The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0469 change again

The enemy has a conspiracy!

This is an obvious thing.

Although the young mage didn't set foot in the fourth family's garrison, the mixed messages from Younu, Dolores, and Gorefiend showed that some of the main force of the fourth family was not inside the garrison. Especially the Mistress Ferren that Li Xun paid attention to, since the news of the undead entering the city, she never showed her face in the family residence again.

What does the other party want to do? What can the other party do?

Inexplicable questions lingered in the mind of the young mage.

Any conspiracy needs proper strength as a support. Without a strong body, a smart brain will be useless. Therefore, as long as the Cemetery Legion cleanly and thoroughly wiped out the drow's living troops, the enemy's conspiracy can only stay on paper and eventually come to naught.

The young mage looked back and saw that apart from the fourth family residence in front of him, the battles in the other drow family residences were also in full swing. But the other battlefield he focused on was cruising between the residences of the first family and the second family.

Where the hell is Ferren?

Since she did not appear in the family residence to comfort people at such a critical moment, it meant that she had really left the residence. Absconding secretly? This is almost impossible. Drow is far from reaching the end of the mountain, and it is absolutely impossible for Ferlun, a pervert who is immersed in power day and night, to give up everything he has and choose an unknown exile.

So she must be hiding in a dark place planning a strong counterattack.

With the help of the soul system, the young mage communicated with the two dracolich staying behind and listened to some of their suggestions. The curse circle has been completely built, and the dragon lich Dogosos personally presided over the curse ceremony. However, the young mage did not give a final order, so the ceremony was always in a state of waiting, without the final activation.

The most powerful blow can only be most effective when it is released at a critical moment, but now even the enemy's movements are somewhat unclear, which inevitably makes people feel a little restless.

Speaking of the current situation of the war situation, it is only a matter of time and the size of the loss that the forces of the cemetery swallow this drow city. Even if these drow and black skins are tossed out some moths, it will basically not damage the overall situation. At most, the victory hosted by the young mage himself will be ugly.

Li Xun rubbed his aching head, thinking it would be better not to speculate on the thoughts of these drow women. After all, the other party is an old monster who has survived for hundreds of years in the drow family that is as dark as ink and has swords and swords. When it comes to guessing minds, a hundred of them tied together can't play with others.

At present, everything is still upright to overwhelm the opponent with the general momentum, and it is only reasonable to crush the opponent with the right soldiers.

Thus, under the joint spellcasting of many Lich, the burned semi-molten floor in front once again solidified into a rough depression. And floods of lickers, abominations, and ghosts poured into the scorching fire again, and started the next round of attacks without the slightest hesitation.

Half an hour later, the fine gold gate of the fourth family's residence finally couldn't withstand the successive collisions of hundreds of abominations, and a gap began to appear skewed inward. Through the gap in this gate, the abominations at the forefront of the war can even hear the noisy exclamations behind the gate and the sound of reinforcing the pillars.

The pure gold gate is worthy of its name, and there is no substantial damage, but the door shaft and bolt have been broken. If it weren't for the hundreds of metal pillars behind the door, the door would have been opened long ago, becoming the main breakthrough in the cemetery.

In the previous moment, the gate of this drow resident was shrouded in a complete anti-magic barrier, which prevented the spirit-like creatures from being able to penetrate the wall. But now with the damage of the gate, the anti-magic barrier has gradually lost its effect. As a result, the spirit body pierced through the wall, the vampire drilled through the cracks, and the hall behind the door soon fell into a fight.

Without the follow-up continuous reinforcement, the adamantine gate finally collapsed under ten consecutive waves of impact, lying crookedly on one side, revealing the chaotic battle situation in the hall.

Just because of this strong gate, more than 30 of the cemetery troops crashed and died on the spot, and the remaining more than 40 were also seriously injured.

After the gate was opened, the first wave of attack was the death cloud of the Lich army approaching the gate.

Amidst the crackling sound, a thick smoke-like negative energy filled the wide hall, filling every inch of the space tightly. All the drow warriors and cannon fodder slaves who stayed in the hall were under the precise attack of the Lich, their flesh and blood withered and their lives shrank. The lucky ones can still struggle to escape into the adjacent corridor, while the bad ones wailed and fell to the ground on the spot. The flesh, hair, and clothing on their bodies were eroded and riddled with holes, turning into crisp, shriveled bones.

Just one wave of attacks wiped out the main force of the enemies in the hall, and forced all the remnants into the corridors and tunnels behind.

The shouting and killing is extending, and the fighting is continuing. The cemetery team, which thrived in the negative energy, took advantage of the victory and pursued, spreading the killing and bloodshed to every possible corner and space.

Skeleton mage Haka and Soul Prisoner Karen also led a group of undead mercenaries who came to fight the autumn wind and rushed into the Drow garrison shouting. In front of and behind them, swarms of lickers and ghosts roared in like a tidal wave, marching along the route of the enemy's retreat, and aimed directly at the most important audience room in the Drow garrison.

It was the place where the drow priests offered sacrifices to the Spider Goddess, and its implied importance was unmatched by the family warehouse.

As the vanguard of the cemetery deepened, the entire fourth family resident was like a slowly turning page, presenting all its contents in the mind of the young mage at a glance.

Sure enough, once the outer line of defense built with mechanism traps and the flesh and blood of drow warriors was breached, the combat power displayed by the fourth family was not worth mentioning. Without the powerful assistance of drow priests and priests, no matter how elite these drow fighters are, they cannot withstand the impact of the tide of undead.

The Drow Priests are not inside, at least most of the priestesses of the Drow Priests are not in the family residence. The small number of priestesses and low-level priests who were left here to fill the scene were powerless to resist, and were quickly breached by the cemetery team to break through several important defensive areas. After retreating steadily, they could barely retreat to the audience room, which was heavily organised.

The young mage was not greedy for this bone with little meat, and ordered to recall all his high-ranking subordinates, leaving only Haka and Karen with the help of the undead mercenaries to slowly wear down the enemy's defense. . And he plans to move on to another most suspicious target - the residence of the First Family.

Just as he gathered back a few powerful men, strange ripples suddenly appeared somewhere in Rasmuffel City. Although this kind of spatial fluctuation was not strong, it firmly tore open a corner of the shielding circle under the cemetery, and slowly sent out some kind of strange and mysterious signal.

"Sacrifice ceremony... this is the highest sacrifice ceremony!" Zena's frightened scream rang out in Li Xun's mind. As a super consultant for the massacre of the city, although she is thousands of miles away on Sardo Island, she has always been in touch with the young mage's mind and shared the perception of the young mage, so she was able to distinguish the distant God at the first time. source of volatility.

"That's the Spider Academy for cultivating priests and pastors, right?" Li Xun couldn't help sighing, "Unexpectedly, I was deceived by the enemy. It turns out that most of their main forces are concentrated there!"

As a young man in his twenties, his life experience is still too shallow. Regardless of strategizing or intrigue, he can only follow behind these old monsters to eat ashes. If it weren't for the huge advantages he possessed, I'm afraid that the Cemetery Legion would really fall under the endless tricks and schemes of the drow elves.

The young mage brushed off the hood that concealed his face, and looked at the inconspicuous Spider Academy in the distance.

The Spider Academy is divided into two major parts, the Fighting Martial Tower and the Warlock Academy. There is also a church dedicated to praying for female priests. It is carved out of a whole piece of rock, which looks magnificent. Most of the area in the academy is a forbidden zone, with all kinds of facilities, blacksmith shop, magic hut, even bar, all kinds of service agencies, and of course there are places dedicated to fighting and casting spells.

It used to be the densest place of drow nobles in the drow city, but since the undead entered the city, the warriors and priests of the major families returned to the family residence one after another, and it became an empty nest with no one there.

Li Xun is sure that the creatures in the cemetery under his command will search for such an important facility multiple times. But now it seems that the enemy is still playing tricks and lurking inside.

Ever since he fell out with Mistress Ferlun, the young mage has been waiting for the opponent's successor. Now it seems that it is most likely to be here.

Following the rush of several approaching troops, the sound of clanging swords suddenly sounded in the spider academy, and a group of well-equipped drow elite surrounded by a group of drow priestesses and dark mages rushed out of it.

The combat power of these drow elites is unprecedentedly powerful. Whether it was the armor on his body, the swords and shields in his hands, they were all first-class magic items, plus the killing skills of each of them were not inferior to that of a weapon master. Almost a single charge killed more than a hundred people who had just jumped into it. A licker, a ghost.

But Mistress Ferren, whom Li Xun had been looking for, was not among them.

Could it be that it is still underground here?

Almost as soon as this idea came up, the Younv in the queue had quietly disappeared, leading a group of ghost killers from the side to the place where the team of drow had just emerged.

Without the desire to chat, the young mage waved his hand, and the blood demon, Dolores, blood mage Hera, high-ranking Lich Jacob, etc. who followed him immediately directed his subordinates to rush up.

Although the battle was extremely brutal and the scene was brutal and bloody enough, none of this could attract the young mage's attention. With You Nu's step by step, his spiritual world penetrated into a certain place hidden under the Spider Academy. in a large cave.

There is a small drow altar there!

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