The Rest, Only Noise

Vol 2 Chapter 1635: as if unchanged

The latest website: as if unchanged

"You didn't come to me this time just to reminisce, did you?"

As soon as Louis finished speaking, Wilson said, "Actually, it's nothing serious. I just want to know your opinion on this draft."

It's really not a big deal, because if Wilson needs draft advice, it's just a phone call to Louie instead of a trip to Boston.

Louis said: "It's very simple, own kd, have everything."

Wilson didn't expect Louis to have a higher opinion of Durant than Oden.


"Yeah, don't you think that child is very similar to you?"

Wilson shook his head and said, "He's too tall. If he can play like me, it's unimaginable."

"It's a pity, you can't pick kd in your draft pick."

This year, the Bobcats have only the ninth pick in the first round.

Moreover, Wilson and Jordan are shift management.

According to the rules, it is Jordan's turn to be in charge this summer.

Therefore, even if Wilson gets the best choice from Louie, Jordan may not necessarily listen to him.

Louie believes that benj is not someone who will tolerate Jordan for a long time.

Especially Jordan has exposed the attributes of the draft black hole.

This professional basketball imbecile who is a loser in playing and is doomed to be a loser in managing the nba team is really in the way.

"Based on your draft picks, I would recommend you to pick Joakim Noah."

Speaking of this, Ewing came back, and he asked excitedly: "What are you talking about? I guess, you must be talking about the draft!"

"That's a good guess, Patrick, your IQ will improve a few minutes after you disappear!" Louis sneered.

"Hmph, what else can you talk about, but isn't this year's draft under Michael's control? Are you sure you want to help him?" Ewing's question finally showed his growth in life.

Louis nodded in satisfaction. When an orangutan becomes a human, it is quite cute, but the personal morality needs to be lowered.

From Wilson's point of view, he and Jordan are typical of one mountain and two tigers. In the past few years, Jordan has frequently made tricks, and the media have already noticed the difference between Director Wilson and Jordan. Now it is necessary to use the media's advantage to put pressure on Jordan, and then give him support during this critical window period for Jordan. A fatal blow to the reputation, thus completing the seizure of power.

Ewing just told Wilson not to help Jordan, and Louis was thinking about how to make Wilson cheat Jordan.

Based on what Louie knew about Wilson, he wouldn't backstab Jordan at the expense of the team.

However, this is not easy to say.

People change.

Just like when Louie didn't expect Wilson to join O'Neill, and used his personal influence to make Larry Brown, who was overjoyed at the time, experience a double world of ice and fire.

That incident allowed Wilson to confirm the reputation of the player gm, and opened the era of modern player empowerment more than ten years ahead of James.

Now, what does Wilson, who has become the team's small boss, think?

Wilson didn't hide his thoughts, saying bluntly: "Michael preferred Brandon Wright."

"Did North Carolina choose North Carolina again?" Ewing couldn't help but said, "When will that guy understand that choosing from a school that only creates losers will only lead to more losers?"

Everyone knows that Jordan likes to choose alumni. What Wilson wants to know more is whether Wright is a good candidate?

Perhaps, what he really wants to know is whether Wright can salvage Jordan's reputation as a draft incompetent?

Louis gave Wilson the answer: "This is a very mediocre player. If Michael likes it, let him choose it."

"If Michael insists on choosing Brandon Wright, I don't recommend you to choose Joakim Noah." Louie explained, "Noah is a player who needs to be polished slowly and will not achieve anything in the short term. If you make this suggestion, in the next few years, no one will realize that your choice is correct. Even if Noah does not perform well in the new team, some people will be glad that Michael chose at least one qualified player of."

Although Louis didn't say it bluntly, what he said meant to dig a hole for Jordan.

Wilson could hear it too.

Ewing found that the two of them were really worse than the other, so it seemed that there was a reason why he and Wilson didn't get along well back then.

This guy is really a bad embryo full of bad water!

Wilson got the advice he wanted, and the food came.

Wilson carefully watched Louis' reaction after eating.

Seeing Coach Lu took a bite of the barbecue, his complexion began to change.

"Patrick, you're a **** bastard!"

"Why, you just scold people if you're not used to it? It's been so many years, haven't you learned how to eat spicy food?"

Seeing that Ewing has not improved at all for so many years, Wilson only finds it funny.

This meal made the iron triangle of the Knicks Dynasty find the feeling of youth.

At that time, they were in their prime, and they often came to the restaurant to eat, talking to each other about their thoughts on the future.

After eating this meal, Louis has two dissatisfaction. One is that Ewing is still the same, and when he meets benj, he loses his wits and turns into a gorilla; Betting that street gangsters don't have any bullets in their muzzles.

Louis abused Ewing's nature hard to change, but he was very happy that he still looked like this, and he couldn't express how he felt about Benj's change.

He didn't know if it was good or bad, but whether it was good or bad, it was Wilson's own business.

Finally, Louis figured it out. What he hated was not the change and the same of the old man, but that he hated not being able to go back to the past.

No matter how much he misses the past, time always moves forward.

Moreover, even if he was allowed to travel through time again, when he experienced those old events again, he would no longer have the same feeling as before.

This is Wilde's famous torture of the soul:

There are two great tragedies in life, you get what you want and you don't get what you want.

After that, Louie presided over the training session as usual.

It was game day, so Louie simply let the players warm up and call it a day.

In the second game of the finals, the two sides fought again in the Fleet Center.

Since tnt invited Wilson as a guest, tonight's tnt attracted nearly half of the audience, which can be said to have ruthlessly stole the limelight.

In TNT's studio, when Charles Barkley introduced Wilson to everyone, the commotion made by several people in the live broadcast room seemed to be the coronation ceremony of the new king.

Wilson nodded slightly, expressing his satisfaction with the grand welcome ceremony.

"benj, this is your first cast, what do you think?"

The questioner was Ernie Johnson.

Wilson laughed: "I wonder if you guys have such energy every day, or..."

"Well, ordinary guests won't get a goat-style welcome."

It was Barkley who answered.

"Also, the first time I saw you here, I felt that you are very suitable for the show, and I will come here often." Barkley was digging a hole.

But benj didn't agree at all, "Well, if I don't have time, let Michael do it for me."

"Okay, Michael is here just in time. I'm here every day to promote the experience of success, and it's time to come and say something that is completely opposite."

Seeing Barkley ridiculing Jordan's intensity, Wilson could only lament that if he had never missed a Dade in his previous life, he should not be able to make such a good brother.

Then, Ernie Johnson interrupted Barkley's banter, "Which side are you in this game, benj?"

It’s a Wilson replied without hesitation: “I’m definitely on the side of the Celtics, not only because of my relationship with Coach Lu, but also because the Celtics represent Eastern Conference. For all reason, all Eastern Conference fans should be rooting for them to win."

Compared with Barkley, who is always thinking about making troubles and licking Louie brainlessly, this pattern is really too big.

Then, live footage was given to the Celtics.

Louie is being interviewed on the sidelines.

He talked about the dinner with Ewing and Wilson today.

"After all these years, it's special to sit down and eat with them again. Patrick is still the same and benj has become more mature."

"As for me? Nothing to say."

"I'm just old."

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