Immediately, the Skeleton King remembered something and said: "When you have time, go and see the latest video sent by the master. There is a live broadcast of the legendary mage casting the legendary spell. It is really earth-shattering. Confrontation! Before legends appear in our cemetery, it is absolutely inappropriate to confront legends!"

"Master is taking risks again?" Alsace asked with concern: "Being able to obtain first-hand information about the legendary mage, could it be that the master is doing something dangerous again?"

"Not this time. The master just betrayed the information once, provoking the legendary mage Troo of Novus and the holy mage Lux of the Undead Council to face each other directly, and arranged a lot of eyeliner in advance, so that he has enough A lot of information extracts and restores the real scene. You must read it, it is very beneficial to our progress. After all, in these treacherous and unpredictable worlds, legends are the basic combat power beyond the plane!"

"Legendary!...Legendary!" Alsace also sighed infinitely. If the heroes of the cemetery had not had their own unique promotion system, it would be almost impossible to reach the level of such a creature at the top of the plane.

For a legendary creature, everything below the legend is an ant, and no matter how many low-level units there are, it just makes them spend more effort and cast legendary spells a few more times. Without the same combat strength as the final word, a legendary mage can completely destroy a large country with guerrilla tactics.

The world of the undead, a country that is gradually dying, and a world with a serious loss of power, also hosts 13 legendary undead kings. As for Klein Continent, there are more than 30 living legends in the historical records. What a terrifying force this is!

After the great development of the Cemetery Clan, sooner or later, the sphere of influence will be in contact with the invisible forces of these legendary figures. If by that time, there is no legendary hero of their own force, I am afraid that they will face an extremely terrifying feast of carve-up.

Thinking of this, the two cemetery heroes are also worried, but worry is worry, and the work that should be done still needs to continue. All we can do next is to wait for the return of the shadow gnome assassin Oro, maybe we can get more detailed information from him. Only in this way can we ensure that Stratholme will not run into a legendary Lich head-on when making a colonization plan. . The current Stratholme, or even any cemetery city, cannot withstand the invasion of legendary characters.

Never before has the Graveyard family so desperately needed their own legendary heroes.

Oro's return was only half a day later than Alsace's. As soon as he got back, he got into the city hall and didn't come out for a long time. The three of them gathered together in front of the throne of bones to collect information from all parties, and finally pieced together the general situation in the distance.

At this moment, the 17th-level zombie lord was confronted by a necromancer who appeared suddenly. According to the appearance described by Oro after spying in private, the Skeleton King couldn't help but think of the undead council that forced him to fake death once. The archmage, seems to be called...Fenil or something.

Could it be that the collapse of the gate of the plane also locked him in the world of the undead?

In this way, the undead council did not completely cut off its roots in the undead world, at least a legendary lich and a level 16 necromancer were left behind. Not to mention the undead forces that they may have gathered during this time, these two leaders alone are not something that Cemetery City dares to provoke now.

The 16th-level undead mage is good at dark curses. This set is not enough in the undead world. The cemetery city relies on the mage tower and a group of elite legions, and can compete with him. As long as you don't provoke the legendary lich, you can Fight a small war locally to reduce the remnants of the undead council first. If the opponent's wings can be cut off, leaving only a few bare commanders, then their threat will be greatly reduced.

Presumably, before finding out the true details of the forces in the cemetery, those few lonely families would not throw their lives at the cemetery.

With his mind made up, Skeleton King started a series of war mobilizations.

First of all, after adding a batch of death knights to the Ebon Knights, the total number has reached 65, including 25 death knights, 28 dark knights, and 12 bone horse knights. As the first attack brigade, they will directly intervene in the battle between the two undead lords thousands of miles away, and they will mainly focus on the side where the undead mage is.

Secondly, the green-haired zombie will lead its own mercenary group to choose an outpost camp on the front line, as a temporary activity point for the follow-up mercenaries, and establish a solid support node for the subsequent continuous strikes.

The mage group led by the necromancer Plataya will enter the outpost camp after it is completed, and then under the guidance of the Ebon Blade Knights, they will strike a thunderous blow against the power of the necromancer, trying to destroy it in one go.

In this operation, the Skeleton King is firmly guarding Stratholme in the rear. After all, he has already had a face-to-face with the necromancer Fenir, so in order not to arouse the suspicion of the other party, he will no longer participate in it. This requires the sincere cooperation of the three major legions on the front line to strike the enemy as much as possible while preserving their own strength.

So, less than a month after the war had ceased, Stratholme, a war behemoth, once again showed its minions, targeting a certain force thousands of miles away.


The 43rd floor of the Abyss.

After running around for more than ten days, You Nu had already left the chaotic land for 20,000 miles, so she stopped and began to seriously plan to lure the enemy into the bait.

Where she is now is in a weathered stone forest, tall and short, thick and thin, and so on. Standing on the tallest stone pillar and looking around, there is a monotonous world made up of red, yellow, and black. Numerous canyons, caves, and stone forests form a complex terrain, forming a natural hiding place. I don’t know how many dangers there are. Guys hide in shadows and caves.

Due to the complex terrain and the fact that there are no large volcanoes around, the temperature here is much lower than other places, so demons big and small are relatively rare, and it has become the world of alien creatures in disguise.

This is a good hiding place, and there is a steel castle of the demon lord a few hundred miles away. It is rumored that it is the direct subordinate of the plane lord, and it happens to be used to attack. So in just 2 days, this "land of peace" spread the terrifying news of the presence of human mages, accompanied by more than a dozen corpses of horrific alien creatures.

The news spread quickly, and 1 day later, the small army sent by the nearby demon lord had already entered this free land.

Leading the team was a powerful male snake demon, with a thick tail dragging behind him, and a straight upper body with 4 strong arms. Protruding from the mouth, a pair of blood-colored vertical pupils surrounded the surroundings like poisonous snakes.

Under the command of the snake demon, more than 20 long-horned demons behind him howled and scattered, and soon brought some leaders of abnormal creatures entrenched in the local area before his eyes.

Several strange creatures with peculiar shapes quickly filled up the underground cave, among which there were many powerful monsters such as three-headed demon dogs, demon hunting spiders, and winged lions. Although these alien creatures did not fight each other, out of respect for the powerful power of the demon lord, they still managed to suppress their restless nature, and exchanged hostile glances at each other from a distance.

The male four-armed snake demon glanced at it, and the slender and forked snake letters in its large and thin mouth kept swallowing, making a distressing "hissing" sound. The leaders present could barely understand this abyssal language with unique ethnic characteristics.

"It's not all here today! Where's the big troll? Didn't he receive the order to gather? ¥%#¥%¥@\u0026*%%" the male snake demon shouted angrily, and the snake's messages became faster and faster , The "hissing" sound from behind has been completely connected, and everyone in the field did not understand what he was yelling.

The oldest demon hunter crawled two steps forward, its huge body almost occupied all the visual space in front of the male snake demon. The oppression on the body made the four-armed snake demon couldn't help but shut its mouth, and retreated half a foot indiscernibly, staring at this big man who preyed on demons with a vigilant expression.

"You want to see the troll cobalt blue? Then I will bring him to see you now!" The dense compound eyes in front of the witcher spider's body flashed purple light, and the huge mouthparts did not open. It is the language of the spirit, and all the guys in the field can directly understand the meaning it wants to express through telepathy.

Without keeping everyone waiting, after a while, a group of little devil spiders came out from the depths of the cave and dragged white and dense spider webs to the center of the field. The huge indigo-colored human figure leaking from the gaps in the white spider web made everyone present feel tense, with an inexplicably ominous premonition.

After the spider web was removed, the hideous and terrifying body of the former troll cobalt blue appeared in the field, with dense scars all over his body, and his body was completely shattered. Counting carefully, there are cut marks from wind blades, baking from fireballs, scorching from lightning, frostbite from ice skates...there are so many fine and detailed scars, and you can find them all. Everyone has a troll cobalt blue that is about to be destroyed. The illusion of dismemberment.

"That human mage did it?" The Four-armed Snake Demon blurted out, remembering the purpose of his trip.

"From the appearance, he is a male human mage. But his skills are very strange. Not only is his whereabouts erratic, but also his physical attack power is not weaker than that of magic attack. It is a bit like cultivating both physical and magical powers!" The words of the big spider made everyone in the field tremble. Cold, can not help but feel a headache. There are more knowledgeable people with powerful physical attacks, and there are also many people with strong magic power, but if they really want to be kneaded together, they often lose sight of one another and achieve nothing. It is not so easy to cultivate both physical and magical powers!

The abyssal demon is also known as the double cultivator of material and demon, but the real combat power is mainly based on the physical strength of the body, supplemented by the ever-changing innate spell-like abilities. In the history of mankind, there have been such lame examples of magic swordsmen, but they were eventually annihilated in the torrent of time because they were too mediocre.

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