The Rise of the Cemetery

0691 The Blighter


It is a special professional who transforms the cemetery creature, which was born after the druid combined the heart of the ancient war tree, and the mind was extremely distorted by the filthy force.

When a druid tires of the earth, the earth tires of him. Some ex-druids take the change calmly; others go to great lengths to restore the bond. But a small number of ex-druids have actually embraced their separation from the natural world and become a destructive force. These people are called the Blight, and they will bring desolation to the places they pass.

The Blighter constantly plunders the life on the earth, gaining the ability to cast spells from it. A long strip of eroded forest was his path through the wild.

The vast majority of Blighters are solitary wanderers who are always seeking out and destroying Green. Some are brutal, others laugh at the damage they wreak. But nearly all Blighters are lonely and mad. There's only one thing they want from all this: spells.

The Liches of the Undercity took advantage of the two living druids and the remnants of the ancient war tree sent by the Shadowwind City, and combined them cruelly after twisting their hearts. Ruid Treants are somewhat similar to Withered Treants and Corrupted Druids.

When the withered treant slowly stepped out of the portal, Karu, who had been in contact with them personally, seemed to see the two struggling druids again. Because the big face of the withered treant made up of gray wood grains and parasitic vines can still clearly see the appearance of the elder Galen, and the one lurking in the messy gray "hair" of the withered treant is the slightly pale The young Druid seems to be called... Xiye or something.

As the cemetery units that have just been concocted to compete with the druid tree man, the withered tree man and the fallen druid have not yet experienced the test of actual combat, but only from their list of evil and destructive abilities can be preliminarily inferred. Assess their strength.

List of Blighter Spells

Level 0: detect magic, detect poison, flash, ghost sound, inflict minor wounds, read magic, touch of fatigue.

1st level: despair, burning hand, curse unholy water, decay, detect undead, catastrophe, endure elemental damage, inflict light wounds, invisibility to animals, weaken light.

2nd level: cold metal, cold touch, darkness, death knell, fire trap, blazing sphere, scorching metal, inflict moderate wounds, burn fire, resist elemental damage, bend wood.

Level 3: Contagion, Deep Darkness, Desecrate, Plant Wither, Dispel Magic, Inflict Grievous Wounds, Poison Strike, Protection from Elemental Damage, Stinking Cloud, Vampiric Touch.

4th level: manipulate dead, plant shield, wither, death ward, flame strike, inflict mortal wounds, ennui, drive away vermin, rusty claws, turn mud to stone, turn stone to mud, unholy dwelling, wall of fire surgery.

5th level: shield against living creatures, touch of plague, raise undead, restraint, drive away wood, impoverished waves.

6th level: acid fog, death circle, finger of death, spark, greater dispel magic, serious wounds.

7th level: control undead, control weather, earthquake, fire storm, swamp gas, drive away gold and stone, anti-creature field.

Level 8: Wither, Mind Barrier, Overgrow, Desiccating Wave.

9th level: Aversion, early warning, implosion, burning cloud, vengeful storm.

If you add the not-so-weak melee abilities of the withered treant and the fallen druid, if this kind of combined combat power really appears in the big forest, it can almost completely defeat those children of the forest who love nature and maintain the forest as their duty. them.

It's a pity that there are only 2 Blighters at present, and it's obviously not enough to confront those druids head-on, so Karu and Plataia can only put them into the jungle and let them find the traces of those druids on their behalf .

In the past few days, the development of Yinfeng City has not been smooth.

The druids who heard the news hid in the jungle, looking for opportunities to attack the undead mercenaries in Shadowwind City who were out hunting all the time. Although some were repulsed or killed, some still succeeded.

According to the statistics of the task iron man, in the past three days, the number of undead mercenaries lost in Yinfeng City has reached 17, and there are many senior mercenaries who have reached the 14th or 5th level. This shows that there are definitely archdruids above level 16 or similar characters hidden in the vast jungles around Evilwind City. If they don't find a way to get rid of them, I'm afraid the development plan of Yinfeng City will continue to be postponed.

This is absolutely unbearable for Karoo and Plataya!

The druids hiding in the jungle are the most difficult assassins to detect. They have never been the only ones to sneak up on the undead mercenaries, and the several large-scale raids organized by the undead mercenaries have not even found a few hairs.

Therefore, the last few days are also the most aggrieved time for the undead mercenaries.

Until now, the large cemetery has undergone countless colonization and expansion, and has always grown under the water of blood and flesh, and has never died down because of the existence of powerful enemies. This kind of tradition has also developed the iron-blooded and ferocious spirit unique to the subordinates of the cemetery. If Yinfeng City is suppressed by this little difficulty and cannot move in the city, then they will become the two most useless and incompetent among all the cemetery city lords.

Once such a title fell on him, no amount of blood would be able to wash it off.

Therefore, watching the two best strong assistants enter the battle sequence, Kalu, who was about to lead the team to attack, couldn't help showing violent killing intent in his eyes.


Pushing aside the luxuriant branches and leaves in front of him, Gut peeked at the path in front of him through the gaps in the lush greenery.

Five miles away from the big tree where he hid, there was that horrible, filthy and strange land. As a young druid just at level 1, his low combat power does not allow him to participate in the frontal battle against those filthy undead, so he can only satisfy his desire to fight against evil by performing these simple monitoring tasks.

The jungle here seems too quiet.

Ever since the source of evil took root here, the surrounding jungles with a radius of more than ten miles have lost their vigor and vitality. The cheerful starling, the little cloud bird that flies as fast as an arrow, the dull-looking owl, the squirrel Simba's family living on the big tree by the forest...these former partners have all disappeared.

Some sensed the danger of the jungle and fled elsewhere, while others...

Gut thought bitterly, cursing again in his heart the terrifying demons that defiled the jungle.

According to the high-level druid who led the team, the guys polluting the forest are actually a group of large-scale and well-organized undead creatures, and there is a more terrifying necromancer behind them.

This undoubtedly made Gut more vigilant.

Lich? ! Great Mother of the Jungle, how long has it been since there have been pure dark creatures like liches in the World of Warcraft!

Gut, who was thinking wildly for a while, shuddered suddenly, squeezed his body into the canopy of the tree, and listened silently to the message in the wind.

This is a unique way of communication among jungle animals and plants.

In the silent jungle, there is only the unique rustling sound of plants and trees swaying with the wind. Outsiders will just ignore this as a natural background noise. Only a few natural creatures such as druids, dryads, elves, etc. can analyze the sound from it. An obscure and long-standing call sign.

"... Enemy... Destroyer of Nature... Dodge..."

This is not only a message from the jungle, but also the wail of hundreds of millions of creatures in the face of despair. Gut even deciphered the breath of death from the wind message technique.

"Damn it, the enemy is out on a large scale again!" Gut didn't dare to neglect, put his hands around his mouth, and made a trumpet shape to face a certain direction deep in the jungle. The high-frequency shouts from his mouth were mixed with the rustling wind, and outsiders couldn't hear the slightest abnormality at all. Only his partners could correctly interpret the messages conveyed in it.

And so a moment later, the jungle came to life.


Half a quarter of an hour later, an elite druid team found the enemy's trail in the northeast direction of Shadowwind City.

Seeing the withered treant moving slowly in the jungle for the first time, the sixth-level druid elder who led the team thought he had seen a wandering companion—a treant! But relying on the difference in breath, he still quickly discovered the difference between the other person and the tree man.

Tall and wrinkled ancient tree torso, lifelike human-like facial features, thick limbs made entirely of tangled branches and vines, every step is accompanied by a slight earthquake...

All of these are exactly the same as the druid's jungle partner, the Treant, but the breath that lingers around it does not have the vigor of natural creatures, but a deathly breath that entices people to sink.

The ancient tree that made up the tree man's body has withered and died, and there is hardly any greenery on it. The original strong and tough wooden arms of the tree man have also become shriveled and dehydrated dead branches. What's more frightening is that all the green is fading and replaced by gray and white on the forest path where the tree man is walking slowly, giving people a lifeless feeling.

With the druid's innate life perception, he could detect that all the plants near the withered treant were in a withered state of passing life.

Damn it, it's the enemy! Such a fearsome destroyer of nature must not be allowed to ravage the jungle!

With his jungle companions following him, the high-level druid rushed out of the invisible jungle with a whistle.

There was no room for negotiation between the authentic jungle druid and the natural destroyer withered treant. As soon as the two sides got together, a life-and-death fight broke out.

A total of 11 jungle druids and 1 dryad. Among them, there is one elder druid of level 6, two high-level druids of level 4, eight low-level druids of level 2-3, and the female dryad who followed is of level 4.

As a panacea class capable of melee combat and spellcasting, the jungle druid can take on any position in the team by virtue of its ever-changing transformation skills.

When this group of druids first arrived here, they were still a hodgepodge of lions, tigers, and deer. As soon as the combat command was given, they, who had undergone hard training, immediately made targeted tactical changes.

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