The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 283: Shot fiercely

Entering Aoba City, Aoki goes straight to the freighter terminal.

After communicating with the staff at the terminal in secret, we learned which ship was the Rocket Freighter that was about to depart from the port.

Aoki came to the small freighter, and several sailors stopped him.

"This is a private boat and is not allowed in." One of the sturdy sailors reached out and stopped Aoki's path.

Aoki frowned, took out the medals of his shadow group members, and gave them a vague glance.

There was only a flash of teasing in the eyes of the man who stopped Aoki, but he didn't let it go. He still held his hand in front of Aoki.

The two behind him also raised their mouths and looked at Aoki with the eyes of the theater.

Suddenly, Aoki understood that these people did not know what they were here for, but they did not want to let themselves through.

I just do n’t know who it is.

The shadow group? Other Rockets cadres? Or the captains involved?

But it doesn't matter. Now I am no longer the weak guy who just left the island. Since some people want to see their strength, let me show them a little.

Aoki's face suddenly cooled down, and if I chose to be my enemy, I was prepared to pay the price.

Turning his right hand, a sharp dagger appeared in his hand.

Struck directly at the sailor's arm at a tricky angle.

However, the other party was obviously not a fuel-saving lamp. When a cold light appeared, he subconsciously retracted his hand, but he was still scratched by Aoki.

Blood splashed directly on the ground, but Aoki's dagger was not stained with blood.

Obviously, this dagger of Aoki is very sharp, and the strength of the swing is not small, and the speed is very fast. If the opponent does not evade in time, this arm may be used up.

The sailor also understood the meaning of Aoki, and the violent expression in his eyes suddenly appeared. There was no **** stain on the hand of the Rockets.

Either the enemy or his companion.

Originally, I just wanted to give Aoki a disposition, but I didn't expect Aoki to be so crisp and hot, and there was no room for talking.

The two people behind him were also blindfolded. They had seen it cruelly, and they had never seen a shot before.

No, it wasn't all inconsistent. Aoki didn't say a word.

They dare to stop this person with the shadow group medal in this way, just because a captain has promised them a benefit, check the strength of this person, and get a reward.

The man who stopped Aoki was a squadron captain of the Rockets.

When he heard that the other was just a teenager who hadn't even finished the trial island, he agreed decisively.

In his opinion, it is just a young boy who has a bad smell. Being able to have the medal of the shadow group may only be appreciated by the adults of the shadow group. The potential should be just average.

In addition, the ordinary member of the shadow group is only the strength of the Rockets captain. As a squadron captain, he may not be afraid of him. Although he has not been a squadron leader for a long time, he has not yet been assigned to the squadron level. Man.

The two behind him were also under him when he was the captain.

Take a lesson by yourself. As long as you don't take too much, I believe that the adult in the cabin will not mind. After all, when the former captain told him to do this, the adult inside also heard it.

Seeing that the adult did not react at all, he took the task himself.

But I didn't expect that the young boy in front of him looked so hot.

"Boy, you're looking for death!" As soon as he became a squadron captain, he was so provoked by a squadron-level rocket member, his face suddenly darkened.

The backhand also took a dagger from his waist and waved it towards Aoki.


The two daggers touched off immediately, bringing out a bit of ignition star. After all, Aoki was young, and even if he was growing up during this time, he was not a big sailor opponent.

After the two daggers collided, Aoki stepped back and forth to stop.

In this world, the elves are the mainstream, but it does not mean that there is no confrontation between humans. As long as they can kill the enemy, no matter what means you use.

Like the future poison king Aju, he is a ninja. The means of killing are also mainly assassinations, and the elves are only auxiliary.

Therefore, in this world, the physical training of trainers is still very necessary.

"Ghost Stone! Shadow Ball!" Aoki's cold voice sounded, and he knew that his physical battle was in a weak position, and this time the collision made him pull out of space.

The ghost stone, which had been ready in the shadow of Aoki, appeared directly. Two dark energy **** in his hand appeared in an instant, and were thrown in the direction of the three.

Seeing the appearance of Ghost Stone, the leading sailor's face turned transient, and a donkey rolled and rolled over directly, but the two behind him had no such good luck.

It was directly hit by two shadow balls, and the physical fitness of human beings, even if it was immortal, was estimated to be useless ~ ~ And Ghost Stone did not mean to keep his hand this time.


There was a sudden explosion.

The sailor who had just escaped the calamity wanted to get his hands on the elf ball around his waist, but Aoki obviously didn't give him the chance to release the elf.

"Ghost Stone, poison shot!"

Relying on the shuttle ability of the shadow, Ghost Stone appeared in front of the man in an instant. On the paw of a three-finger, the dark purple poisonous ability condensed and hit directly to the man's face door.

"Stop!" Suddenly, a voice sounded on the cargo ship, and a stranger appeared on the bow of the ship, looking at the situation below with a serious expression.

The two sailors who were directly hit by the shadow ball had lost their vitality lying on the ground, and the one who had been informed by him to Aoki's Mawei, who had just become the squadron leader, had fallen to the ground in a horrible manner, and Aoki's ghost was right To attack.

Aoki glanced at him, his eyes gleaming coldly, but he did not mean to stop Ghost Stone from shooting.

Seeing that Aoki didn't mean to stop his hand, the captain of the captain who said nothing to stop was directly darkened.

"Stop it." A voice sounded again.

Aoki can hear it, this is the sound of a shadow.

His face changed a few times before he said, "Stop!"

Ghost Stone had a poisonous claw, only one centimeter away from the man's face.

I saw his eyes staring at Ghost Stone's paw tightly, his face sweating.

The elf was not summoned as soon as possible, and actually faced this situation. If it was not for the shadow in the cabin to speak in time, I am afraid that he would be dead.

Aoki didn't listen at all to the leader of his task.


Fourth, finally return to Xinshoucun.

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