The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 273: 10 years after

Falling in love with, the rest is only noise

June 19, 1984, the opening day of the NBA draft.

This year's draft is the first ever to be broadcast live on TV.

"What are we eating today?"

Louie decides to watch the draft while eating in Lorraine's apartment.

"Spaghetti?" Lorraine said with a smile when he saw Louis' face suddenly collapse, "Don't be like that, spaghetti is the most famous Italian food in the world."

"Are you sure it's food?"

"That's it, I haven't eaten pasta for a long time."

Since Louis is now a character who can stretch his hands and eat and open his mouth, he naturally has no right to choose.

So, spaghetti is spaghetti.

Louis believes that Italians, including themselves, don't like pasta. Their favorite use of the words "" and "spaghetti" in some proverbs and acerbic jokes, such as "", from the Neapolitan dialect, means that trouble and noodles must be eaten hot.

Once a certain food and trouble are involved, it is not a good thing, like all the scenes related to yellow hair in "In the Name of the People".

Before Lorraine showed her face, USA TV first warmed up for the draft.

The hosts were Marv Albert, the most famous announcer in NBA history and the icon of many legendary commentators, and Lou Kaneseka, who was apparently brought in on a whim, and his voice sounded like Very much the son of kidney deficiency played by Mr. Multiplayer in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons".

Louis named him the host of Kidney Deficiency.

Albert called the draft the best one ever, with six true superstars.

They introduced several important players, Olajuwon is a Nigerian interested in becoming an American, and his talent has been proven in the NCAA field.

Then they came to Sam Bowie.

A highlight of Bowie's game was broadcast on TV. It can be seen that Bowie is an insider who is full of fighting spirit, has rapid mobility, and can fully adapt to the game of any era.

Albert introduced Bowie this way: "Sam Bowie, a promising young man who suffered a stress fracture in his left tibia, made a successful comeback after a two-season break. Come back strong during the season.”

In Louie's memory, only Embiid has made a strong comeback after a similar offseason.

To do that, you need 2010s-era medicine, and survival-fueled "back-to-back" load management.

Sadly, Bowie played in the 1980s.

It was a chic era, and everyone was listening to "Reed is back" and "Havlicek hits the Eastern Conference finals with one hand" and "Chamberlain dropped out of the 1969 Finals tiebreaker with a foot injury to prove he was a total failure. The story of the person" grew up.

So as long as it's not a major injury that can't play the game, it's usually a minor injury that won't make it to the line of fire, so there will be Bird dragging a glass-like back to finish the season; Thomas used one leg to score 25 points in a single quarter in the finals; Mike Haier played the Eastern Conference finals and the finals with a seriously injured leg; Pippen also played as a bait when he suffered a back injury.

There is absolutely no way to say that this behavior is correct, it is a personal choice, at the expense of one's own future.

After Grant Hill, Penny Hardaway, McGrady and others forced their way out of the game and ruined what could have been a greater future, everyone realized that this was not right.

However, even if everyone knows this is wrong, you can't stop Serge Ibaka from playing in the Western Conference finals in 2014; you can't stop Durant from fighting with a body that has not fully recovered to help the Warriors complete the three-peat. rupture of the Achilles tendon.

Bowie wouldn't have had that great story, and he wouldn't have been remembered because he was above someone.

Looking at Bowie's injury history, Louie is increasingly bewildered by the Blazers' insistence on drafting him.

Why would a team that lost its core center with back-to-back stress fractures in both legs six years ago chose a center who missed two college seasons with stress fractures?

Shit, does Bill Wharton's PTSD really exist?

When playing the highlights of Bowie's game, Albert suddenly said: "Sam refused to be called up to the Olympic selection team in order to avoid accidents."

Except for Bowie, all qualified and outstanding players of the right age have been called up. This is a rare opportunity. The opportunity to show his ability in front of scouts, general managers and coaches in the United States is not always available. A lot of rough jade from the minor leagues and underdogs has been unearthed as a result.

All S-level college students participated, with Bowie being the only exception.

Doesn't this look like a red light with a warning sign?

Bowie's roundup ended with a picture of him on the screen, followed by his 1983-84 averages: 10.5 points, 9.2 rebounds, 52 percent from the field, 72 percent from the free throw line.

His injury history and mediocre stats made Louie think of another guy.

It was a No. 1 center from Ohio State University, and from the looks of it, there was no problem with being James' father. On top of that, he's also playing in Portland, and the Blazers have missed out on a superstar who is "destined to play without injury risk" for him.

"Baby, here comes my specially made pasta!"

Although Louie explained that he didn't like hearing him called Baby, Lorraine just couldn't change it.

She came with pasta, color-wise, with bright sauces and a lucky double-yolk egg.

"Oh, do I have to eat this?" Louis moved his chopsticks with difficulty.

Lorraine saw Bowie being introduced on TV, and the camera was on him.

He looks very good, especially compared to the rest of the class, there is no doubt that he is handsome.

Olajuwon's accent is like a Guangxi old watch, although he looks like a star, but as long as he speaks, all illusions will disappear.

Jordan still has hair now, not the ruthless and domineering bald president of the future. His ears are obviously like Mickey Mouse, and he hasn't passed through "This guy doesn't look very good, but he plays so well, and he is so handsome." ” stage, so basically no one thinks he is handsome.

Knowing that Bowie was out for two years due to injury, Lorraine asked Louie, "If you were the general manager, what would you think when you saw Sam? I think he's so strong."

Louie: "Don't choose him?"

Albert's partner Lou Kaneseka gave the answer: "The college experience has taught us that Sam is a tough guy who can take all the pain, and there's nothing wrong with picking him."

After Bowie, Louie also expected them to talk about Jordan.

As a result, it was like they were in the water for a long time, and when the time came, the camera cut to David Stern on stage.

At this time, Stern looked very young, full of vigor, and full of expectations for the future of the league.

He looked at the table, the Rockets' choice.

"Houston selected Akim Olajuwon from the University of Houston~~~"

The cheers of the audience showed how correct the Rockets' choice was.

In this draft, only Olajuwon's Rockets were selected, and they will not regret it. Given a choice between a sure-play center and a sure-play guard, the pros will always pick the center. always.

In the Portland Trail Blazers draft war room, everyone was nervous.

Stu Inman, Jack Ramsey and all of the Blazers' top brass had the "hope I don't screw up this draft" look on their faces.

When the Rockets chose Olajuwon, for them, the only option left seemed to be Bowie.

Jordan may turn out to be a very good player, but they can't miss a serious injury in college for two years and then come back, 2 years older than Jordan, only 10% of the time he will be the Walton II guy, let Jordan and his stupid To die for dunks and immeasurable commercial value.

However, when the Rockets selected countless teams made calls to the Blazers draft war room wanting to trade.

Philadelphia proposed to use Dr. J for the second pick, or Andrew Tony + the sixth pick in the first round for the second pick;

The Clippers proposed to use Kaminsky + the eighth pick in the first round for the second pick;

The Bulls offered to swap the third pick + cash and the second pick;

The Warriors proposed to trade the sixth pick + future draft picks for the second pick...

All of a sudden, they feel like the pick they have is the number one pick.

Especially the option of the Bulls is obviously the most tempting. Everyone knows that they want a player who can definitely play. Jordan is the one they want. If the Blazers really don't want Jordan, why not exchange the draft right? Into the third pick + cash? The Bulls would not choose Bowie anyway.

"Never mind them, go as planned!" Inman assured the front.

Just then, Blazers owner Larry Weinberg called and asked to talk to the people at the draft.

He didn't say why, just raised the matter in a non-negotiable tone.

No one can say no to a boss.

A minute later, Stern was back on stage.

With the spaghetti in his mouth, Louis looked directly at the screen.

The direction of history, the ownership of the ten championships from 1988 to 1998, is likely to change after Stern's announcement.

"1984 NBA Draft,"

"The Portland Trail Blazers have chosen..."

"Michael Jordan, from the University of North Carolina!"

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