The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 535: Growing little guys

The crow's head successfully entered the elite level, and the large-billed bats and supersonic bats in the sky were shot down. I don't know how many.

With the scarcity of numbers, the supersonic bats and big mouth bats found to be wrong are fleeing.

After all the big-billed bats had dispersed, the heart of the crow's head flew back with great satisfaction.

Aoki smiled and touched the feathers on the crow's head.

After Wang had advanced a distance, Aoki signaled that the tropical dragon could go down.

At night, it was not suitable for the elves who spent too much time to rush, and the elves had not yet eaten.


Two days later.

Send to the foot of Shenshan Mountain.

Aoki arrived here with a fire chicken.

It took two days because Aoki didn't go all out.

Midway Aoki found that it might be because the two roads were frequented by trainers, so the surrounding elf levels were not very high.

So, taking advantage of this opportunity, Aoki carried out combat training on the fire juveniles.

These weak wild elves are their best targets.

Even the little guy who had just entered the growth stage, Kira, was also involved in the battle.

However, this little guy from Kira is different from the first child who participated in the battle. Although he has never fought yet, the crazy state of fighting is a bit like Coco Dora.

Both are heavyweight elves, and their fighting methods are similar.

And the relationship between Cocodola and Yukira is the best, and Kira followed Cocodola and learned a lot of fighting methods.

Coupled with Kira's excellent ground system and rock system control ability, and his several very abnormal genetic skills, when fighting by Kira, they are not weaker than the Leaping Fish.

The levels of wild elves are more than ten, less than 20, that is, fire juveniles, cocodoras, mosquito coils, water diving fishes, and Kira. The five elves are playing more and less, and unfolding wild elves. Got a crazy fight.

When the elves of level 20 or above appeared, Ma Yi, who was watching, pulled out and helped them solve their opponents.

So it is still very safe along the way, and its strength has also been greatly improved.

The Fire Juvenile and Water Leaping Fish have reached the first level. In the state of the two Royal Sanjia Elves, they can complete the initial stage evolution by only raising a few levels. By then, they will have more means in the battle mode.

The mosquito coil pupae reached level 15, because of environmental reasons, there are not many places where the mosquito coil pupae show, so the improvement of the level is not as big as the fire juvenile chicken.

Coco Dora reached level 18, which was originally level 16. After following Aoki's accumulation and sedimentation for such a long time, Coco Dora's original injuries and losses left by the chaotic fighting of his childhood were finally restored. Now that he is upgrading normally, he feels that his strength has improved significantly more than ever.

Even Kira, who fought for the first time, reached level 10, successfully catching up with the tail of Aoki's second echelon.

This is the strength that the elves of the second echelon of Aoki have improved.

It is also a coincidence. When helping them to solve the high-level elves, Maura has accumulated a few days and successfully entered the elite level.

Immediately after the crow's head, he became the third elves to enter the elite class.

Today, the elves in the first echelon of Aoki have gradually entered the elite level, and the overall strength of Aoki has also reached the elite level.

And when the second echelon is idle, they make a small increase in their level.

On the whole, Aoki has entered a relatively balanced development period.

This is a good situation.

At least Aoki no longer needs to train the elves in order to survive, and if they don't, they may overdraw their potential.

But now that such a steady development continues, each elven can reach its full potential.

Especially those little guys in the second echelon, because they have a crow head, they have supported them for a stable and developmental day, and they have better qualifications and can develop faster.

Maybe when the crow heads enter the Uranus level, they will be able to enter the quasi-Uranus level. This is a pretty perfect connection.

Aoki is quite satisfied with the development of his elves now.

The main purpose of sending Shenshan is also for Ghost Stone. As long as Ghost Stone can evolve into Geng Ghost, it will have an advantage in improving its strength.

And Aoki has a superevolutionary stone in his hands. Although he doesn't know what elven superevolutionary stone is, Geng Gui is also an elf that can superevolve.

If you're lucky, you just run into Geng Gui's super-evolutionary stone. As long as you get a keystone, and the intimacy with Geng Gui has reached a certain level, it is impossible to carry out super-evolution.

Aoki has a soothing bell. You don't need to worry about improving intimacy. The tacit understanding with Ghost Stone was already cultivated as early as the trial island.

And superevolution has not yet been discovered. Superevolutionary stones are difficult to find, but keystones are still relatively easy.

So this time, the evolution of Ghost Stone was put first by Aoki!

Sending God to the Mountain is a burial place for the remains of many elf. Most of the elf buried here are partners of some trainers.

Either it was unfortunately lost in battle, or the elf's life reached its limit and it naturally passed away.

But in either case, as long as there is a chance in the Fengyuan area, the trainers will bury their elf in Sending Mountain.

Over time, a large number of elf graves have accumulated here.

The power of the ghost system began to condense in this area, and some wild ghost spirits also appeared here.

They will wander around or on the mountain.

If you come to Send God Mountain at night and see a ghost elf, don't be afraid. As long as you don't do anything extraordinary, the ghost elf will not intentionally hurt humans, and may at most do some pranks.

But if something extraordinary is done that angers the ghost-elves on the mountain, it is also very empty.

Because of the strong energy of the ghost system here, there are very specialized ghost trainers will appear here ~ ~ Whether it is to subdue some ghost spirits they are good at, or to train the ghosts they have subjugated Department of elves, is a good choice.

However, they will only linger around the periphery of Sending God Mountain, because there is no particular danger to the periphery of Sending God Mountain.

But if you accidentally enter the inside of Sending Mountain, then you have to be careful, there will be many offensive ghost spirits. If there is no strong power, most people will not enter the inside of Sending Mountain arbitrarily.

Standing at the foot of Mt. Shenshen Mountain, Aoki looked at Mt. Shenshen Mountain, which was a little smaller than Chimung Mountain, and was slightly surprised.

The future ghost of Fengyuan area is Tianwang, Furong, seems to be going out from Sending God Mountain?

Add more! Add 3/4 to the rewards of the Tianhao Royal Boss. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, Aoki will fight for it and break out again.

Thanks for the three rewards of the evil boss, the amazing rewards from the magically cute guys, the rewards from the captain of the giant country, and the rewards from Xia Beixi! If you owe too much debt, hurry up the code!

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