The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0251 Cooperation

Chapter 0251 Cooperation

Although this information is important enough, it lacks the necessary evidence. If it is reported in this way, it is not enough to be accepted by the ruling parliament, and even further investigation tasks will fall on them.

So after careful consideration, Priestess Lusha issued a new task within her authority. Any mercenary who retrieves the evidence of the surface mage's activities in the ruins will immediately receive the permanent residence of Kazan Moyes City and 1000 gold coins, as well as the honorary citizen status guaranteed by the fifth family, and can choose an enchantment from the family treasure house equipment.

This kind of reward is already generous enough, and the faces of the few remaining mercenaries at least already showed ecstasy. But for the outsider Bloodfiend, he will never understand the meaning and value of permanent residency and family guarantee. The only things he is interested in are equipment and opportunities.

A chance to attack mages aboveboard.

However, with his current strength of level 12, he would have to weigh up when encountering high-level mages above level 10. To be honest, the caster's endless shields are really hard to break, coupled with the many life-saving methods, it is far less easy to kill than imagined.

Gorefiend has been invincible since his debut, relying on the treachery and invisibility of blood magic and the unpreparedness of others. After all, the number of confrontations with mages is very small. Once there is a hard nut to crack, and he is surrounded and beaten by many spellcasters, he is not immortal, so he is still very cautious about dealing with spellcasters.

No matter how delicious the caster's blood is, it must be eaten with one's life.

Therefore, when the leader of the thieves came to him and asked for an alliance to complete the mission, the blood demon readily agreed, regardless of how ugly the face of the kobold warlock in the small team became.

After a brief rest, the team submerged in a deep and dark underground passage again.

This time, with the leadership of the thieves, the team moved much faster. Coupled with the Gorefiend's keen intuition for the enemy's blood, they can often bypass or suffocate the eyeliner on those key nodes, so it took only half a day to return to the place where they encountered the enemy mage last time.

Seeing the huge space that suddenly appeared in front of him, the Gorefiend couldn't help but sigh in a different way. The underground world, this is the well-deserved underground world.

Passing through a narrow and deep tunnel, a vast world is presented in front of you. It is roughly estimated that there are about 500 meters from the ground to the top of the cave. At this height, the top of the cave can hardly be seen from the ground, as if it is covered by a deep curtain. Coupled with some luminous bodies such as glow stones, shale, and agate clams exposed on the stone wall of the cave roof, the beautiful night sky and dots of stars on the surface are completely reproduced, and people can't help but sigh the magical beauty of nature.

This huge cave should be the core of this region, where more than a dozen underground rivers converge to form a large underground lake. All kinds of shrubs, jungles, and moss with strange shapes are covered with the bottom of the cave, and the roar of some large animals can be faintly heard among the dense vegetation.

Such a place is not uncommon in the middle layer of the Underdark, which is equivalent to an oasis in the desert. It is the best supply place for all underground travelers, but it is also the most dangerous area. Due to the abundance of water and the abundance of food, many powerful predators will try their best to occupy an area here and enjoy the delicious food delivered to their door. Therefore, creatures that are not of sufficient weight dare not stay here for a long time. Many caravans and passers-by come here in groups to get some water and food, and then leave quickly, never staying here to rest.

The thieves' team met the enemy at a water source here, more than 30 fighters from the Kuroshio mercenary group and 2 surface mages covered in black robes. Due to some accidents encountered, both sides were not fully prepared, so they were dispersed by the thieves team and escaped.

The death of the bear goblin and the tauren decimated the strength of the thieves team, leaving only one rogue, one kobold warlock, one lizardman hunter, and one dwarf bard. This kind of team has lost its basic balance. Among the 4 members, there are 3 support professionals, and they can't afford any battle situation at all. Randomly come to 2 tauren to launch a death charge, and the team will collapse instantly.

"That's why they can't wait to replenish the team members?" The blood demon speculated maliciously, but he was still a little puzzled that they came to find him on his own initiative. After all, his appearance was emaciated, and he didn't look like a strong man who could block the hole of a gun.

But the Gorefiend didn't care about that. It's fine if they don't stretch their claws, and they can have an "ally" to share the enemy's firepower. If they really want to stretch their claws randomly, he doesn't mind a change.

"Let's go, find some clues inside, if you have a chance, you'd better find a hard hand first!" The thief leader spoke directly, but his eyes hidden in the shadow of the hood kept watching his new "partner".

The Gorefiend nodded lightly and walked into the dense underground jungle without saying a word.

The leader of the thieves turned around and glanced at his former subordinates again, and the three of them nodded knowingly, and they followed silently into the unknown danger.

Standing on the outer edge and looking at this lush underground jungle will make travelers who are tired of darkness and loneliness inexplicably happy. But once you really walk into it, you will find that there are still dangers and dangers everywhere.

There are a lot of green plants, but they are either shrubs and vines that are extremely difficult to pass, or piranhas, vines, arrow bamboos, pitcher plants, blood-sucking mosquitoes, leeches, big black ants, purple snakes, and escaping plants that are active among them. Earth beasts, so the danger is no less than other places, even near the lake.

Many predator-type beasts will lie in ambush by the water's edge, waiting for their prey to let down their vigilance and pounce suddenly. Even the seemingly calm underwater is full of creatures, and the competition is as fierce as that on land. It was basically dominated by aboleths, green-footed dragon snakes, and Medusas. Few people dared to dive into the water to disturb their peace, but occasionally they would come to the water's edge to fight their teeth.

It was such a dangerous place, yet the blood demons were running rampant in it.

Having traveled half a mile, the leader of the thieves frowned again and again. There were too many unreasonable things about the skinny Gnoll Assassin who appeared out of nowhere, and even many of his actions broke his normal experience.

First of all, an assassin doesn't know how to restrain his behavior.

Gorefiend traveled all the way, not only leaving extremely clear footprints, but also not following the underground routine of silent sneaking. There was a rustling sound from the soles of the feet scraping against the ground. Although the sound was not loud, it was unbelievable for an assassin.

Second, he doesn't seem to have a high sense of danger.

Wherever the Gorefiend went, there were many natural traps, but he never avoided them. Even if it was the camouflage tentacles left by the creeping monsters on the ground, as long as they stood in his way, he would still step on them. Several times, the leader of the thieves saw the blood fiend stepping on the huge petals of the pitcher plant, the tentacles of the creeper, and the traps of the leaves of the killing vine, but did not arouse any reaction.

What shocked him even more was that the ubiquitous blood-sucking mosquitoes, big black ants and other small things were also gone, as if they knew how to avoid them, they avoided them far away.

The leader of the thieves sighed in his heart, no longer thinking about these strange things that he could never figure out, but instead focused on where he was staying. Usually, there is a guide in front of you, and everyone will be much more relaxed. You only need to walk with him. But today such a wicked leader made them feel uneasy. No one dared to copy the path he walked. They could only be led by the leader of the thieves to turn left and right, avoiding the traps of these carnivorous plants, and head towards the deep forest. Walk around quietly.

Suddenly, the Gorefiend who was walking in front suddenly stopped and listened.

The leader of the thieves quietly came to him 5 steps away and stopped approaching. He narrowed his eyes and slowly looked at a bush not far away. It is already close to the water intake area, and there are tangled shrubs and vines everywhere, which is impossible to pass through. There is only a gap in the middle, where two ancient trees with a height of more than 7 meters and three people hugging each other are entrenched there, within 10 meters around. No weed vines or anything like that.

"Rope demon?" After a brief analysis, the leader of the thieves whispered his judgment.

The three guys who followed immediately made a gasping sound, obviously frightened by the name.

The rope demon, a special existence between plants and creatures, is also a carnivorous hunter. Usually, it can perfectly camouflage itself as a plant by putting its roots in the ground, but when prey passes by, the seemingly parasitic vine tentacles on the tree will strangle the predation like a lasso. According to legend, it will also insert its tentacles into the bodies of certain creatures, trap their souls in their bodies, and control their bodies to act as their bodyguards and helpers.

Of course, like ordinary plants, it is obviously afraid of fire, so it often lurks in areas relatively close to water sources. The tree rope demon with a height of 7 meters like the one in front of me can prey on a range of about 30 meters, which is also the maximum distance that its vine tentacles can extend.

Of course, this is only what the thief leader deduced from the solemn attitude of the blood demon. Whether it is true or not needs to be verified. After all, the tree rope demon that has not launched an attack is just a tree in appearance.

The leader of the thieves tilted his head slightly, and the kobold warlock immediately took a step forward knowingly, muttering a spell in a low voice, and a fireball was slowly formed in the palm of his hand.

Before he could throw the fireball over to try it out, the two ancient trees had already reacted.

There are dense branches and leaves on the top of the old tree, so dense that it is impossible to see the inner situation clearly. However, the fire elements gathered 40 meters away let the two tree rope demons know that their disguise had been seen through by the enemy.

While the branches and leaves were shaking, seven or eight creatures jumped out from the canopy of the ancient tree on the left, lined up in front of them, and waved at the crowd, waving their teeth and claws. Most of them are basilisks, but there are also tauren and drow warriors.

A wrist-thick gray vine at the back of each creature connects them to the roper. From the dazed eyes, stiff expression and weird twisted limbs of the drow warriors, it can be known that they are all poor creatures manipulated by the tree rope demon.

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