The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 390: 3 goals

The next day, Aoki slept in Ogo's mansion for a night, leaving Kanaz with a new car.

But before leaving Golden City, let Alec and Skye go to the town of Voye to check the situation.

Alec has lived in Fengyuan for some time, so he still knows the customs and customs of Fengyuan.

And Alec's uncle has his own industry in the town of Fuye, and rushing in will not cause unnecessary attention.

The role of his men is to help Aoki solve some things that must be done, but it is very troublesome and does not have any practical benefits.

After a slight observation of Kanaz City, Aoki knew the situation of the underground forces in Fengyuan area.

Because there is no force that can deter the audience, no one is convinced, and everyone hopes that they can do their best.

It's just a group of devil dancing.

I hope that a small town like Fuye Town will be slightly better, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble.

The car is a new car and it's not cheap, so it's fast.

In the elf world, these vehicles are not very popular, so it is almost difficult to encounter a car on the road.

Kanaz City and Luyin Town saw a Kaluy Tunnel, so Aoki arrived in Luyin Town two hours later.

Without stopping, driving on a somewhat bumpy road, Aoki went to Fuye Town.

"If you want to develop Fuye Town, this normal road must be built. Otherwise, the road is so difficult. Who wants to run to a ravine." Driving in Aoki thought.

It took two hours for Aoki to reach Fuye Town.

how to say?

When I first arrived in Fushiba, Aoki really felt that it was too remote and rude.

Luyin Town and Fuye Town are also towns, but the difference is really not a little bit or two.

At least there are several high-rise buildings in Luyin Town as iconic buildings, but Fuye Town looks at a glance, and the highest floor does not exceed five floors.

Many houses are small, two-story, three-story houses that belong to their own houses.

The roads in towns are not very easy to drive.

As the most central area of ​​Fuye Town, there are no bustling streets and no crowds of people, and it feels like a rush from a luxurious metropolis to a small mountain village in the valley.

Following the location described by Alec, Aoki went straight to the land and house where his uncle had purchased.

After half an hour, Aoki finally arrived.

Looking at the six people waiting at the door, Aoki got out of the car.

"Master Aoki!" The six shouted respectfully.

Don't worry if anyone sees it, because there are no people at all!

This house is very unique, with five floors, and it is divided into one in front and one in the back. The two houses are connected to each other.

Behind the house is a huge vacant lot, and behind it is a mountain.

As for the open area in front of and around the house, which is several kilometers away, according to Alec, such a large piece of land belongs to him, and the purchase price is very cheap, because the land is remote, so the land price high.

"Go inside." Aoki nodded and walked in first.

Alec briefed Aoki later about the situation in the house and the role of each room.

First of all, there is a huge living room on the first floor. The whole floor is empty and has no facilities.

Then one of the larger rooms on the second floor is used as a conference room, which contains a huge conference table, and some necessary tools. The other rooms on the second floor are everyone's work office.

The third floor is the training room, the kitchen, and the cafeteria. It is relatively empty, but the facilities are quite good.

The fourth floor is the library and leisure area. When Alec's uncle built this house, he thought about it.

On the fifth floor, there are some houses with a lot of rooms. There are no problems with 20 or 30 people.

As for the back house, it is entirely in Aoki. Although it is only a small two-storey bungalow, the interior is full of decoration and facilities.

Alec's uncle once used it as a final refuge, but before he could live in it, he was killed by Lunda.

In general, Aoki is quite satisfied with this place, at least all the necessary facilities are in place, there is no need to re-prepare, saving a lot of time.

"Go to the conference room on the second floor," Aoki said.

Six people followed Aoki to the second-floor meeting room, and the long conference table seated only six people on their heads.

Aoki sat on the main seat, and Skye, Fox, Tian Zhen, and Rand sat on one side in order, and the other was Alec and Miyamoto.

"First of all, I want to say one thing, and that is to start today, and give me all the signs about the rocket or anywhere on the body!" Aoki said.

Hearing that six people have changed color.

What does Aoki mean? Are you leaving the Rockets? Even in Fengyuan area, they will be hunted down, right?

"There is no intention of leaving the Rockets. Fengyuan area is more exclusive to foreign forces. If people are known that we are the Rockets, do not come to chase us directly? Don't look at the underground forces in Fengyuan area. There is no key leader, but if there is persecution from outside forces, it will directly lead to the appearance of this person. After all, no one likes outside forces.

Therefore, it is necessary to remove anything about the rocket and the logo ~! "

All the people were relieved, not what they meant.

"Then I will talk about the main things we have to do next.

the first! After tomorrow, you all go to apply for the registered hunter status of the Hunters Association. If you don't understand, you can ask Miyamoto, he should know better.

second! No matter what the situation is, the underground forces in Fuye Town must be in our hands and must be highly mastered.

third! I will open a Dao Pavilion in Fuye Town, so that we all have a bright identity, but also have a high status.

These three points are the main things we will accomplish in the next period.

Of course, you have to eat bite by bite, and you have to go step by step, so I will separate these things, and you just have to do your own thing. "

After hearing Aoki's three things, several people were really stunned.

Registered Hunter Guild Hunters are okay to say that catching elves to earn some money can make everyone's strength faster.

Controlling the underground forces in Fuye Town is difficult, but everyone feels that since the Rockets started in Fengyuan, the underground forces in Fuye Town must of course be in the hands of Lord Aoki.

So even if this matter is difficult, they agree.

But what the **** is the last thing?

Opening a Dojo in Fuye Town? !!

You know, we are the Rockets, even without a normal league status!

Not to mention the Dao Pavilion, which is difficult for even members of the Alliance, the identity of the Dao Pavilion owner is the most trusted member of the Alliance!

How does this work? !!


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