The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 347: Sniper! Ghost Stone!

Guga obviously knew that Aoki would stop him, so he didn't mean to throw it away, just let King Nido come back and eat directly!

The Dark Crow's fast flight has not yet arrived in front of Guga, and he is greeted by the thunder fist of King Nido!

The huge fist is filled with crazy thunder and lightning, and the dark crow is directly repelled!

The mental shock of the foolish beast was also blocked by King Nido. Although the double restraint of the super power system directly caused considerable damage to King Nido, it did not prevent him from swallowing the pill in Guga's hand. .

"Still feed him!"

The former Abbot snake was not very powerful, and its absorption of this purple pill was not high, so the whole body was filled with a large amount of venomous energy after eating, and even the energy dissipation phenomenon appeared around the body.

But this Nido king is not the same. His physical quality is much better than that of Abai snake at that time, and his own level and strength are much higher.

Now he can show the true power of this pill!

"That being the case, solve your other elves first!"

"Dark Crow, wings attack! Help Ghost Stone solve Alidos first!"

"Stupid beast, mental shock serial attacks! Target big flower!"

"Circle the bear, use the belly drum, and stop the big needle bee and big mouth bat for a while!"

Since it was no longer possible to prevent King Nido from eating the pill, he would take care of the other obstructing elves before he could fully absorb them.

The big reason that this circling bear was able to let Aoki conquer it was because of the abdomen drum skill.

Belly drums, reduce your physical strength by half, and greatly increase your own attack power!


The hoops that greatly improved their abilities roared, as if the soldiers descended from the sky, jumped up vigorously, directly one hand in one hand, pulled the big mouth bat and the big needle bee to the same height as themselves, and stopped them!

As for the Dark Crow, they directly united with Ghost Stone and launched an attack on Alidos. The dumb beasts were almost the same, and they directly used the serial spiritual impact on the big food eater!

Guga's face was a little dark. In fact, it took only a few seconds for King Nido to absorb the purple pills, but Aoki gave up King Nido decisively and launched an attack on other elves!

"Alidos, signal light!"

"Big flower, seed bomb!"

"Big needle bee, big mouth bat! Hurry up and kill me that ring bear!"

The two elves made a final resistance, and Alidos sprayed a beam of twisted color, which was used directly against the dark crow.

It ’s just that the insect-like skill has a general effect on the flying dark crow. Although it hinders his offensive steps, he was caught in the gap and directly used the flame fist ghost stone to hit the key, triggering the character exchange obtained from Alidos. Sniper features, kill Alidos in one shot!

Sniper characteristics, if you hit the key, plus double restraint of the attributes, the effect is so terrifying.

A sniper characteristic of 2.25 times doubles the effect, plus a double effect of attribute restraint, that is a full five times the skill damage!

One-shot spike!

No ability to resist!

Da Shihua spit out fist-sized seeds directly from that huge mouth. The target of the attack was a dumb beast restrained by his grass, trying to stop his attack.

But the stupid beast did not mean to evade, the spirit shock wave after wave, and after the big fresh flower attacked the stupid beast, it was unable to let go of the chain attack, and the sharp claws were condensed on the claws. Fresh scars were drawn on the body of the flower, and the green blood stains spewed out directly with the movement of the large flower.

The seed bomb still failed to attack the dumb beast, because the big milk tank standing next to Aoki stood in front of the dumb beast, using a stand-in to help him block this skill.

Then he drank the milk directly, and he recovered all the energy lost by the substitute.

One second is fast changing!

Alidos and the big flower, lying on the ground one after another, life and death are unknown!

However, in contrast, after using the belly drum, the ring bear successfully blocked the big mouth bat and the big needle bee, but was directly knocked to the ground by his crazy attack, and lost his ability to move. I see.

However, it is Aoki who has the advantage now.

"Ghost Stone, continue to use Firefist to attack Big Needle Bee!"

"Dark raven, use wings to attack the big bee!"

"Stupid beast, hit the big mouth bat with all your strength!"

"Dora, go and help Aberby and kill him directly! No need to keep your hands!"

"Big milk tank, help with ghost stone!"

Aoki once again issued a series of orders. The opposite Nido has absorbed the escaped venom energy into the body a little bit, and it will be completely absorbed. It will not be so easy to deal with!

Before the opposite side is fully grasped, kill a few first!

The big milk tank directly helped the ghost stone in the distance, which improved his attack power.

Ghost Stone clenched his fist with a flame tightly in his hands, instead of directly firing, but stared at the big needle bee tightly, waiting for the attack of the Dark Crow to expose him to flaws.

Aoki's claw-tailed scorpion is also a sniper ~ ~, and Ghost Stone and claw-tailed scorpion are very good. Every time Aoki exercises the claw-tailed scorpion sniper characteristics, the ghost stone will also Looking aside, he did not expect that he would have such a day.

The wings of the Dark Crow slammed into the twin needles of the Big Needle Bee, and the two elves were thrown upside down.

The stupid beast is using the mental shock to attack the opposite big mouth bat. The big mouth bat is also tired of coping and has no ability to resist at all. Except for mad dodge in the air, it has no chance to approach the stupid beast. .

Instead, the two Aber monsters had fought back and forth on the ground, and Paula directly participated in it.

I saw Paula standing aside, but the skate-like claws could not be waved out, because the two Aber monsters had been scuffled together, Paula could not guarantee that his attack would not attack his companions.

Just this time!

King Nido, who had absorbed the energy of the pill, finally returned to the battlefield!

The original body type was relatively large, as if it was a secondary development, he was suddenly tall.

"Mala, use the frozen wind on King Nido!" Aoki saw the momentum on King Nido's body, slightly changed color, and directly let Mala give up and attack the Aber snake.

Use Frozen Wind on King Nido. If you are lucky, the boulder produced can still reduce his speed!

But fortunately, the ghost stone who found the opportunity bombarded the flame punch on the needle bee again, and was blessed by the help of the big milk can. The restraint of attributes and the triggered sniper characteristics were originally attacked by the dark crow. Some of the stiff bees that are not physically supportive have followed in the footsteps of Alidos, spike!

The ghost stone with the characteristics of a sniper is really killing gods now!


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