The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 294: Tyrannosaurus

When he opened his eyes again, he appeared in a strange place, surrounded by unknown woods.

Aoki can be sure, he has never been here.

The trial island is very large. Due to the time limit of one week, Aoki must return to the trial island after a certain distance, otherwise it will not be able to catch up with the test.

Maybe here is the other side of the trial island.

Take out an elf ball and release the dull beast.

"Dummy, feel it, can you sense the coordinates left before?" Aoki asked.

"Yeah!" The dumb beast nodded, his eyes flashing blue.

Aoki was told through electrocardiogram induction that he could only sense the direction of the coordinates, but could not directly transmit it.

Aoki's brow is slightly wrinkled. Is the trial island really so big? The dumb beast's teleportation distance is now much longer than before. For comparison, it can be teleported from one end of the golden city to the other. It's far away.

Taking out the previously assigned point device, it is said that as long as you feel the map fragments with the point card painted, a slight vibration will be emitted, so Aoki directly took it out and placed it in the mezzanine inside the clothes.

Dark crows, dumb beasts, and ghost stones hiding in the shadows. The three elves who left the trial island at that time followed Aoki again to the trial island.

Since there was no clear direction, Aoki was ready to let the foolish beasts feel the orientation of the coordinates and walk in that direction.

At the same time, passing some places, leaving some superpower coordinates.

It can be said that dumb beasts with the ability to move instantly are really like fish in this completely wild environment.

Aoki can attack and retreat and defend, and can completely rely on dumb beasts.

Take out a bottle of spray from the ring and spray it on yourself. The smell is not very good, but this is specially prepared by Aoki.

Being able to clear out some of the scent that belongs to the city in your body, although it can not completely shield the attack of wild elves, but it can reduce yourself a lot of trouble.

"Dark Crow, go ahead and explore the road, we will follow." Aoki said.

Hearing that the dark crow fluttered and disappeared into the unknown forest.

Just as Aoki started to explore the trial island with the dumb beasts, several people came to the rocket base on the trial island.

At this time, Serpent and Shadow sat in the center of the square and did not leave, they were waiting for those who entered after.

"Ha ha ha ha, poisonous snakes, shadows, haven't seen each other for a long time." Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared in the sky, and the voice came from the dark shadow in the sky.

Hearing his voice, the serpent pouted, and looked at Xiangying and said, "I thought it was who I was, and this guy is here to kill you."

Ying smiled, and Han Man flashed in his eyes, and said, "Then let him come, it will not be a year or two after I was suppressed. I thought that my strength was weak after the last hit. ?"

Everyone thinks that my strength is not as good as before, or is he brazen?

Slowly, as the black shadow in the sky slowly enlarged, a Tyrannosaurus appeared on the square.

As Tyrannosaurus dropped, a rocket-owned aircraft also slowly landed.

Seeing that Tyrannosaurus Rex, the poisonous snake pouted again and said, "All day long I knew to show his Tyrannosaurus Rex, and I didn't know how many times I was stabbed by you. I still haven't changed this habit."

"If I have a quasi-god, I will show it every day," Ying said.

"Haha, how about, haven't you been jealous of my Tyrannosaurus again? It's all right, as long as you are willing to pay the capital and you can exchange it, I'm afraid you won't be willing." From the back of Tyrannosaurus, jumped A person.

Wearing a black Rockets cadre costume, a hat resembling a military cap, and a big red "R" logo printed in the middle.

"Saka, why are you here this time? Aren't you famous for being lazy?" The serpent asked him without paying attention to his question.

"Well, isn't this here? Hearing him here, I immediately took over this troublesome task." Sarkar exaggerated.

Then he was not at all polite, pulled a chair directly, and sat next to Ying.

"Do you want to fight with me once?" Ying looked at him like that, but he couldn't keep it all at once.

"Ah, aw, you look so serious and scary. Unfortunately, I didn't come here to fight with you this time, but I have a mission." Although it was scary, there was still a dreadful smile on his face, Sarkar waved his hand towards the plane, and a group of people dressed in various clothes came down. About 20 people were touched, aged between 16 and 20.

Of the twenty or so people, four were obviously not very well-dressed, wearing dangling clothes, and it was not difficult to see from the attitudes of others towards them. The strength of the four of them should be relatively strong in this group.

After that, there were a few people wearing formal Rockets suits. Although not as deterrent as the previous four, others did not dare to underestimate them.

The rest of the people seem relatively ordinary, but if you only look at the elves around them, you should be able to find that their strength is actually not weak, but it is relatively weak compared to the others.

"See three adults."

Led by four people, more than twenty people saluted the three together.

Saka won the host, and did not care about the dark face of the serpent next to the shadow. He waved his hand and said, "The trainees should have already entered. You should pay attention to the situation yourself ~ ~ Keep it. How many people are left for the Viper Instructor. "

The venomous snake had a blue face, and if it wasn't for the shadow, he would have rushed up to work hard with Saka.

Saka is still more frightened of film, but he doesn't have much respect for poisonous snakes.

Although the Viper is also a cadre of the Rockets, he always brings a group of hairy guys. For his fighting ability, Saka retains skepticism.

The members of the superpower group who had retreated to the sidelines once again formed the teleportation array, and randomly transmitted the later 20 people to the trial island.

When the last person was teleported, several of them saluted slightly towards the shadow three, and then a group of people disappeared in the square instantly.

Sarkar looked at the place where they disappeared, and was somewhat envious. "The power of superpowers is really easy to use."

Then the words turned around and said to Ying, "Hey, Ying, let's make a bet, how many of these trainees can make it into the top ten? Or just bet, how many people can live out?"

With a playful smile on his face, he clearly knew the quality of the trainer.

"I heard that you took someone out some time ago, wouldn't you fake public donation? You know that the leader takes this task very seriously. As the chief judge of this trial, you need to be fair. . "

"I don't need you to worry about it blindly, or think about what you should do if the end result is different from what you thought after you took the task." Ying glanced at him and said.

"Well, what else can we do, those ambitious guys, dare not do anything to me?" Saka disdain.

"That may not be ..."


Fourth more! The novice mission has officially started! La la la! Ask for a monthly pass!

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