The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0131 Encirclement and Annihilation

Chapter 0131 Encirclement and Annihilation

A gray dwarf was the most unlucky, his mouth and nose were sealed by the blood splattered by the Gorefiend. Before he could wipe away the dregs, the blood scum had turned into spikes and penetrated into his body.

There was a burst of wailing, and the gray dwarf rolling on the ground was like a water bag with its skin punctured. The blood in the body couldn't stop gushing out from the sudden openings everywhere, and it was like a tiny long snake on the ground. It meanders like a stream, crawling towards some larger fragments of Gorefiend's limbs.

By the time he stopped howling and turned over, he had lost all his blood, and his body was as pale as a marble statue, and could shatter into dry powder with a light touch.

Even if the gray dwarves hammered and knocked hard, they still couldn't stop the blood from all over the place from converging to the center, and soon the gorefiend was reborn there.

"The devil...he is a unkillable devil!" Shouts of extreme horror sounded from everywhere, and the gray dwarf's heart was quickly filled with fear.

Blood Demon!

Anyone would be afraid of an unkillable enemy, and the gray dwarves near the Gorefiend couldn't help backing back again and again. It's a pity that the battlefield Li Xun chose was a closed cave, blocked by mages, they didn't even have a way out. Due to the entanglement of the gorefiend, the gray dwarves almost forgot about the cemetery creatures approaching from the front and back.

The clumsy abomination shook its fat body, and had already come into contact with the gray dwarf face to face. The gray dwarves kept retreating, like cans of meat squeezed between two iron gates, their eyes wandering, and they were still looking for a gap to escape.

Of course, there is a gap between the hatred, and the gap is not small, but what is waiting for them there is a bright guillotine and iron hook. A flash of white lightning flashed by, and the gray dwarves who rushed forward became the first batch of sacrifices of the big guillotine. There was a deep dent in the fine steel armor on the chest, and they flew upside down with their hands and feet and smashed at the companions behind them. The blood that spilled out was measured in liters.

The loathsome weapon was swung quickly, and from time to time, it would grab a hapless person and throw it into the big mouth in front of him, making an unbearable creaking sound of iron and steel, and occasionally the gray dwarf's dying cry could be heard in the big mouth. howling.

Several "swish" winds rang, and five vampire counts appeared inside the gray dwarves. The blood-red long sword in their hands swayed a long blood-colored scar, across the necks of the gray dwarves around them, swaying Full of passion. Before the nearby gray dwarves rushed over with their stone axes high, the black cloak shook behind them, and they disappeared. There was another sound of blood splattering from another part of the battlefield.

The 5 abominations blocked both ends, and the Gorefiend and the Vampire Earl rushed left and right in the gray dwarf crowd like heavy cavalry, creating chaos, which created an attack opportunity for the low-level cemetery troops being attacked. With unstoppable secretive laughter, the ghost jumped out from the stone walls on both sides, and got into the body of a gray dwarf nearby, and soon occupied his body, so an infighting began again. .

The Ice Banshee flickered on the floor, and her ghost claws fumbled around. Every object touched by them would have joint stiffness, local blood coagulation, and lose the ability to move. It is the ghost killers who really make up the knife in the back. They have never shown their faces from the beginning to the end, always hiding in the swaying shadows, manipulating the enemy's back into a human form, and stabbing wildly from various armor gaps. Unupgraded vampires are still too fragile. In this situation, they can only sneak around and attack. After a few claws, the damage just received will be recovered. They are good guerrilla fighters.

Standing in the distance, Li Xun endured the discomfort in his stomach, collected his mind, and alternately used spells such as spider web, greasy, and sound burst, restricting the gray dwarf's ability to move, and leaving the killing to these men.

The number of gray dwarves who could still stand in the arena decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the last large group of gray dwarves were forced to an angle, with their backs against the stone wall and tenacious defense, and the gray dwarf commander was among them.

Abdullah Stone Hammer's eyes were blood red, his teeth were gritted loudly, and the stone ax in his hand was pinched by him until it dropped stone powder.

Must break through!

If we don't break through today, this gray dwarf army will be surrounded and wiped out here.

With the continuation of the battle, the entire battle line was no longer as neat and tidy as it was at the beginning, and the abominations excitedly chased and killed the fleeing gray dwarves, leaving a huge gap for them to escape.

"Listen to my command and drop the flying hammer according to the target I instructed! Listen carefully, the target must be concentrated, otherwise we will all die here!" Abdullah? The situation is still well observed, and after discovering the gap blocked by the hatred, he immediately found a countermeasure.

There were more than 40 gray dwarves gathered around him. Hearing this, they were also shocked. They all held their breath and broke out with the greatest energy to fight for their lives.


With a sharp shout, more than 40 heavy flying axes and flying hammers flew towards an abomination in the rear. The abomination didn't see well, so he raised his hands, protected the obscene head with a big guillotine and an iron hook, and completely ignored his body.

"boom" "when"

Continuous explosions sounded, and the flying ax and hammer that hit the body of the abomination bounced back. The fleshy muscle layer of the abomination was as thick as 3 feet, and a burst of waves was blasted, which completely dissipated the kinetic energy of the thrown weapon; Dazzling sparks sparked from the hit on the iron hook, and flew to the shadows in the distance. Blunt weapons and heavy weapons didn't do much damage to Abomination, but it couldn't bear the force anymore, it backed up after being hit, and its feet dragged long marks on the stone slab.

It's done!

Although he couldn't kill this hateful flesh giant, he smashed it open after all, leaving a big gap of about 8 meters for the gray dwarves in front of them. This is their way of escape!

"Run!..." With a cry, they didn't bother to pick up their own weapons, and the largest group of gray dwarves left ran desperately, pushing each other and rushing out.

Although the Gorefiend is fierce, it has no group damage ability after all. When encountering a group of scumbags who are determined to walk around you, they are doomed to be caught blind. The abomination's ability to move is too weak, and there is no time to block the group of gray dwarves back. The blood-sucking count may have time, but he didn't dare to teleport directly to a group of iron cans fleeing frantically, otherwise he would be trampled into meatloaf just by stepping on it.

Li Xun, who had been staying behind, sneered. Previously, there was a mixture of enemies and friends, and he did not dare to cast a few group damage spells. Now... Humph!

With an explosion of ice crystals, beautiful ice flowers bloomed in front of the fleeing gray dwarves, and the crystal clear beauty of the ice system was quickly stained red with blood. The fleeing gray dwarf frantically kicked down his companions whose feet were blocked by ice, and trampled over them. The fallen gray dwarf desperately pulled his companions to beg for help, and the fleeing scene was in chaos.

Immediately afterwards, the "rocks and sharp thorns", "serial lightning" and "ice storm" fell one after another, and these gray dwarves hugged together immediately became a mill of flesh and blood, a place of wailing for souls.

After the serial explosions of the elements were over, there was no one alive in the circle covered by the spell, only incomplete limbs and debris remained.

A victory, a glorious victory!

Under Li Xun's wise guidance, the cemetery troops won an expected victory, and Li Xun's experience value quickly climbed to level 9 and 23%. Except for the 4 ghosts who died in accidents, the other cemetery units restored themselves to their peak state by replenishing their flesh and blood. This is the characteristic of the cemetery units. As long as the opponent does not have powerful long-range units and a large number of mages, they can completely consume the opponent to death by grinding blood.

For Li Xun, gray dwarf troops with less than 100 people are all targets for abuse. As long as they are deployed properly, blood demons and five blood-sucking counts can be used as heavy cavalry to sweep across the circle. There are ghosts and vampires making jokes. Can almost defeat the enemy without damage.

But the result of the great victory also shook the gray dwarf city, making it completely confused about the strength of the bandits wandering outside the city, and they no longer dared to send troops out to patrol easily. There are only less than 12,000 gray dwarves in Rizemoor City, and the maximum number of troops that can be assembled is only 5,000. Therefore, there are 5 troops that will go out to sweep up, each with no less than 500 gray dwarves.

For a troop of this size, it is still possible to fight, but it is difficult to control the casualties. It is very likely that after a battle, at most Li Xun will have some blood-sucking count left, and I am afraid that everything else will be filled in. Had he known this earlier, he would not have dispersed those powerful men. If there are ice demons and demon guards by his side and cooperate with Hellfire, even if there are 1000 gray dwarves, Li Xun dares to pick a challenge.

With infinite regret, Li Xun led his men to flee far away, and began to circle around Rizemore City, cleaning the outer wild lairs in advance. After 5 consecutive days, it can be regarded as a little gain, and the experience has risen to 37%.

Obtained from the confessions of the gray dwarves captured successively, there is actually a wild lich not far from the south of Rizemore City, which aroused Li Xun's strong interest.

Creatures like liches are extremely terrifying, and the undead council that is now raging on the surface is formed with five legendary liches as its core. But this group is very different. The lowest level of liches is only level 12. As long as you have a tough soul and survive the lich reincarnation ceremony, even a level 1 mage can become a lich.

But imagine the huge amount of gemstones and the cost of making a phylactery required to hold the Lich Reincarnation Ceremony, as well as the super high spiritual power required to complete the ceremony, the little mage at level 1 is just a good-natured joke!

Many mages who are interested in transforming into a lich usually choose to continue their life after becoming an archmage, and they are forced to transform into a lich when their physical body is unable to support the survival of their soul. As for those who hold the ceremony before level 15, they are all lucky, and none of them can survive the complete ceremony.

Compared with the difficulty of spell transformation, there are still a group of wild liches, perhaps because of their special physique, or because of their soul compatibility. On a suitable occasion and at the right time, they will naturally be transformed into a lich physique. For this group, the orthodox lich always denounced them as Lich, thinking that they were only worthy of being with Lich, and refused to recognize their status.

Due to the incomplete transformation of this group of wild liches, severe memory loss, their strength level has dropped several grades, and there is no well-crafted phylactery, they just entrust their soul origin in a beloved item during their lifetime In fact, it is easy to be controlled and manipulated by outsiders.

But a lich is a lich after all, and his natural dominance over low-level undead creatures made it easy for him to gather a small army of undead. The spell ability left over from the previous life is also very different, it is difficult for outsiders to guess what it is good at.

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