The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 560: Appearance control, 7th blue bird

From the eyes of Tanabata Bluebird, Aoki read something.

Food, after all, is just food, no matter how strong it is.

As food, you should have enough self-awareness about yourself. Can your residence come in casually?

As for the other elves, why can they live on this grass?

That is purely wayward of Qixi Jade Bird.

Who makes those ugly look so ugly.

Do you hit anyone? !!

After the Kings were repulsed, the momentum of Qixi Jade Bird gradually dissipated.

I turned and looked at Aoki, who was standing behind, then looked at the elves beside him.

Nodded gently.

I look pretty good.

Then don't do anything to them.

And they seem to have done something to those ugly 蜈蚣 before, they have the same aesthetic.

If the crow heads standing in front of Aoki now know them, they will be speechless if they know the true inner thoughts of the Tanabata Blue Bird, which shows great strength.

Judge whether to attack an elf, actually look at whether the other person looks good.

I glanced at Aoki behind, and felt that the Qixi Festival blue bird in front of me didn't seem to be too hostile to them.

She also didn't mean to be angry when they broke into her territory.

"So strange character, do you treat different elves differently?" Aoki thought secretly.

I had seen a lot of elf like Kentero, one-horned rhinoceros and mount lambs on this grass before, and they didn't have any fear of living here.

I was very comfortable.

Maybe this is one of the few, more comfortable places on this island.

Of course, it is for the elves who are not targeted by Qixi Bluebird.

The dumb king slowly released the alert state of super powers, and the instant movement was completely stopped by him.

引 This kind of inducement but no hair is also a high-load condition for him.

Qixi Festival Bluebird suddenly shouted towards the sky.

Under Aoki's gaze, in the clouds in the sky, two petite elf like marshmallows flew slowly.

Green cotton bird!

Judging from the relationship between the two green cotton birds and the Qixi blue bird, it should be her two children.

"So, is the reason why the Qixi Jade Bird treats the elves differently because of her two children? Anyone who appears to be threatening to the Qingmian Bird will be expelled from the Qixi Bird, if it does not seem to pose a threat Yes, they will not be attacked by the Qixi Blue Bird. "This is the inner guess of Aoki.

And for his guess, Aoki feels that the credibility is still relatively high.

In fact, he did not understand the idea of ​​Qixi Jade Bird.

Since Qixi Bluebird has no intention of launching an attack, Aoki is also relieved.

七 The Qixi Festival Bluebird made him unable to raise any thoughts of resistance.

If the Qixi Bluebird had killed the King of Kings just now, he turned and attacked him.

Aoki may only be able to summon the dream demon, resist for a while, and then let the dull king flee them with them.

Uh ...

Although there is another round of fighting with the plan, there is some gap, but the elves are also tired.

I was just too scared.

While the sun in the sky had not set, Aoki instructed the claw-tailed scorpion and crow head to catch some wild animals.

Since the Qixi Bluebird exists, the safety level here should be the highest here.

可以 I can have a good meal at night.

Qixi Bluebird stands on the grass and plays with her two children for a while.

Slightly sorted out some messy feathers on their bodies and their soft wings.

The two green cotton birds didn't mean to be afraid of life, and they didn't mind Aoki's attention.

After all, their mother is strong enough. In this place, they have not encountered any elves stronger than their mother, and they live very comfortably.

It's not the first time I've been staring at another elf.

The two green cotton birds played together again after the mother had trimmed her feathers a little.

Carefree today, it is quite comfortable.

The two green cotton birds have not experienced any dangers and injuries under the care of the star festival blue birds.

It's also a hidden danger.

After 关注 paying a little attention to the two little green cotton birds, Aoki turned her attention to the food she was processing.

After confirming that Qixi Bluebird has no hostility towards himself, Aoki released the five little ones together.

The recent environment is more dangerous and can only come out a little while eating, so every time Aoki releases them, it is when they are few to play.

This is the disadvantage of carrying too many elves.

After leaving Neverland this time, Aoki decided to settle the matter.

The puppet elves are skilled in manipulating the wild animals that have just been captured, while Aoki is preparing his special ingredients such as sauces.

These are the recipes that he analyzed from some recipes of the elf, so for the elf, the taste of these barbecues is not inferior to any food, and it is one of their favorite foods.

Wu Youlian, who likes to eat ore like Cocodola and Yukira, was temporarily put aside by them when they were able to eat barbecue.

I didn't pay much attention to Aoki's movement at first.

But as the number of elves in Aoki increased, the shelves they built became bigger and bigger, and Qixi Jade Bird also gradually noticed what Aoki was going to do.

He looked puzzled.

I never lived on this island. She was the first time she saw a creature like Aoki.

Wu Mingming has no strength, but is surrounded by a group of elves who can still see the strength.

Alas, and these elves obeyed his words.

The Tanabata Blue Bird only noticed the movement of Aoki, while the two Blue Cotton Birds actively leaned on.

They have no worries in their lives ~ ~ but each time they play, there are only two of them.

I saw the five little guys released by Aoki and were very happy playing on the grass.

好奇 The two green birds with curiosity also leaned forward actively.

The crickets were all elves of relatively weak strength and age, and the young birds soon played with Coco Dora.

Coco Dora, they have nothing against it, after all, a powerful mother is watching beside her.

However, Kira did not have any special care for the two green cotton birds, especially Cocodola. His grandfather was a powerful elf that is not as many times stronger than this starfish, a true Uranus elf.

两只 And the two green birds did not mind Coco Dora's attitude at all, but felt very real.

I have never played with other elves like this.

This time the two green birds feel very happy.

Aoki also noticed the five little guys and saw two green cotton birds joining in.

I just didn't say anything, but the slightly raised mouth corner exposed Aoki's heart.

I saw their smiles, and they were familiar with his dull king. They felt that Aoki was calculating something again.


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