The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0166 God of Soul

Chapter 0166 God of Soul

Li Xun's mental power slowly penetrated, and began to sense the unique fluctuations of the soul. After completely locking its position, the spiritual power turned into a sharp arrow and pierced into it. The light and shadows in front of him were changing, scenes of different scenes, and different experiences kept pouring out. At this moment, Li Xun seemed to replace the paladin, and began to re-taste those impressive fragments of his life. As the scene changed, various thoughts and emotions at that time also flowed through my heart alternately. I knew that this was not my feeling, but the perception of the paladin at that time, but after the complete soul took over, these things that flowed through my heart But it gave Li Xun the most real feeling.

No wonder the spiritual master is the most tenacious profession. Without a tenacious mind, it is easy to get lost in the ups and downs of the other party's life experience. At the beginning, Li Xun was still able to guard his heart, knowing that he was reading other people's lives, but as the joy, anger, sorrow and joy came to his heart at the same time, he was also a little immersed in it. To paraphrase the words of the previous life, he "entered the drama".

A long time... a long time... Li Xun finally withdrew his mental power.

A sigh.

A soul search is equivalent to broadcasting someone's life in a fast-forward manner. Although it is not clear, it has a lot of emotions, and it can be regarded as an increase in Li Xun's life experience in disguise. Through the life clips of this high-ranking church member, Li Xun has a comprehensive understanding of the church's framework, organizational form, and daily life, and has a deep grasp of the teachings of the God of Morning Light.

The war between the Arcane Empire and the gods 3,000 years ago had a great impact. The Arcane Empire was destroyed, and many gods also fell. The once glorious Sun God Pelor also fell in that battle, and part of the scattered godhead was absorbed by the God of Dawn, thus creating Losander, the most powerful God of Dawn.

In that most tragic war, in addition to the sun god, even the great elf god Corellon Larethian, the great slaughter god Erythnu, the great strength god Kord, the great death god With the fall of Naraku and others, the entire God Realm has undergone earth-shaking changes. The latecomers, Losander, the God of Morning Light, Tyr, the God of Justice, and Tempus, the God of War, all ascended the ranks of the mighty gods after this battle. The position of the gods has achieved the current pattern of the three gods dominating the gods.

The period of 3,000 years can be very long or very short. It can be so long that human society can re-develop a behemoth like the Mage Guild, and it can be so short that many powerful gods still haven't woken up from their slumber.

Taking advantage of the gap in which the gods fell into a long sleep, the Trinity Cult perfectly dominated nearly half of the beliefs in Klein Continent, which also infinitely slowed down the recovery time of the gods. The conflict between the remaining weaker gods and the Tritheism became increasingly fierce, and the friction continued, which gave the group of mages a chance to rise.

Regarding the loyalty of the God of Morning Light, the paladin Hiberril was unwilling to read the dark books that slandered the gods, so what he knew was only a rough idea, but that was enough. With these materials, combined with the historical materials obtained from the Mage Association, the combination of the two, although it is impossible to obtain complete historical facts, but it can also be understood roughly. Li Xun's research on these things is not because of hobbies, but because he is looking for gaps that can be exploited.

Any famous person looking through their fortune history can find similar dark history, and religion is the same in his mind, as long as he finds something similar, it is not so difficult to discredit a church. With the dirty mind of a small person and his keen intuition for the dark side, Li Xun first focused his attention on the fact that the God of Morning Light inherited part of the Godhead of the Sun God, always feeling that there must be a sword behind it.

Now that he has an understanding of Sybril's soul, Li Xun has a new idea.

Li Xun called in a skeleton that had just crawled out of the sea of ​​bones. Before Li Xun could stand firmly in front of Li Xun, this white-boned skeleton who had just gained a little wisdom from ignorance was wiped away by him. Losing the center, the bones and skeletons scattered on the ground with a whoosh, and could no longer move by themselves.

Li Xun concentrated his mental energy and swept across the whole body of the skeleton to ensure that there were no soul fragments left. He nodded in satisfaction after a long time. This left only white bones, without any breath of life. In the next two hours, Li Xun kept pinching the soul crystal, using the power of the soul to repeatedly wash the bones of the skeleton, and using the most delicate working attitude to expel every minute and every trace of death in it.

The mage tower also opened the internal protection, driving the ubiquitous dead air out of the room, creating a small purification space. When the work was finished, Li Xun even used a "purification" spell to test whether all the dead energy was successfully expelled. The answer is perfect, the bones are still so white, there is no such thing as undead being purified and turned into ashes.

In the next step, Li Xun put the paladin's heart in the center of the skeleton's chest, and then began to use the soul power in the soul crystal to simulate various body organs for the skeleton, and finally guided the soul hidden in the heart into the skull.

These soul power simulated organs are just a temporary structure, as long as Li Xun removes the support of soul power that continuously supports its operation, this micro cycle will immediately disintegrate. The reason why so much effort was spent was to perfectly deceive the soul of the sleeping paladin Sybril.

Positive energy and negative energy are in conflict, but there is no direct conflict with the bones that make up the body. The reason why the Holy Light can destroy the skeletons is that it impacts the negative energy core in the skeletons, that is, the soul fire. But now the skeleton has no soul fire, and all the dead energy has been dispelled, and there is an environment where positive energy is entrenched. Next, a strong positive energy core is needed to mobilize all these things and let them build a balanced system around the positive energy core.

So the most important thing is the first step. As long as you can deceive this positive energy and work hard to do a good job as a power source, your own ideas will be possible to realize.

After all the preparations were done, Li Xun began to awaken Syberrill's exhausted soul.

The tragedy and anger before death still lingered in the soul. When Syberil gradually regained consciousness, he felt only darkness in front of him, and his whole body lost consciousness, as if he had changed his body, and no place was unfamiliar.

Fortunately, a pure force slowly poured into his soul, soothing the only soul that was still under his control. My heart hurts so much. The chest that was once within reach now seems to be floating in the infinite distance, faintly revealing a kind of helpless loneliness.

This force from the outside world seems to have spiritual wisdom, nourishing the hungry soul. Whenever one's own power is generated, it will be guided by this external force and transmitted to the heart, trying to make one's body stronger.

I have been saved, is this someone trying to save me?

Syberrill's consciousness slowly recovered, and a burst of doubts rose in his heart, am I dead? I remember I got my heart ripped out by an ugly ice skull at the end, will someone come to save me? Could it be... Could it be the God of Morning Light? Syberrill tried to pray, but still couldn't contact the gods he believed in.

Li Xun, who had been monitoring the paladins with the method of mind peeping, rolled his eyes and immediately had an idea. The next moment, a solemn and loud voice came from the sky above Syberrill's gloomy and chaotic sea of ​​consciousness.

"Believers of the God of Morning Light, let go of your defenses, I will bring you a new life. I am the great soul god Natir!"

"God of Soul?" Sybril murmured to himself. He had never heard of such a god name, but the other party's majestic and respectful aura was similar to the breath of the God of Morning Light when he prayed.

"Don't worry, believers of the God of Morning Light, I will not force you to change your beliefs. As the oldest god since ancient times, I no longer need human offerings. I just brought you out when I felt your calling. "

"Great God of Soul, what's wrong with my body, why can't I control it?" Syberrill thought for a moment, and felt that many secret things were out of his reach, so he had to find a way to avoid them and talk about them. more useful.

"Your potential has been over-excited, and your body has also been eroded by the breath of death. It is irreversible. I am reshaping your body."

"Reshaping the body?" Sybril asked in shock.

"All you need to do is to accept my power, use this power to activate your new body, and continue to walk in God's pasture."

Just after the exchange ended, a soul power that was far more pure than that at the beginning poured into Syberrill's soul. With such pure soul power alone, wouldn't he doubt anything?

Supported by a huge amount of soul power, Syberrill struggled to use his own power to push the soul power to disperse to all parts of the body. From Sybril's point of view, it was a certain god who spared no expense of divine power to help him restore his body. Judging from the nature of divine power, it was definitely the ancient and orderly one. From Li Xun's point of view, a large amount of soul power is circulating repeatedly with the divine power of the God of Morning Light inspired by the paladins.

Syberrill had no doubts, and regarded the loss of his own divine power as a normal loss, after all, the loss of the other party's soul power was more than ten times that of his own. And with the advancement of strength, I have gradually sensed the feedback from various parts of my body. Although I can't achieve the flexibility of arms and fingers, at least I don't have to lie there like a living dead to be slaughtered.

The push on the eyes was particularly difficult, so Syberrill had to put this part to the end, and began to let the soul power flow in the body with all his strength, forming a virtuous circle, allowing every ounce of soul power to penetrate into every part of the body, for Create a good body for yourself.

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