The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 343: The impact of the dream demon

In the vast sea.

Trial on the island.

Rockets base.

The three of them, who were sitting in the square, have now returned to a large room.

If Aoki were here, it should be recognizable that it was the mysterious place where he had been seeing movies before.

I saw Ying sitting on the chair he used to sit in, and the venomous snake sat opposite him. As for Saka, who came behind, he didn't know where he turned into a luxurious sofa and sat on the sofa. It was snoring.

None of the three spoke, just waiting silently.

A trial can actually make the Rockets' three Heavenly Kings here wait, and we can see how much the Rockets attach importance to this trial.

"So boring, let's find something to do," Saka said.

Ying and Viper glanced at him without speaking.

"Hey, Ying, otherwise, let ’s go out and have a fight. They all say that your strength has fallen badly. You can fight with me to prove that your strength has not fallen, and there will be fewer people who want to trouble you "Saka, I think for your sake.

Ying still didn't speak.

Saka has always been a loser to his men.

This time I want to find a place while his strength is down, let's just talk.

Make excuses.

Suddenly, the three men who had been leisurely frowned.

"My Aber monster should have felt right," said the poisonous snake first. An Aber monster slowly crawled out of the corner of the room and reached the side of the poisonous snake.

The viper put his hand on Aber's head.

Abo snake vomited a snake letter.

"I feel right," Ying said.

A Geng ghost emerged from the shadow's shadow for half a head, and made a grimace at Aber.

"Um." Saka nodded.

Heruga, who had fallen asleep on the ground, also stood up, and Saka could touch his back when he stood up.

"It seems that a King of Heaven-level elves has really appeared on the trial island. Do you need to call back the testers?" Said the snake.

"No need. A junior Uranus-level elf didn't know what it was for. Those little fish didn't have the ability to provoke him. It is estimated to be a native elven on the island. Now he has grown to Uranus-level and shows off Explain the territory. "Saka yawned, touching Heruga's back.

Ying didn't speak, but her eyes narrowed.

"It won't be that stinky boy."


At this time, Aoki just let the dark crow absorb the energy in those energy blocks.

The dream demon and the elves also completed a piece.

The foolish beast taught her everyday things through telepathy, and it was quite normal during the conversation.

"It's almost time to rest. There is still work to do tomorrow." Aoki said with a smile.

After hearing that, the elves gathered very consciously, and gathered around Aoki's tent to find a more comfortable place to lie down.

The dream demon has something to learn.

Although she doesn't need to sleep like other elves, for Dream Demon, even if she doesn't sleep, it won't have much effect.

After all, strictly speaking, she is a ghost.

But seeing other elves falling asleep, the dream demon also learned to sleep.

In fact, she just imitated sleep and did not really fall asleep.

The years of loneliness and monotonous life in the cave under the stone pillars have allowed her to maintain the ethereal state, even in a daze, for several days without any impact.

Today she saw a lot of things, so she now has a lot of pictures in her mind, and some of them are passed to her directly by electrocardiogram, which taught her a lot of outside knowledge.

In this way, Aoki and the elves fell asleep.

Except for the ghost stone and the big mouth bird who have been sticking to their posts.

Of course, because of the existence of the dream demon, not many wild elves dare to approach the place where Aoki is.


The fourth day.


After breakfast.

The full-bodied Dream Demon returned to the Elf Ball with great satisfaction.

She promised Aoki to listen to Aoki.

It's not the time for the Demon to appear.

With dark crows and foolish beasts, Aoki embarked on the road to find a point card.

Three days have passed since the final trial. Today is the fourth day. Those who are familiar with the rules should have a lot of points in their hands. If you can find some powerful people, the speed of collecting points should be faster than searching. Score cards are much faster.

However, the trial island is so large that there can be a few people who can really meet.

So the most stable point source is to look for a point card.

After killing a cat boss who blocked his progress, Aoki got the fifth point card shown on the map fragment.

Instead of using it directly, all the score cards found this time were collected and put into storage space.

"Let's go and continue to the next place." Aoki told the cat boss to devour the cat boss.

From today, Aoki has been consciously training the Dark Crow. Yesterday, he absorbed the re-made energy cubes. He ate them again this morning, and his body size grew again by three centimeters. The energy in the body is also accumulating. Use up.

So when fighting, the Dark Crow tried his best every time to master the skyrocketing power.

After walking a long way again, Aoki found several strange footprints on the muddy ground.

Frowning and squatting down ~ ~ Lightly touch the footprints in the mud with your fingers.

"It's still wet, which means that the person who left such footprints hasn't left for a long time. Go and follow up." Aoki said.

Then let the dumb beasts create an energy film on the soles of the feet to prevent leaving footprints on the ground while reducing the generation of noise.

One person and two elves speeded up, chasing up in the direction of the footprints.

After walking for twenty minutes, he finally caught up with his master.

Two people!

Two people in Trial Island Rockets costumes.

As for their names, Aoki didn't know them, but they felt vaguely familiar. They should be one of the trainers.

Silently followed them, showing no trace.

If it is a trial, there is not much pressure for Aoki.

But the two obviously moved forward purposefully, and Aoki was curious about this.

After walking for a while, the lonely two began chatting.

One of the taller men said, "Do you say, Boss Guga will really take us out?"

The other person groaned, as if thinking, and as if hesitating, and finally said, "It should take us out. You haven't seen the boss of Guga telling everyone to record the number of points we have contributed, saying that according to the contribution The ranking of points, and the person who takes them out first. "

"I said so, but I don't always feel true. Can I really go out as long as I submit enough points? Some people have sent out their original points. In this way, when the final ranking is made, they may even get ahead. Fifty people can't go in, what if the boss of Gujia doesn't take us out? "


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