Through the crystal clear ice sculpture, one can vaguely see the slight doubt and deep sadness on his face. You don't need a very clever mind, just a flash of thought before you die, you can figure out a lot of things.

At the same time, the tall and thin high-level mage had given up all resistance, and screamed in a shrill voice: "Don't kill me! I surrender, I surrender..."

The change of the matter was too abrupt and beyond everyone's expectations. The field was suddenly still for 3 seconds, except for the Lichs who were still persistently attacking, attacking... other intelligent creatures couldn't help but stop thinking for a moment.

Everyone's eyes lingered on the sad and beautiful ice sculpture for a few seconds, and then they focused on the tall and thin mage who was kneeling and desperate for his life.

A high-ranking mage! A high-level mage who combines honor and dignity!

Li Xun's mind couldn't help wandering for a while before he fully understood the cause and effect of the situation. While deeply disdainful of this high-ranking mage, the last sacred place in his heart was also shattered.

I used to think that the mage group was too selfish, but it was still a noble and proud profession, but now...


A sigh!

Li Xun, who was too deeply moved, did not issue an order immediately, but someone reacted more intensely than him.


The outrageous roar turned the Great \u0026 Mage into a desperate beast at this moment, ignoring the spells that hit him one after another, and at the same time that his mouth was bleeding, a "Yangyang Explosion" that was enough to incinerate everything in the world was already in his hand Generate quickly.

For Inzahar, whose vitality and mana have fallen to the bottom, this is simply casting a spell with an overdrawn life. He has completely ignored the possible backlash of casting spells, and only wants to use the blood in his chest and the extreme high temperature to annihilate him. A disgrace and cancer among mages.

What the enemy doesn't want is what I want!

Out of a simple thought, Li Xun turned pale with shock and shouted loudly: "Stop him!"

The entire cemetery army immediately responded.

In the group of corpse witches that still had enough strength left, more than 20 chaotic lords raised their staffs together, and the "weakness" halos of sauce purple immediately blessed the big \u0026 mage one after another, making the "weakness" that was about to take shape in his hands Yanyang Explosion" immediately trembled.


There was another roar, and a large black blood gushed out of the mouth of the great mage Inzahar. He used the severe pain of biting off the tip of his tongue to forcibly raise his spirit to resist the trance, and successfully completed the spell in his hand.

A red sun rose slowly in the hall, accompanied by extremely high temperature and dazzling red light.

Slowly but quickly, the red sun began to move, heading straight for the defected high-ranking mage.

The tall, thin, high-level mage kneeling on the ground raised his head in horror and looked at the ever-growing fiery red world in front of him. His trembling body had lost the ability to dodge, and he could only scream, "I don't want to die...I don't... …wanna die!"

The seven death knights and skeleton warhorses who were on the front line of interception stood up, and threw the huge saber that had accumulated enough strength to throw it straight into the center of the scorching red sun. These soul armaments jointly built by a large amount of death energy and a large number of soul crystals disintegrated under the extreme positive energy erosion when they touched the periphery of the red sun, adding black spots to the red sun, but they still couldn't stop this The eighth-level spell that condensed the last effort of the great \u0026 mage.

The two blood-sucking counts also teleported to the trajectory of the red sun, but they were burned into smoke and dust before they even had a chance to touch the core of the spell.

There was a loud noise, a swift figure dragged a series of afterimages on the ground, quickly pounced under the red sun, raised the huge wheel ax in his hand, and rushed in with a savage charge.

The abnormal sound of "Ziz" roasting flesh came out, and the tall and strong demon guard finally smashed the stable core of "Yangyang Explosion" with violent power, and detonated this high-level spell that made the undead gnash their teeth.

The huge red sun was restrained in the air at first, and all the high temperature disappeared instantly, as if all the energy had shrunk to the black spot in the middle of the red sun. After standing still for a moment, a violent explosion occurred, and countless rays of flames spread to the surroundings along with the violent explosion shock wave, shooting all objects within the range of action into sieves with abundant positive energy.

A huge and fat body stood in front of the completely sluggish high-ranking mage, even if he was shattered by the rays of the sun, he did not back down a step.

When the last ray of the sun disappeared into the air, this huge body quietly collapsed. When the nearly 4-meter-high flesh giant Abomination fell down, there was only a layer of back skin left. All the flesh, tissues and organs in the body had completely evaporated, and an unspeakable stench filled the air.

At the same time that the abomination fell, the great mage Inzahar also fell silently. The backlash of stepping up the spell was not something his broken body could bear. The moment the spell left his hands, his life had already passed away. It was only supported by a spirit of resentment that managed to maintain his upright body and quietly looked at the traitor. fate.

It's a pity that the leader of the undead was willing to pay such a huge price to save this evil soul, which made his last obsession before death shattered. As for the serious consequences such a mage traitor would bring to the mage guild, he could not think about it. His eyes slowly closed, and the whole world fell into absolute darkness!

A figure shrouded in a hood slowly walked to the side of the Great Mage, and quietly placed a soul pearl specially made from soul crystals on Inzahar's forehead.

Under the traction of a mysterious force, Inzahar's body trembled, and a dim white light cluster floated out from his forehead, froze in the air and trembled endlessly. One side is the strong suction force from the soul world, and the other side is the extreme nostalgia for the body of his previous life. The soul of the dazed master \u0026 mage has a tendency to get rid of the suction force and disappear into the world after trembling.

A hoarse and dry incantation sounded, and countless yellow-brown smoke filled the void, covering the soul of the still-resisting Da \u0026 Mage, and transformed into yellow bugs into the white light ball as if possessing wisdom. The light of the soul radiated by the soul of the great mage fell down several levels in an instant. Under the influence of the "fog of confusion", he gradually gave up resistance, and sucked in the soul pearl "swish".

Holding the soul pearl in his hand, Li Xun strolled up to the high-ranking mage who was still kneeling on the ground. Seeing the soul orb that was getting closer and closer to him, the tall and thin high-ranking mage was full of horror, leaned back and crawled quickly, and let out a distorted scream.

At this moment, he is not a powerful high-level mage, he is not even as good as a farmer with a dung fork in his hand.

Perhaps everything today was so exciting that he had already forgotten that he still had the ability to cast spells, and would only scream like a frightened noblewoman.

"Don't move! If you dare to move again, I'll tell you to go in and be his companion!" Li Xun advanced several times, but was screamed and crawled away by the other party, so he had no choice but to threaten him severely.

Not to mention, this trick is really easy to use. The high-ranking mage immediately froze in place and never moved again.

"Tell me! What's your name? What effect do you have on me? Give me a reason to keep you from killing me!"

After a long time, the tall and thin high-ranking mage smoothed his tongue and confessed everything about him like a cannonball. At first hearing, Li Xun felt a little bit of joy, but his face was hidden under the shadow of the hood, and the high-ranking mage didn't notice it at all.

The high-ranking mage's name was Cologne Kestron, but Li Xun's heart was moved by this surname. If he remembered correctly, the name of Kestron was among the top three families in the Kingdom of Breland. Sure enough, this Cologne is the head member of the Kasteren family, the son of the head's younger brother, and one of the most accomplished members of the younger generation.

Mage Cologne is 67 years old this year. The reason why he was able to climb to level 14 high-ranking mage so quickly was not only his own talent but also his family's countless resources. This underground trip was also a gold-plated trip that the family had come forward to fight for him, but he did not expect that it would be so dangerous that the entire team of mages led by the great mage was wiped out.

It is understandable that the proud son of heaven, who has never experienced strong winds and waves, suddenly fell over in this dangerous place, and made such an incredible behavior under a mental breakdown. But what Li Xun needs now is a complete traitor colony. If he can't do it, he would rather execute this Cologne immediately.

When Li Xun's sinister threat came out, Cologne immediately offered several alternatives in a hurry, from the soul contract to the Styx blood contract, and then to the blood curse. It seems that Cologne really can't care about the future in order to save his life .

However, the only thing Li Xun trusts is the blood contract that he is most familiar with. Therefore, two dark knights were asked to hold Cologne, and Li Xun pierced his eyebrows, and drew the magic contract with blood, completing the blood contract according to the usual routine of enlightening heroes in the cemetery. Of course, Li Xun must pay the last bit of contract blood. This is the key to his ability to control Cologne, and it must not be ignored.

To be on the safe side, Li Xun also secretly tested a new method of his own on Ke Long. A soul template cultivated with a large number of soul crystals secretly lurked into the depths of Ke Long's soul. Once the other party wants to get rid of the control of his blood contract, then his own soul can completely release this soul template with a single thought, allowing it to swallow and replace Cologne's original soul's main consciousness.

The world of magic is too vast, and Li Xun can't guarantee that this kind of soul blood contract will be able to control this cunning and unscrupulous person steadily. Clean up hidden dangers.

Just after Li Xun took care of the high-ranking mage who surrendered, the necromancer Plataya also led the team to clean up the battlefield. A new soul orb fell into Li Xun's hands, which contained the soul of the high-ranking mage Zain frozen in the icicle.

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