The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 310: Discovery battle

The real effect of the pill mentioned by the host is obviously to deceive the two stupid bears, and they want to be obedient and obedient, how can they make time to make these things.

But I didn't expect that not only the two stupid bears were scared, but the stupid dragon who was afraid after looking at his face obviously believed.

IQ is not enough to fill muscle.

The dumb beast feels a little funny.

In this way, the two circle bears were completely conquered by Aoki. If they let them go east, they would not dare to go west, and if they let them move stones, they would never dare to dig dirt.

Not to mention, even though these two gigantic ring bears have been frozen for a long time, they have also been burned by fire by foolish beasts, but sitting up and doing things is really nothing to say.

Aoki also kindly gave the two ring bears a good name. The one with scars on his eyes was called Xiong Yi (bear big, cough), and the one with scars on his chest was called Xiong Er.

With two hoops hanging around the door, Aoki took the elves and went to sleep in the cave.


the next day.

Trial on the island.

Aoki and the elves who wake up on time according to the biological clock.

Aoki shoved the circling bears who were still sleeping at the entrance of the cave and called them out.

Prepare breakfast after coming out.

This is the second day of the final trial. Aoki, who is slightly familiar with the environment, is ready to continue exploring today.

As for the matter of collecting points, in Aoki's view, as long as it is blocked on the way back from the trial island to the Rockets base, it can always block some people who collect more points.

When Aoki finished taking care of herself by the lake, she saw the Abai monster who was stalemate at the mouth of the cave and two bears.

The dark crow and the dumb beast said something, although it had no effect, but did not let the two sides fight.

Aber's weird eyes stared at two circling bears tightly. These two were one of the main elves who attacked him, and they often attacked him during the day, preventing him from taking a good rest during the day.

The two circling bears also looked at this Aber monster with burning eyes. If they were not dumb beasts beside them, I'm afraid they would rush straight up.

Aoki saw that her head felt a little painful, but she just wanted to collect a few beaters on the island, but she did not expect such a situation.

"What do you want? Do you have a fight?" Aoki yelled.

Hearing Aoki's words, the two bears trembled subconsciously, directly converging the fierce expression on their faces, looking at Aoki flatteringly.

Unlike Abaiguai, their real lives are pinched in Aoki's hands.

After seeing the expressions of the two bears in a circle, Abaigua was also surprised, and then showed a human shock.

It is amazing how human beings can surrender these two silly big men.

After being ordered by Aoki, although they were not hostile again, they were somewhat inconsistent with each other.

In response, the Dark Crow and the foolish beasts chose to ignore it.

After finishing breakfast, Aoki sat aside to rest, and the elves were training in the morning.

For this final trial, Aoki has always been holding the goal of becoming the first.

Because the difference between the benefits of the first and second places is too large, Yusanjia has simply become a supplement. What really makes these cadres, prospective cadres and captains compete for is the first place to get the Rockets. Support, the right to enter other areas.

Although it can't play under the name of the Rockets, but can get the support of the Rockets 'resources and soon be able to stand in a region. After the Rockets' invasion, the first person to go down to the chassis is likely Will become the head of the area.

Become the Rockets, cadres, second only to the existence of Sakagi.

There is only one person in the Rockets with this status.

And those prospective cadres and captains may not have so much extravagant hope, but just hope that they can be promoted to cadres. After all, if they succeed, the resources they get will be huge.

Aoki does not expect this, nor does he expect to get too many resources, and he ca n’t eat it as he is. He just hopes to rely on the big tree of the Rockets to grow up.

Strength is the foundation of everything.

After finishing the traces, let the dumb beast leave a super power coordinate here, and then collect all the remaining elves.

Go to the river, ride on the head of the tyrannosaurus, and slowly swim along the river.

Aoki speculates that this river is likely to be the same river that met the drowsy beast a few months ago.

Anyway, the direction pointed by the dumb beast is also figured out.

Tyrannosaurus personally witnessed the whole process of Aoki's control of the two circling bears yesterday, and now he is terribly good.

Honestly carried them down the river.

Tyrannosaurus is relatively low in level here, but there is no way that the elves such as tyrannosaurus is relatively famous, and wild elves generally do not actively challenge it.

If you really encounter wild elves who want to fight, the dull beasts and dark crows that follow Aoki will also solve them.

It didn't take long for Sky Mountain to begin to drizzle.

The foolish beast created a superpower barrier that enveloped Aoki and the Dark Raven together.

As for Tyrannosaurus, rain is his favorite, but there is no boredom.

Aoki frowned, and it was raining by the river. If you happen to encounter the riots of wild elves in the river ~ ~, it is more dangerous.

For example, the last encounter between the tyrannosaurus dragon and Minas battle, the two elf turned over the river in the river, Aoki now has not forgotten.

After climbing the head of the tyrannosaurus, Aoki said, "Let's go to the shore."

I heard that the tyrannosaurus swims to the shore obediently, and lands its head flat on the ground. With the help of the stupid beast's superpower, Aoki landed on the ground smoothly.

"Ga ~~"

After docking, the Dark Crow slowly landed on Aoki's shoulder, calling softly.

"Huh? You mean, did you find the movement ahead?"

The dark crow nodded, and then the blue light in the eyes of the dumb beast next to him lit up directly. The super power fluctuation spread and nodded towards Aoki.

However, compared to the idea of ​​the Dark Crow, the dumb beast tells Aoki directly through the electrocardiogram.

This can not help but make Aoki feel that he really needs to quickly upgrade his superpowers to the level of junior superpowers. Otherwise, although he can understand the meaning of the elf at once, the exact meaning is still a bit worse.

If you can become a junior superpower, after mastering the telepathy, you must be much more flexible in the battle, at least it will not appear that the opponent will issue a very correct command after hearing his command.

After being confirmed, Aoki slowly converged, took out a camouflage raincoat from the ring and put it on the body, and proceeded carefully.

As they approached, Aoki could hear the sound of fighting.


Add more, the group inexplicably said that it won the second prize. I do n’t know what it means, but it seems to be pretty good. Just add more. As for adding more or less, I do n’t know. Look at me. Strength, haha.

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