Klein Continent, Underdark Region, City of Mysteries.

After experiencing continuous turmoil, this once most noisy area of ​​the underground world has become a death vortex that caravans can't avoid. Several big forces extended their hands and feet here at the same time, leading to the collapse of the inherent power order, and no one can completely dominate the development of the entire situation anymore.

In this turbid current, the most powerful Mage Guild has almost become the target of public criticism. Overt or covert enemies are scattered in this three-dimensional space, stalking and spying on its every move, trying to usurp it from this chaos. own interests.

Even though he chose to be an enemy to everyone, the party that took the initiative was still the coalition forces of the Mage Guild and Kezan Moyes' underground forces. Ignoring all external interference, they formed the most powerful mage team in the underground world in history, and continued to advance to the lower regions in the winding and rugged tunnels of the Underdark Region.

On the opposite side of them are the many mind flayers of the city of mysteries. Countless large and small mind flayer teams scattered and joined forces spread all over the entire region, spying on the attacking coalition forces in various ways, and countless large or small encounters and ambushes would break out every day. The coalition forces have also experienced countless landslides, traps, sneak attacks, guerrillas, and strong attacks...

But all of these were crushed one by one by the Mage Guild with powerful firepower. The lineup of 31 high-level mages and 4 archmages is the guarantee of strength. Any reckless guy who harasses or covets their team will provoke the most violent counterattack and end up in pieces.

Such a team may not be able to fight against the entire city of Mystery, but gathering such a force in a certain part makes it impossible for the mind flayers to parry. Therefore, the flames of war spread and burned in countless caves, corridors, and tunnels, and moved slowly and firmly towards the city of mystic locks.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye. After going through hardships and obstacles and paying the price of the death of 5 high-ranking mages, the mage alliance finally broke through many obstacles and pushed the front line to the ruins outside the city of mystic locks. When they got here, the allied forces of mages no longer forcibly pushed forward, but set up a solid camp in the corner of the huge cave, and cast spells to cover up the location of the camp, hiding inside and not knowing what to do.

It was just a simple day's work. With the consumption of countless "turning stones into mud" and "turning mud into stone" spell scrolls by many high-level mages, a strong fortress was erected in this remote corner. Supplemented with a considerable number of various types of magic structures and metal puppets, the human mages quickly built this place into an indestructible fortress of war.

Out of anxiety, the elders of the mind flayers mobilized 1/3 of the mind servants of the city of mystic locks to organize a large-scale assault, repeatedly attacking the war fortress established by the coalition of mages, and finally succeeded in dispelling it after paying a heavy price. Endless water mist, fog and other concealing methods revealed a huge teleportation circle inside the fortress.

This shocking discovery once again stimulated the nerves of the elder mind flayers. The current mage team is already very difficult to deal with. If the opponent is allowed to transfer more mages and supplies from the surface endlessly, then this mind flayer city may really change hands.

All of a sudden, the entire Mystic City was mobilized. All kinds of war equipment began to be carried out, and a large number of main combat arms were also gathered. The mind flayers were gearing up, preparing to gather the strongest combat power and take down this vicious dog lying on the doorstep in one fell swoop.

At this time, Li Xun had already returned to the cemetery city, and came to the sleeping place of the undead world, and had an in-depth talk with JY03761, the core of the arcana.

When the talks were over, Li Xun made up his mind to get deeply involved in the underground battle.

The current cemetery city is developing vigorously out of the sight of many forces, so whether it is necessary to show its strength in advance, and how to show it is a question that the cemetery owner must think deeply about. But now there is no need to think about it, just some small things revealed from the arcane core JY03761 are worth the cemetery family's life in exchange.

Therefore, the latest battle situation sent back by the blood demons on the front line is updated every moment, but Li Xun calmed down instead, and carried out a large-scale adjustment of troops and subordinates in the 3 major regions and 5 major cemetery cities. It can be said that this is the first time that the cemetery city has adjusted its troops in all areas. For a goal and a possible harvest, the cemetery elites began to gather their strongest combat power, ready to launch a surprise attack at any time.

Yes, not a war, but a raid!

The main body of the war in the underground world is still the coalition forces of the Mage Guild and the mind flayers. This time Li Xun didn't intend to take their protagonist's position, but adopted the method he used to deal with the Undead Council last time, and when they were entangled, he concentrated all his efforts on a breakthrough and directly usurped his own interests.

"Don't hold back your hand, just touch it and leave" is exactly what Li Xun wants to do at the moment.

For this reason, the chaotic land of the abyss has stopped developing for a short period of time. Except for the part of Stratholme that is already in war in the five major cemetery cities, all cemeteries have begun to shrink strategically. Elite troops were deployed to the Undercity, including many cemetery heroes and foreign mercenaries.

February 19, 1220 in the Klein calendar.

A portal lingering in colorful light slowly opened in a quiet ruin somewhere outside the City of Mysteries, and Li Xun got out of it. Ignoring the team of blood demons and vampires who were guarding nearby, Li Xun waved his hand and released a full 120 elite cemeteries from his soul space.

This is the first big gathering of graveyard heroes. Looking around, Younv, Zombie King, Plataya, Demon Guard, Ice Demon, Green-haired Zombie Moros... In addition to the coaches stationed in various places, the cemetery heroes and foreign heroes that can be drawn, as well as undead mercenaries All have arrived.

Li Xun didn't stop, turned around and went back to the portal. Half a minute later, when he reappeared, he released 120 high-level cemetery troops with a wave of his hand...

This went on and on, until the 17th time, the dead energy reserve in the sea of ​​bones in the dark city was completely exhausted. Therefore, in this remote corner, more than 2,000 members of the cemetery gathered in a short period of time. This fully embodies the benefits of Li Xun's super large amount of soul space. If these subordinates are allowed to send through the portal without his transfer, the transfer of 300-400 will consume a lot of dead energy.

This corner was specially selected by the Gorefiend to be a remote place away from the battlefield. It was more than enough to hide a few hundred undead, but thousands of high-level undead would be beyond their capabilities. Soon, the teleportation fluctuation here and the gradually expanding troops attracted the attention of the mind flayer patrol not far away.

So an unexpected cemetery war began.

Due to the early assignment of their respective tasks, the heroes of the cemetery who arrived earlier did not wait for the replenishment of troops, but gave priority to arming a few small teams and rushed out.

The first to lead the team was the corpse king, he led 2 death knights, 5 dark knights, 5 death-controlling witches, 5 chaos lords, 10 abominations, 5 blood-sucking counts, 50 lickers, 30 Ghosts and 5 Ice Banshees, although the total number is only 117, they have both combat strength from tier 2 soldiers to tier 6 soldiers, and they belong to a solid attacking force.

The second one to set off was the green-haired zombie Moros, who had almost the same equipment, slightly staggered angles from the corpse king, echoed each other, and fought with the mind flayer team who had heard the news not far from the portal. Today's subordinate Li Xun is very relieved. After all, they are all undead physiques, and they will not be easily controlled by the mind flayer.

Next, every time Li Xun came out from the portal, he would arm a team leader who was waiting anxiously, and there would be an extra elite and capable cemetery team.

When Li Xun got out of the portal for the last time, there was no crowd around the portal, only the Gorefiend and Plataya were still bowing and waiting. Listening attentively, shouts and howls sounded like mountains and seas from all over the periphery.

"Take me there!" Li Xun said with a serious expression.

The blood demon didn't say much, he turned around and led the vampire, and Li Xun followed closely under the protection of the Plataya mage group. The strangest ones in the team were the four abominations in the center. They carried a strange metal cabinet in their hands, and walked steadily step by step, surrounded by five undead floating in mid-air for protection. Judging from the intensity of security, it is second only to Li Xun, the master of the cemetery.

But at this very moment, the mind flayers were fighting blood and flesh with the mage alliance in another corner, and they couldn't stop. Even the seven mind flayer elders have all been present, using their powerful psychic powers to sweep every corner of the magic fortress in turn.

Yes, the strong fortress that was just built at this time yesterday has now been converted into a magic fortress that integrates offense and defense. Blessed by countless magic scrolls, this temporary fortress exudes soaring magic fluorescence, and every stone and tree on it has been forcibly converted into magic items, with excellent magic resistance. Unless it is a saturated physical attack or magic attack, it is impossible to break the magic protection of this condensed body.

Just when the battle between the two sides was inextricably linked, there was a small noise in the other direction of the Mystic City, and then it began to spread and increase. In less than half an hour, it developed into a shocking fight.

As a result, the leaders of both sides who were fighting to the death looked into the distance with some doubts, and detected the movement there through different methods.

Undead? Huge amount of elite undead?

The detection results surprised both parties.

In a hall in the magic fortress, a dozen mages wearing red or blue mage robes looked at the image of the strangely shaped and brave high-level undead team in the magic water mirror on the wooden table, and they were all stunned.

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