The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 505: Kodola

But just starting from the high difficulty, Aoki's purpose of training the four little guys in Coco Dora could not be achieved.

See if there is a good chance when going back.

After going up the mountainside, the level of wild elves is almost above 30.

Faced with this situation, Aoki summoned the claw-tailed scorpion.

In this kind of forest, the venomous scorpion of the insect system and the poisonous scorpion can play well and can train the scorpion.

Dawu saw Aoki's claw tail scorpion, his eyes lit up.

"That claw-tailed scorpion has grown so big? This figure is a bit scary." Dawu said watching the magnificent claw-tailed scorpion.

Aoki smiled and said, "Yeah, this little guy is so well developed."

Ogo also threw a fairy ball.

An elf in silver and white body armor appeared in front of Aoki.


Cocodola evolution.

Aoki's chip was activated and scanned the data of this Kodola.

Pokemon: Kodola (Teal)

Gender: Male

Level: Level 39

Attribute: Steel Series + Rock Series

Features: strong

Carry Item: Hard Stone

Genetic skills: Tarzan press, sober, double-edged hammer, invisible rock

Basic skills: Impact, Harden, Mud Throw, Head Hammer, Metal Claw, Rock Block, Hold, Roar, Iron Head, Rock Fall, Slam, Metal Tone, Iron Tail, Iron Wall

Teaching skills: Power of the Earth, Electromagnetic Levitation, Lame, Iron Tail

Skill Learner: Hold, Awaken Power Water, Earthquake, Shadow Claw, Spike Attack, Stomp, Bluff, Stand-In

Teal qualification is within the range expected by Aoki.

Aoki couldn't help sighing when he saw the qualifications of Ogo Elf, but now when he sees the qualifications of Ogo Elf again, Aoki feels acceptable.

Dawu's family definitely has a way to improve the qualifications of the steel elves. This Kodola has reached level 39 and will evolve soon. After the evolution, maybe it can reach the light blue qualification.

Except for Dr. Oki's fast dragon, Aoki has not seen any blue-eligible elves until now.

There should already be two shaped metal monsters in Ogo now, but I don't know to what extent the metal monster that Ogo has hidden.

The appearance of this Kodola shows that the elf who needs the most training in Dawu now may be this Kodola.

The average strength is above the elite level.

And even though this Kodola has only a level of 39, the average elite-level elf may not really be his opponent.

"Cultivation is really good." Aoki could not help but say a word.

Ogo cracked his mouth when he heard Aoki's words.

Aoki, a talented breeder's compliment, is even more enjoyable than the average senior breeder's praise.

So the two were on the mountainside and hit all the way up.

The strength of both of them belongs to the top in this place, and the sudden emergence of wild elves is almost not the opponent of the claw tail and Kodola.

There seems to be a healthy competition between the two elves.

Actually, whoever starts the game first defeats the opponent, it takes less time, and who can defeat more enemies.

After all, Ogo is one of the alliance's lines, and even if he faces the wild elves who attacked him, he will not die.

At best, let Kodola defeat it and stun.

In this regard, of course, Aoki can't let the claw tail scorpion die.

However, the scorpion-tailed scorpion who was born to kill his opponent was a little bit uncomfortable under such circumstances, and could not play at full strength.

However, the claw tail scorpion also has his advantages. When faced with these levels of inferior elves, the characteristics of snipers can make him more explosive than Kodola.

Even if Kodola's sharp stone attack was trained very well by Dago, but the claw-tailed scorpion's search for the opponent's weak points has already exercised some effects.

Therefore, even if Kodola has a lot of strength than the claw scorpion, the claw scorpion defeats the enemy not much slower than that of Codor.

For these battles with less strength than their own elves, Ogo and Aoki chose to let the two elves resolve the battle on their own.

This will train the elves' fighting consciousness.

As a trainer, all he needs to control is the rhythm of the elves during the battle. As long as they meet his own expectations, the command rhythms are consistent. In this way, the elves who are free to fight will have more reaction ability when they are under the command of the trainer outstanding.

At this point, Aoki and Ogo surprisingly showed the same tacit understanding.

It may be that Kodola's ability has been recognized by Kodola's strength, and Kodola's ability has also been approved by Kodola.

After fighting for nearly an hour in a row, the distance between the two elves was getting closer and closer, and there was a conversation with each other, apparently recognizing each other.

In this regard, Aoki and Ogo are so happy.

The two followed behind the elves, more often after the elves battle ended, pointing out their deficiencies and ways to improve.

In the free time, the communication between the two never stopped.

It's more about the exchange of knowledge in elf.

Ogo will ask Aoki for something about nurturing elves. After all, Aoki has shown his talent, and in the nurturing of elves, Ogo has also seen his unique insights.

Aoki also got a lot of relevant information about steel system wizards, including ground system and rock system from Ogo.

Including how to train steel spirits to develop better, and what methods can be used for the development of rock and ground spirits.

Both of them are the pride of the elven world. While promoting mutual exchange and mutual knowledge, they can also improve their strength.

Although Aoki owns a chip, the data in the chip is retrieved from databases in various places. The knowledge about steel elves is really not as good as Ogo's.

However, this leisurely situation ended in two hours.

Because as the height rises, the strength of wild elves is getting stronger and stronger.

Finally there are two elves who need their command to fight ~ ~ Two duck-billed fire dragons reaching level 35!

Although the qualifications are only light green, but even in this place, this level is also tyrannical.

After all, the fire spirits are very obvious to the grass and insect spirits.

The threat is also relatively large for the insect-type scorpion-tailed scorpion and the steel-type Kodola.

Aoki and Ogo's expressions are a little serious, more not for the strength of the duck-billed fire dragon, but for the reason that these two elves appear here.

Duckbill dragons are pure fire spirits, and volcanoes are their main habitat.

But this is just the mountainside, and the duck-billed fire dragon will not leave the habitat at will.

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