The Rest, Only Noise

Vol 2 Chapter 1608: Anthem of Tough Guys

The latest website: In the 2006-2007 season, the Celtics ended the regular season with the league's first record of 68 wins and 14 losses.

However, such results can only be regarded as unsatisfactory for Louis.


The "Los Angeles Daily News" remembers the Lakers in the Louis era so much: "Under Boss? Lu, if the Lakers do not achieve 70 wins, it will be a disqualified season."

Is 70 wins the standard for Louie? It's not that exaggerated.

"Sports Illustrated" wrote in Louie's feature article: "68 wins is an insignificant achievement for Louis, even if this achievement is enough to win the Celtics the league's first throne."

Because, Louis Louis has won at least 69 games in each regular season on average in his career.

68 wins is really below average for Louie.

However, the real surprise of the Celtics is that they are in Dwyane Wade, Brandon Roy, Allan Houston, Tony Allen's reimbursement for the season, and Yao Yueban's last 26 games. 68 wins without injury.

From this point of view, Lu Wuxia, who played 75 games this season and averaged 23.4 points, 12.2 assists, 8.8 rebounds, 1.2 steals and 0.6 blocks per game, is enough to secure the MVP trophy in the regular season.

In addition to expressing amazement at the Celtics' combat effectiveness, people can't help but look forward to their performance next season.

In the absence of major generals, it was played like this. If all members are healthy, they may have the opportunity to challenge the best record in history created by the 99 Lakers.

Regarding the expectations of the outside world, Louis just said: "Our goal is to play well in the current game, and we will talk about the future."

In the first round of the playoffs, the Celtics met the Bulls.

In the past few years, the Bulls have always belonged to the inferior horse in the Eastern Conference playoffs. The number one star in the team is Paul Pierce, supplemented by Kenyon Martin, Caron Butler, TJ Ford and others. A tough bone to chew on.

Before the start of the first round, Pierce said bullishly that the record in the regular season is not important, and the playoffs are the stage for tough guys.

It has to be said that the reimbursement of Wade and others for the season left Louis with a lot less choices in matchups.

The Celtics' perimeter lacks reassuring defensive champions.

Dealing with Pierce is not bad, if you face the Heat in the future, or encounter the Lakers/Suns in the finals, it will be all good.

The Bulls play is very simple.

On the offensive end, the aces are deployed and the defensive end is man-to-man to death. The main thing is whoever has the touch with one hand will shoot more shots. The defensive end will go all out to create opportunities for defensive counterattacks.

This kind of reckless but youthful style of play is often seen in the Young Guards. If the average age of the older team meets them, it will inevitably cause headaches.

However, while the Celtics look like an old men's team, their average age is even younger than the Bulls.

The Celtics, who are neither lacking in vitality nor chaotic, easily took the Bulls and won the first game.

Lu Wuxia scored a large triple-double of 25+15+10, and left a provocative quote "Where is the tough guy?" after the game.

Pierce was speechless on the surface, but in the subsequent second game of the first round, he showed the ability of a reckless star.

No matter what kind of competitive sports, there are individual players with good strength but not well-known reputation.

When these people usually play games, they don't seem to be at the same level as those famous superstars, but when the two sides meet each other, they can explode with energy no less than that of superstars.

In the second game of the first round, Pierce played the best offensive performance of the game with his skills that even Louie, who slipped to the sidelines, felt disgusted.

But Pierce lacks helpers. Even if he scored 38 points alone, he still can't bring the Bulls a victory.

Lu Wuxia didn't feel good tonight, so he reduced his shots and passed more. As a result, he sent 18 more assists than the first game.

Yao Yueban, who came off the bench, regained his game status and blasted the Bulls inside by relying on eating cakes and low-post singles.

It was the strength of the inside line that gave Lu Wuxia no need to make more attempts when his shooting touch was not good, and it would be over if he continued to deal cards.

After the match, Lu Wuxia seemed to want to provoke Pierce, and continued: "I saw tough guys, but they're not tough enough."

Louis didn't interfere much with Wuxia's post-game make-up.

He also wanted to see if Pierce could jump higher.

In his previous life, Louis didn't have a good impression of Pierce—of course, he didn't have a bad impression—the only reason he didn't like him was that he didn't like playing football.

Unexpectedly, now I feel that Pierce's panacea attack, which hardly relies on his body, is quite pleasing to the eye.

At first glance, it seems ordinary, but after years of tempering, it becomes more and more interesting. It is simply the NBA version of Yu Shinoda.

As a result, Pierce failed to be tough in the end.

Lu Wuxia didn't want to see Pierce perform better every game, because it was himself who was facing Pierce.

In order to restrict Pierce, Lu Wuxia specially studied his game and statistics.

Pierce's bad habits, below-average shooting range, and his underused offense.

These problems seem insignificant, but the key to successful defense lies in the little details.

In the third game of the first round, Pierce played extremely uncomfortable. Although he shot 30 **** wildly, he only hit 9 balls. Even if he scored 25 points, it was almost a negative effect.

Lu Wuxia continued to comment on Pierce: "There are only 7 free throws in 30 shots. A real tough guy will not play this kind of performance."

Pierce was really irritated by Lu Wuxia's flirty words.

In the fourth game of the first round, Pierce's desire to attack was stronger than before, especially after learning the lesson of less free throws in the third game, he attacked the inside more.

What Pierce didn't know was that by doing so, he fell into the trap of Wuxia.

If he insists on a large number of jumpers outside the paint, the Celtics have no better way to restrict him than to use defense to let him shoot outside the hot zone.

But if he wants to dribble and attack the basket, Yao Yueban and Gasol's basket protection is no joke.

Gasol's basket protection can be put aside. Although Yao Yueban's average blocks per game are not worthy of his height, which is the league's first, but the power of his basket protection combined with his height is the league's first level. .

That's one of the bewildering aspects of cap data.

It doesn't mean that the more blocks, the better the player's ability to protect the basket.

Blocking shots is only the result of defense. What can really reflect the effect of protecting the basket is the frequency of protecting the basket and the impact of the players on the opponent's paint area shooting rate when they are on the court.

In both of these, Yao Yueban is number one in the league.

Moreover, if you think that Yao Yueban is only effective in protecting the basket because of his height, you are completely wrong.

Someone really rushed to send it in, and Yao Yueban's block blocking ability is also the top in the league.

Tonight, Pierce attacked the basket 11 times before and after, was blocked 4 times, was interfered 5 times, and scored only 2 times.

This ultra-inefficient basket flushing has more serious consequences.

The rebounds originally produced by shooting and hitting the iron may also become medium and long-distance rebounds, which are not easy to control.

The rebounds brought about by being blocked or being interfered with are basically within the protection of the Celtics.

Pierce's heroic but mediocre rush to the rim indirectly sounded the death knell for the Bulls.

Before halftime was over, the Celtics' lead expanded to 25 points.

Lu Wuxia intentionally dribbled the ball to kill the Bulls under the basket, and made several big and small breakthrough layups 2+1, which made the Chicagoans on the scene feel angry.

Pierce looked even more anxious, and shouted on the spot: "We have to be tougher!"

"Is it like you tirelessly rushing to the basket and being blocked?" Lu Wuxia nodded in approval, "It's really tough. If you can persevere, maybe I can get double assists before halftime."

In the face of a gap of nearly 30 points, all stubborn actions will make oneself look like a clown.

Pierce gave up struggling and no longer hitting the basket, but the Celtics' state and feel have soared in the smooth counterattacks.

In the second half Although the Bulls players headed by Pierce did not attack the Celtics penalty area, the one-sided momentum was irreversible.

The Celtics scored 74 points at halftime, 139 to 85 in the game, and beat the Bulls by 54 points, and advanced to the semifinals with a big score of 4 to 0.

After the game, Louis said a bunch of polite words about the future of the Bulls.

The media lamented that Coach Lu is becoming more and more senior. When he was young, he would not give up until he stepped on the other side after a big victory.

Just when everyone thought the story between the Celtics and the Bulls ended here, Lu Wuxia had to send a message to Pierce at the end of the previous games, and tonight was no exception.

"I have never believed that Paul Pierce is a tough guy. In fact, until tonight, I thought he was a mediocre player. But after tonight's game, I changed my opinion. I believe, absolutely not There is a second player who can play as hard as Paul when he is 50 points behind hymn!"

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