The Rest, Only Noise

Vol 2 Chapter 1611: you must work hard

Latest URL: When James' management team was anxious about the murder of the emperor's reputation, the league came out to "escort".

On the second day after the end of Game 2 in the semifinals, the NBA officially announced the ownership of the major awards except MVP.

For this matter, Louis suspected that the league was trying to save James' respect, and the enthusiasm for killing James with flawless data was just about to rise, so this came here.

However, he is satisfied with the candidates for this year's awards.

See below for details:

The first team of the best team: Lu Wuxia, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, Dirk Nowitzki, Tim Duncan.

All-NBA Second Team: Steve Nash, Tracy McGrady, LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Jermaine O'Neal.

All-NBA Third Team: Chris Paul, Manu Ginobili, Darrell Stoudemire, Chris Bosh, Dwight Howard.

Best Defensive Team: Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant, Bruce Bowen, Andrei Kirilenko, Qi Chengyan.

All-Defensive Team Second Team: Kirk Hinrich, Raja Bell, Ron Artest, Tyshawn Prince, Ben Wallace.

Defensive Player of the Year: Andrei Kirilenko.

Sixth Man of the Year: Andrei Kirilenko.

Most Improved Player of the Year: David Lee.

Coach of the Year: Louie.

Louie is happy with Kirilenko's DPOY.

This is something that would have happened if the NBA hadn't had its problems.

There is only one reason why Yao Yueban didn't make the best team, and his attendance rate was too low. If there are no injuries in the final stage of the regular season, it can be said to be a steady progress, because this year is a year of overall decline for O'Neal. Not only did his personal performance deteriorate significantly, but he also had many injuries. He only played 48 games in the regular season, averaging 20 points and 10 points per game. rebound.

As far as this data is concerned, it is difficult for the Sharks this year to compete with Yao Yueban, who averaged 24 points, 8 rebounds and 2 blocks per game.

It's not that Yao Yueban's statistics are so good, but that the records of the two teams are very different.

In addition to the sharp degeneration of the Sharks, and the fact that they are currently in the period of withering centers, looking at the league, apart from the Sharks and Yao Yueban, there is no third superstar center that is serious.

The most important point is that since leaving the Lakers, the old Dengtou, who has been reporting the center position all the year round, has finally gone to the power forward position.

If Duncan is still counted as a center this year, then Yao Yueban will still be a bit suspenseful for a while.

But once Duncan is counted as a forward, there is no suspense about this matter.

As a result, injuries disrupted the plan, and Yao Yueban did not wait to be selected into this year's best team.

Kirilenko beat Duncan to be elected Defensive Player of the Year is the biggest controversy this year.

Because Kirilenko can't compare with Duncan in terms of playing time or number of games.

Kirilenko's advantage is that he has played a historically rare (average) 7 points, 6 rebounds, 4 assists, 2.3 steals and 2.1 blocks this year.

However, Kirilenko's data is based on the premise that the Celtics have good combat power in various positions.

He is a key link in the Celtics' defensive system, but not the most important one.

Without the defensive system designed by the coaching staff, and without Yao Yueban, the league's number one rim protector, guarding the basket, it would be difficult for Kirilenko to maximize sweeping and switching defenses.

Duncan is the defensive core of the Heat, and the Heat with him and without him are completely different.

And the Celtics still had a decent defense when Kirilenko was out.

That's the main argument for Duncan's grievances, and they have a good point, but Louie still feels like there's nothing wrong with this year's selection.

To put it bluntly, Kirilenko's award is not for him alone, but for the entire Celtics team.

As a team with few defensive elites, the Celtics have played a top-six defense in the league, which is inseparable from the cooperation of the whole team.

Kirilenko relies on Yao Yueban, the insider Optimus Prime, to maximize his defensive characteristics.

It's a lot like Kawhi Leonard's first DPOY with the Spurs.

Leonard is indeed the best wing defender at the time, but can he be called the best? This point may be debatable. However, Leonard, who is backed by the Spurs' defensive system, is the best defensive player in the league.

In the same way, Kirilenko, who is backed by the Celtics' defensive system, is also the best defensive player.

It's just that this incident made James avoid the rhythm of "the kingslayer completely smashed the emperor" for a while, which made Louis a little regretful.

However, the series has only lasted two games. Since Hao Daer can play a double kill performance, why can't he play two or even three games?

Ever since, Louis continued to lure Wuxia to do bad things on the training ground.

"Wish, do you know why the first team players are better than the second team players?"

Opening his mouth flawlessly is nonsense literature: "The players who are strong in the first team can make it to the first team, but the players in the second team can't."

"Yes, but I think the reason why the players from the first team can enter the first team is because they have the unmatched strength of the players from the second team." Louis changed his tone and led to tomorrow night's game, "Although you succeeded in last night The three statistics killed LeBron twice, but look, is there any reaction from the outside world? Now any basketball fan is discussing whether Andre can ride on Tim to get DPOY. , Do you think I was wronged or not? I don’t want to continue to listen to other people discussing such nonsense, Wish, as a player, you have to share the worries of the coach, as a good boy of Dad, you have to work hard!"

Lu Wuxia expressed his reason, nodded and said, "That's a good point, but there are no father and son in the team."

"What are you talking about? Blood is thicker than water, Wish! I said before that there are no fathers and sons on the team. I didn't want your teammates to think that you would get privileges from me. Now they are even willing to let you beat LeBron. Rebound, I believe they don’t have any doubts about you and me anymore.” Louis said, with only one purpose, “Now, it’s time for you to fight for your father!”

What Wuxia wants to know is: ‘How to live up to expectations and continue to beat LeBron in terms of statistics? "

Louis smiled, "Of course I want this, but do you know which is the most famous game in Benj's career?"

A wise man quickly replied: "Coach, I know this. It was the game where MJ scored 66 points!"

That big brain is JJ Barea.

Louis nodded with a smile: "Well said! You're right! But JJ, I didn't ask you, are you free? Since you are so free, why don't you relax and go, run 20 laps around the court."

"Coach, did I get the answer wrong?"

"You are so wrong!"

Just as Barea was about to start, he suddenly thought of the correct answer.

"Coach, I was wrong. It was Benj who hit 6 three-pointers in a single quarter in 1992!"

Louis shouted with a dark face: "30 laps!"

The world is quiet, and Barea doesn't talk too much anymore.

Lu Wuxia said, "It's the 'Game of the Century', right?"

Louis nodded, "Do you know why that game became famous?"

"Because...that was the most-watched game of all time."

"Not only that, Benj's single-game scoring record in the playoffs has not been approached so far, and, you should know, scoring is MJ's strong point."

Lu Wuxia smiled and said, "And Benj destroyed him with scoring in such a crucial game?"

Louie nodded and said, "Yes, if you want to suppress LeBron once and for all, you have to do better at his strengths."

Lu Wuxia was silent for a few seconds, "But we are still young."

"Yeah, so you can't send MJ to **** with 66 points in a single game like Benj did, but you can start now and build a perception in people's minds—"

Flawless looked at his father.

"LeBron is not as good as said, "You have to make people aware of this. Until a hundred years later, you and I are no longer alive. Fans of later generations will think of you and LeBron when they mention you and LeBron. You are a far better player than him. "

Louie gave his son some ecstasy soup, and then went back to the office.

Lu Wuxia thought for a long time by herself, and then found Ginobili looking at him playfully.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What do you want?" Ginobili asked. "What do you want?"

Lu Wuxia said with a smile: "I don't like to fight for things that will happen a hundred years later, but I like to let the fact that 'LeBron is not as good as me' become a reality."

At this time, the unlucky guy ran over.

"Hey, where's Coach?" Barea gasped. "I know what game it was! It was the game where Larry spat at Benj, right??!"

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