The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 297: Crow mouth

Judging from the previous appearance of this person, it should not be those of the cadres.

Otherwise, Aoki will definitely not be so easy when fighting with him.

Although Aoki did not use his full strength during the previous battle, other than that, the ghost stone hidden in the shadows did not shoot.

Part of the reason is that there is no guarantee that the other party is only one person, and it is necessary to retain a certain backhand ability at any time. Another reason is that the other two elves do not make him feel a great threat.

Although the opponent's elf strength is also good, but did not put much pressure on Aoki.

If you are really willing to get hurt, the dumb beast can actually defeat the opponent.

The reason is not to chase forcefully, or to confirm whether the other party is only one person. In this unknown forest, although the other party appears suddenly and the possibility of owning a companion is relatively low, it is a truth that the poor and the young are not chasing.

Let the dumb beast and the big milk tank jointly kill Hao Li directly, then take the elven ball handed over by the dark raven, and directly collect the hot monkey who is irritable to attack, and lock it.

This hot monkey with dark green qualifications, if only by value, Aoki will be able to harvest nearly one million Union Coins.

In addition, the other party's cultivation of the hot monkey is relatively good, and the value can be further improved.

The dark crow and the foolish beast were responsible for cleaning up the scene, and then threw a stinky mud and absorbed Haoli's corpse into it.

In fact, this hero's qualifications and combat strength are still good, but have been subdued by the other party, Aoki can not control him, can only kill once and for all.

Absorbed by stinky mud is not a waste of resources, and waste is used.

Aoki took a healing spray out of the ring and treated the wounded big milk can.

Although there is milk to restore physical strength, some injuries on the body cannot be cured at once. After the treatment spray is sprayed, it will be relatively fast.

"Mi Mi ~~" The big milk can closed her eyes comfortably, and could not help but scream.

Aoki smiled and rubbed the head of the big milk can, and said, "Tough work, big milk can."

In order not to expose his strength, he can only let the big milk tank first withstand the first wave of Hao Li and the hot monkey.

"Mi Mi!" The big milk tank shook her head firmly. She knew that her current strength in Aoki's team could not play much role in frontal battle.

Originally, she had some combat responsibilities, but when they all grew up, she has completely retreated behind the scenes.

It is still very happy for her to be able to come out and continue fighting now. These injuries are much lighter than when she lived alone today.

Aoki also knew the thoughts in the big milk tank and sighed silently.

Big milk tanks are slowly retreating behind the scenes due to their qualifications.

However, Aoki is also trying to find a way for him, not to mention the method of Xiao Qian's family, which is the use of the energy crystal given by the chip, which can also improve the qualification of the big milk tank.

I believe that as long as you continue to use it, even if the quality of the big milk tank is not high in the future, at least it is not a problem to deal with some simple enemies.

After all, positioning is also an aid.

After clearing everything on the ground, Aoki went deeper into the forest in the direction given by the dumb beast.

After just over an hour of walking, Aoki found that where he is now should be on the other side of the trial island.

At this location, you can also smell the salty smell of sea water, and at the same time, you can see some small shells and other sea things in the ground, so please guess that it should be not far from the sea.

And with the continuous deepening, the level of the elves also increased.

Compared to the other side being cleaned by the Rockets, the wild elves here have a higher general level.

After a battle, the Dark Crow stopped looking forward.

There are many people who can recognize the Dark Crow, and it is more dangerous if someone ambushes him while he is alone.

Standing next to Aoki, the two elves and the dumb beasts were always alert to the surrounding environment, as if they had returned to the time of Zeng Jin.

Slowly, Aoki found some elves hiding under the tree or among the leaves. He did not take the initiative to attack, but set his eyes tightly on Aoki's body.

Five or six elves that looked like a purple ball slowly gathered and followed quietly behind Aoki.

The Dark Crow and the foolish beasts discovered them long ago, but they ignored them because the opponent never launched an attack.

But over time, the number of them gathered is also increasing.

And with the increase in number, their courage also grew, and they did not have the same fear as the dark crows and foolish beasts around Aoki.

Aoki's walking speed also slowly decreased, because he found that now not only behind him, but also in many large trees and grasses in front of him, such purple elves appeared.

Two red eyes, compound eyes, seemed to emit a faint red fluorescence in the dark forest.

These purple elves are just hair balls, all wrapped under purple hard fine hair, and their two huge eyes are compound eyes of insects.

Hairballs are relatively timid elf, but when the number reaches tens or hundreds of them ~ ~ even mice are no longer timid.

"Do not accidentally fall into the territory of the hair ball." Aoki said secretly.

Looking at the current situation, it should be no worse.

"If it is a hair ball, you can still accept it. Don't show up a few Moru moths." Aoki stopped and looked at the increasing number of hair **** around, secretly pinching sweat.

Moru moth is an evolutionary type of fur ball. It only evolves when the level of fur ball reaches level 31, so if Moru moth appears, then it must be an elf above level 30.

There is a big gap between the elves above 30 and the elves of 20 or more, and if there are more mouls in so many hair balls, there should not be only one.

"Feng ~~"

A strange sound appeared from deep in the forest.

Aoki's face changed suddenly when she heard this voice.

"It's really a crow's mouth! Dark crow, dumb beast, watch out for vigilance!" Aoki yelled.

(Dark Crow: Quirk?)

With him at the same time, there are the hairballs of Putiangai.

As their bodies swayed, the sky's purple powder appeared in the air.

Poison powder skills.

The hair ball is also an elf who is good at using three powders. Different levels of hair **** use different powders.

Aoki felt as if he had returned to the unknown island, in the Poisonous Butterfly Territory.

"Dark crow, flap your wings, don't let these powders approach us, these hair **** are not low grade," Aoki said.

According to the chip, the levels of these hairballs are almost above level 20. The threat of the emergence of the film is still a bit, not to mention the sound just heard from the depths of the forest should be the evolutionary type of hairballs, Moru of.


Second more! Serve!

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