The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 337: what are you

Subconsciously used the chip to scan the data of the elf in front of him.

Pokemon: Dream Demon (Teal)

Gender: Female

Level: 64

Attribute: Ghost

Characteristics: floating

Carry Item: Dark Stone

Genetic skills: Simultaneous, Seal, Wonderful Space, Curse, Trait Exchange

Basic Skills: Scream, Spirit Wave, Resentment, Fright, Strange Light, Black Eyes, Woefulness, Illusion Light, Sharing Pain, Tooth for Tooth, Shadow Ball, Song of Resentment Resentment, Power Gem, Magic Flame, Uncharted Strike, Lucky Spell Magic leaf

Teaching Skills: None

Skill Learner: None

"This ..." Aoki looked at the data of this dream demon, in fact there were 10,000 grass and mud horses running by.

Why is this level 64 dream monster appearing here?

Did Ying Ying find this dream demon when he came last time?

There was nothing but helplessness in Aoki's heart. For him, this dream demon really didn't have the slightest resistance, even if the dumb beast had the ability to move instantly, but it had no effect on her.

For example, the dream demon can come to the dumb beast's energy cover silently, without even a trace of movement.

Maybe the dumb beast sensed something, so it pulled Aoki's trousers, but it couldn't resist.

Sixty-four, a teal-qualified dream demon, what is the concept?

Aoki, a former trainer of the quasi-heaven class, knows nothing about this.

Because the hierarchical system is actually almost Aoki's exclusive division method, there are also instruments in the elf world that can detect the level of the elf, but generally not many people are bored to do a level detection for the elf, so in many cases, when you see an elf Whether it is powerful or not depends on the momentum and appearance, but Aoki with chips can be seen more intuitively.

Sixty-fourth level is already in the category of Heavenly King Elves.

More than 30 levels of elves can almost make the trainer reach the level of the Rockets squadron captain, which is now the level of Aoki.

What is said is not an elf, but almost five to six elves above 30, which is considered to have the squadron level combat power.

When most of the elves in the hands broke through the forty level, they almost have the strength of the Rockets captain.

Of course, the higher the level, the slower the upgrade, and the larger the gap between each level.

However, the division of these strengths not only depends on the level, but also has an equally important point, which is qualification!

The 50th level is almost the level of the quasi-king king, and Aoki in the previous life had five elves that were above the 50th level and was identified as the quasi-king king.

After reaching the 50th level, the upgrade speed of the elves will be reduced again, but there will be a hurdle when the elves reach the 59th level. It is not clear what kind of kan Aoki is, but I have heard some trainers talk about it.

May be related to the qualifications of the elves.

This is what Aoki guessed by himself, and how it might work. He may not know it until he reaches that level.

Therefore, the Rockets' quasi-king king-level trainers, that is, quasi-cadres are actually many, but there are very few cadres.

Because when the level of the elves reaches sixty, they are even heavenly-level elves.

This sixty-level heavenly-level elf refers to those elves with a qualification above light cyan as the dividing line.

Although it is the weakest in the Uranus level, it is also the Uranus level elf, and the gap between the quasi-Uranus level elf is very large.

Every ten levels is a big division of the elves.

It may not be obvious when the previous level is relatively low, or the level of suppression is not great.

But the sixty level is indeed a relatively large distinction point.

Therefore, the level 64 dream monster now appearing in the dumb beast's energy hood is an undoubtedly heaven-level elf.

To be precise, it is a junior-level King-level elf.

But even as a junior Heavenly King, Aoki had to kneel before him.

Aoki didn't speak, he was very nervous, he could only hold the fragmented dark stone tightly in his hands, and looked at the dream demon in front of him.

It was just the dream monster on the opposite side who didn't do anything, just looked at Aoki, his eyes showing thought and curiosity.

With such big eyes and small eyes, one person and one elf looked at each other for five minutes without any action.

They can do this, there is no problem, but at this time the dumb beast can't hold it, the superpower energy in the body is almost exhausted, and the energy shield cannot continue to be maintained.

He wanted to start the momentary movement, but found that the existence of the dream demon prevented him from feeling the coordinates left by him.

The helpless dumb beast can only refill the energy hood with the energy originally reserved for instantaneous movement, and reduce the size of the energy hood again to reduce consumption.

Aoki noticed the action of the dumb beast, but there was nothing he could do.

"This dream demon is a bit strange." Aoki thought for five minutes after looking at her.

"It's as if you don't have a high mind?"

Because from the eyes of the dream demon, Aoki didn't see anything, just the eyes like water, with curiosity and a little bit of joy?


"Ah, that, Dream Demon, hello." Aoki can only take the lead in speaking. If you don't say it again, after the dumb beast energy hood is removed, they can't resist such strong ghost system energy.

"Woo ~~" Dream Demon screamed.

The sound was a bit ethereal.

Language is not fluent ~ ~ Stupid beast, can you still be telepathic? "

I heard that the dumb beast that was insisting on can only shrink the energy hood again, and Aoki could only squat down.

Then he barely communicated the dream demon with super powers.

"Stupid beast, she did not take the initiative to attack us and told her that if this energy hood could not be maintained, we would die and ask her if there was any way," Aoki said.

Only saw the blue light flicker in the eyes of the dumb beast. After understanding the meaning, the dream demon showed a happy smile, and then the red light flashed in his eyes, and the dumb beast's energy shield was instantly enlarged.

Seeing that the energy hood became larger, some of the stunned drowsy beasts lay directly on the ground, panting heavily.

Aoki quickly took out the energy block from the storage space and prepared to feed it to the stupid beast.

But when he was ready to feed, he found that the energy cube in his hand was gone, and when he appeared again, he was in front of the dream demon.

She is controlling the energy cube with her super powers, wandering in front of her as if playing very happily.

Helpless Aoki can only take out some again, and while the dream demon didn't notice, he quickly fed into the mouth of the dumb beast.

If you want to leave now, you still need to move with the dumb beast.

Of course, the premise is to get the dream monster.

Aoki has a headache.

"Well, Dream Demon, do you feel telepathic? Is that the way he just used?" Aoki asked carefully.

In order to let the dream demon know what it said, the dumb beast also demonstrated it again.

The red light in the eyes of the dream monster that came to understand appeared again.

In Aoki's mind, a young girl voice appeared.

"what are you?"



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