The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 316: Conquer Miyamoto (Mon./Thu.)

"What are you going to do with me?" Since he didn't want to wait, Miyamoto might as well ask his own questions directly, hoping that Aoki would give him a simple one.

After hearing Miyamoto's question, Aoki smiled, but Ma Shan did not answer his question, but found a stone that looked relatively clean and sat up.

Then he motioned to Miyamoto to sit down and talk, how tired he stood.

Although Aoki didn't say anything, Miyamoto understood it.

This should not mean killing yourself, otherwise you would sit down and talk.

Miyamoto did not mind getting dirty, and sat directly on a pile of dead leaves.

Aoki saw Miyamoto's expression and said directly, "Will I kill you? Or will I kill you?"

Suddenly, Miyamoto, who was relieved, froze to his face, not knowing what to say.

Do not follow the routine?

If you want to kill yourself, why would you let me sit down?

Looking at the meaningful smile on Aoki's face, Miyamoto was not sure what Aoki was thinking now.

"Even if I tell you to submit to you now, you won't believe it." Finally, Miyamoto took the lead and spoke about his own conditions, but the look of a wry smile on his face couldn't hide it.

Negotiations, whoever talks about the conditions first is destined to fall behind.

But now his life is pinched in Aoki's hands, and falling into the wind is normal.

Thought of this, Miyamoto looked away.

"No, I believe." Aoki said.

As Miyamoto looked up at him, Aoki continued, "But I can't use it."


That being said, one by one.

However, Aoki is now saying that there is nothing wrong with it. Miyamoto has almost been scrapped. There is only one Duduli in his whole body, which is not his best fighting elf.

Miyamoto didn't speak anymore, as if she had fate.

But Aoki laughed more happily.

Don't stimulate you, don't know who's the last word.

"But you are not completely useless. At least your experience as a trainer is not?"

Looking at the smile on Aoki's smile, Miyamoto is now resolutely not speaking, and what is the end result, presumably the person in front of him has already planned it.

"But you are now surrendering, I still ca n’t believe you, after all ... there is a powerful captain above you, and I am not his opponent now.

So how do you prove your worth? "

Silent and calm.

After confirming that he wanted to speak by himself, Miyamoto only slowly said, "It is still a question whether the captain behind me can survive after this competition ends."

"Oh, you can see very clearly." Aoki smiled.

Continued, "The lion and the tiger are fighting, and the cat and the dog are unbelieving. They think they are also animals. It ’s like going up and joining together. In the end, the lion and the tiger have nothing to do. It ’s a sign.

How big is the gap between cadres and prospective cadres, but I ’m not sure, but it ’s just a few general captains. It ’s better to say that they are not deeply involved, but if they want something they ca n’t control, it ’s really Looking for death! dont you agree? "

Miyamoto smiled bitterly when he heard the analogy of Aoki.

Who said no?

He is only a small member of the Rockets, even if he has the strength of the squadron captain, but now the real position is only the captain, and he is the direct captain of that captain, and he cannot go against the wishes of the other party.

Now that we are involved in such things, it is still a question of whether we can save our lives.

Originally, he wanted to come in, but he still wanted to trust a cadre's subordinates. Although his status would not be improved, and he might even decline, but nothing else, at least he must save his life!

But now, after seven days of trials, the next day, I was almost wiped out, and my life was pinched by others.

He knows his own position and knows where his talents are. If he is the right person, he may still be a captain. If he is the wrong person, the captain may be his limit. After all, his support will be right away. It's going to fall.

"So when I say surrender, I don't just talk about it. I originally wanted to find a more talkative and trustworthy past among the cadres of the cadres, and the person who participated in the trial was not the only one. Think of it this way, someone else should be prepared to do the same.

It was a group of people who looked beautiful, but had one foot on the cliff. "Miyamoto said.

"Then you trust me, I'm not a leader of a cadre, and I may not be able to protect you," Aoki said.

Miyamoto was helpless.

My life is in your hands now, dare you say no?

Fortunately, Aoki's strength is a little stronger than he imagined, and it does not mean that he is wronged.

"Well, I won't tell you the useless ones, just open the door and say.

I must win the first place in this trial, and there is no one behind me. As long as you sincerely trust, you can protect your safety, but!

What I need is true loyalty, not the kind of person who stabs a knife behind his back!

What I need is someone who can fight the knife in front of me when necessary ~! Aoki stopped teasing him, and directly spoke of his requirements.

The light shone in Miyamoto's eyes. He guessed that there should be someone behind Aoki, but he did not expect that he was so determined. The people behind him could carry it, and he did not expect that Aoki's goal was actually first. !!

Even the most powerful Regis, dare not say that he won first!

"You need to think clearly."

"If you think about it, eat this thing. This is a pill I developed. The ordinary effect is to strengthen the body, but if there is no regular antidote, it will directly rot and die! Don't think about finding someone else to give you a solution. Even a senior breeder, it takes a month of continuous research to make an antidote.

Senior breeder, can you afford it? Or, do you dare to ask? "

Aoki threw a lilac pill. This is not a fake pill used to deceive two bears before. This is Aoki's real call to the chip database to make a real pill with what he said!

"And you have to think about it. In addition to the first place, I have to kill one of those four cadres who are related to me!

If you eat it, follow my order! "

Miyamoto held the pill in his hand and felt like a thousand dollars in weight.

But he did not hesitate and swallowed it.

What else can I do?

Looking at Aoki's posture, obviously not eating is dead!

It might as well follow him to see, anyway, sooner or later it will be a death!

What if his crazy ideas succeed? !!

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