-level blood warlocks to continuously bless it with dimensional anchors, completely limiting its long-range mobility.

This forced Vikman to withstand the siege of many vampires, frantically stimulating powerful psychic abilities. After killing a batch of damned vampires, another batch rushed up, killing them inexhaustibly. And not far away, there are many vampires watching. Once they receive the order, they will rush to the battlefield regardless of their own safety.

Wakeman is finally scared!

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