The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 333: Black stone pillar

"It's a map fragment similar to this. If you see it, just take it away. It's not useful to you, but if you stay here, it will keep attracting people." Aoki Na Draw out the map fragments that have been used up on his body, and say to the patriarch Guis.

"It turned out to be this thing, and suddenly appeared in our cave by space teleportation. I never knew what it was useful for. I didn't expect it was this thing that attracted humans," said the patriarch of Guis.

After speaking, the patriarch of the ghosts immediately asked other ghosts to take this thing.

This is something that has no effect on them. It will cause unnecessary trouble if you keep it here. It might as well be given to Aoki.

After coming in, Ghost Stone communicated with other Ghost Stones. They just didn't recognize him at the beginning. After speaking a few words, they realized that this Ghost Stone was the companion who once played together.

Soon, a ghost took a map fragment and handed it to Aoki.

"Thank you Aoki Jun for helping me solve a problem," said the chief of the Guisi group with a smile.

Aoki nodded with a smile and didn't speak.

This ghost group is where the ghost stone was born and grew up. Obviously, it is not the ordinary wild elven group. It can be destroyed by itself if you want to destroy it. Otherwise, there will be an indelible gap between the ghost stone and the ghost stone. Already.

"What does Aoki Jun have to say? You are a true friend of our ethnic group. If we can help, we won't quit." The patriarch of Guis saw Aihe's hesitation.

"That being the case, I will speak straight.

Because when I came last time, I saw the stone pillar that kept releasing the spirit breath in the depths of the cave. Although I may not be able to fully understand the stone pillar now, I have something I need, maybe I can be in it found. "

"Oh? Our ghost pillar."

The patriarch Guis could not help but hesitate when he heard what Aoki said.

After all, that stone pillar is related to the life and death of their entire ethnic group. If there is no continuous supply of phantom energy from that stone pillar, then how can so many ghosts continue to survive normally.

"You can rest assured that I don't have the confidence to explore the stone pillar now, just that a key thing I need now may be found in it, so I plan to take a look and look for it," Aoki explained.

Yi Ying's strength did not venture to explore the stone pillar, Aoki's strength is still a little worse.

He still wants to see if there are high-quality dark stones in the stone pillars, which can allow the dark crow to complete the evolution.

Because the princes of Ghosts gave Aoki two dark stones. Although the quality is average, is the dark stone produced here condensed by the energy scattered in the pillar?

So is there a higher quality dark stone in the pillar?

If there is no opponent like Yohei, Aoki may not come here to try, but now if you want to defeat Yohei, Aoki's current strength is still a bit worse.

However, if a high-quality dark stone is found, and the dark crow can complete the evolution, then everything is different.

"桀桀 ~~"

At this time, Ghost Stone, who had played enough, floated over to help Aoki.

He knew the general purpose of Aoki's coming here, and he believed that Aoki would not damage the stone pillars if he could.

Because in his present time, to be honest, the Ghosts here can't stop him. Ghost Stone, who knows Aoki's strengths very well, knows that a lot of the reasons for Aoki are so kind.

The old ghost looked at Aoki, and then looked at the ghost, helplessly, "Well, since this child also trusts you so much, you have helped us more than once. If you refuse again, you will not eat toast. I mean. "

Although the old ghosts are old, their experience is still there. The several elves around Aoki are still very oppressive to him, especially the dumb and elf who looks pink and tender. The huge capacity is even more daunting.

If you must not let Aoki go, can you still stop Aoki's footsteps with the ghosts in the ghosts cave?

The old ghost thought it should be no longer.

In this case, it is better to maintain this good relationship.

After all, Ghost Stone is also the main force in the Aoki team. Their group and Aoki are also considered half relatives.

The Guisi cave is as complicated as ever. Under the guidance of the old Guisi, he quickly came to the cave full of ghost system energy.

In the huge cave, only one stone pillar stands tall on the ground in the middle.

It was empty everywhere, but the thick phantom energy was wanton.

Sometimes the energy is thick to a certain degree, but when the power of the elves is not enough, it is not very good, because it cannot absorb this concentration of energy.

The ghosts are like this. They can only absorb the energy of the ghost system that escapes from this cave, and they can stably maintain the survival and development of the entire ethnic group.

But now Ghost Stone is different, attracted by the thick ghost system energy, and rushed directly into the cave.

The old ghost could only stand outside the cave with a wry smile, and was afraid to move forward half a step.

Aoki didn't have any pressure ~ ~ The superpower barrier directly formed by the dumb beast separated him from the phantom energy.

Slowly walked to the stone pillar and watched the strands floating inside. The ghost system energy was almost condensed. I remember that the ghost ghost of Zeng Jinying was lying directly on the stone pillar cave, leaving the energy floating out of it. All absorbed, almost wiped out the entire Guisi ethnic group.

But this may now be possible for Ghost Stone.

But the phantom system here is so rich in energy that it already illustrates the situation.

This stone pillar is absolutely abnormal.

After being excited for a while, Ghost Stone absorbed enough energy and quietly returned to Aoki's side.

Although Ghost Stone is naughty, he is very concerned about Aoki's affairs.

The four elves, dumb beasts, dark crows, Paula, and ghoststone, stood beside the stone pillars with Aoki, watching the lilac ghostly energy flowing out of them.

"Will this be the same as the energy crystal blasting black holes on the unknown island?"

Suddenly, such a doubt appeared in Aoki's heart.

Because the nameless island is similar to here, except that the nameless island is driven by the underground river, and here is the energy of surviving.

"Stupid beast, can you feel what's going on inside or inside?" Aoki asked.

The stupid beast that heard the words closed his eyes directly, slowly extending his super powers.

Seeing the look of the foolish beast, Aoki put his hand on his back, turning his few superpowers into silk threads to connect with the foolish beast.

What the dumb beast can "see" can see itself.


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