The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 358: Preparation before the station

Aoki breathed a long breath after watching the data in the data chart stabilize in dark green.

This time Dark Crow forcibly upgraded his qualifications, but he was under a lot of pressure. If it was not oppressed by Yang Ping, he might not choose such a risky method. He would rather slow down and upgrade his qualifications like a big milk tank. How good.

Fortunately, the Dark Crow has now succeeded, becoming the second qualified elf in the Aoki team.

Like the dumb beast, the qualification has reached the dark green!

"Ga !!!!"

The excited dark raven yelled again, venting his happiness.

The other elves thought the dark crow was too excited, but only Aoki understood why the dark crow called twice.

The first time was because of happiness after promotion.

The second time is because he can provide more help to himself later!

Aoki was in a complicated mood, and touched the blood-stained feathers of the dark crow, and did not care that the whole hand was stained with blood.

"Eat these energy cubes. The measurement inside is normal. Restore your strength, big milk tank, get a bottle of milk for the dark raven, dumb beast, you clean the dark raven." Aoki said to the other elves.

After seeing the Dark Crow's successful promotion, the other elves seemed very happy, as if they had let go of their minds.

Except for the big milk tank and the dumb beast, the other elves went back to continue training.

The Dark Crow is stronger!

They have to work hard too!

The tired dark crow enjoyed the careful care of the big milk tank and the foolish beast.

The dark crow who has been taking care of them as the big brother, now enjoys the care of other elves.

In the distance, the Aber monster is molting. After seeing the successful promotion of the Dark Crow, a joy from the inside has made him shed a little faster.

After moulting, she lay on the ground quietly and waited for half an hour before returning to Aoki, and whispered with the dark crow who was not trained tonight, asking her feelings after being promoted.

In fact, Aoki can see more detailed data from the data chart given by the chip.

First of all, the original height of 68 centimeters is now exactly 70 centimeters, which is 20 centimeters higher than the average dark crow's feet.

Then there is the change in the amount of energy stored in the body, just like a bottle becomes a hot water bottle, and the upper limit is almost doubled.

Finally, there is a change in level. The high concentration of energy has increased the level of the Dark Crow, and successfully achieved level 33.

Level 34, second only to the dumb beast, became the second highest level of existence in Aoki's main battle elves.

"Have a good rest, and start targeted training for you tomorrow. The Dark Crow should be familiar with the body after the qualification promotion as soon as possible, and there are more important tasks waiting for you in the back. Progress, you know, you haven't had a few days. "

The two elves nodded again and again and went to sleep with different thoughts.

Not only did the special energy cubes only bring suffering to their bodies, but also their spirits, they were also tortured.

Soon, both the elves went to sleep, while the other elves were still training, and the changes of the Dark Crow gave them stimulation, and they worked harder.

After another half an hour, the gray-faced Alec returned from the woods, and his clothes and some bandages were more or less burnt. Obviously, it was not easy to subdue the little horse.

He nodded with Aoki, sitting on a wooden chair beside the campfire with a sigh of relief.

"It looks like the process is not going well." Aoki said with a smile, obviously in a good mood.

But Alec showed a big smile, the white teeth and the black face contrasted sharply.

"Yeah, that little fire horse is really a wild wild horse, and it was very difficult to conquer him completely," said Alec.

It was much more difficult to conquer the little fire horse than he thought. But he fully conquered the little fire horse after ten minutes of torture, but fortunately the little fire horse also had its own Proud, without using super-elven abilities.

But even so, Alec was smoked invisibly.

Huhu was almost conquered before, but it was just the end. By the way, Huhu was familiar with the future fighting methods.

Not to mention, after finding the real fighting method, Huhu's fighting ability has skyrocketed, and Alec's Great Wolf Dog is no longer an opponent.

When conquering the big-billed bat in the back, Hu Hu also exerted a lot of force.

Of course, conquering the little fire horse is entirely up to Alec himself.

After trying to command the little fire horse to fight, Alec found that the talent of the little fire horse is very good, which is a bit higher than those of his elves before, obviously Aoki is very good at choosing the elves!

Even Alec felt that when he mastered the pot and the little fire horse, he might even be better than before, even if there were only four elves.

It seems that following Aoki, his strength will grow faster, because during dinner Alec found that the elf of Aoki actually ate all high-level energy cubes, so extravagant.

Then I noticed in other aspects ~ ~ Aoki was still a breeder.

Really terrifying talent!

"Get ready, tomorrow we will start looking for the trace of Yang Ping." Aoki's expression gradually became serious.

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow!" The first tomorrow was questioning, the second was firmer tomorrow, and Alec's fist tightened a little.

If he could get revenge, he didn't want to wait for a moment, but he didn't want Aoki to kill him at will. It was best to have a plan.

"But by the two of us? Although I now have four elves, I'm still a little bit less proficient."

"Tomorrow we will go find someone, call him back, and then look for the position of Yangping according to your last impression. I don't want to wait until the last day to go to play against him, when there will be more people, Who knows how many people can't help being a fisherman after seeing my points. "Aoki said lightly.

"As for Yangping, there may be many people. It doesn't matter. The person we will look for tomorrow, he will solve it."

Go tomorrow to get Miyamoto back, and then go to resolve Yang Ping's heart disease.

Now the qualification of the Dark Crow has also been promoted. As long as the Dark Stone is used, it can evolve into a crow head at any time, and Aoki can be considered to have confidence.

"Tomorrow you try to fight as much as possible, train a few more elves you have just conquered, and strive not to choose to escape during the battle, otherwise you understand." Aoki looked coldly in the eyes, watching Alec .

He did not want to see any uncontrollable accident in the battle with Yang Ping, otherwise Qingmu would rather choose to eliminate this uncontrollable phenomenon first.

"Yes!" Alec stunned.


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