The Rest, Only Noise

Chapter 104: Sky-high contract (3/45)


Chapter 104 Sky-high Contract

Knowing Lorraine "Marlene" Molina in a way that Louis had never imagined.

On the night that Italy won the World Cup, Lorraine wanted to die because he lost confidence in the judicial examination. But she didn't have the determination and courage to seek death, she just stood on the bridge and pretended.

The appearance of Louie made her a little unable to step down from the stage, but she was seriously lacking in confidence in the exam, and she still regarded this strange and somewhat handsome Asian man as the object of her stress.

While Lorraine's father was only a businessman with a trucking company, her mother spoke English, French and Italian. So Lorraine has learned two languages ​​since childhood, one of which is English.

That's where the back of it unfolds.

On the bridge, she denounced the inhumanity of the Italian judicial examination, with too many test sites, too many test questions, all kinds of strange laws, her black and beautiful hair is white, and so on...

Perhaps only Lorraine was saddened on a night when the Azzurri led by Paul Rossi made the whole country proud.

Oh yes, and the Italian hater who lost 100 euros to Louis.

"Have fun, your country has just won the World Cup." Louis instructed him.

"Because you guys are very satisfied as long as you sit in front of the TV, drink beer and watch sports all day long!" Lorraine looked like a strong woman, full of momentum, "I have dreams!"

Louie couldn't help laughing: "Strictly speaking, you are not wrong. If you have experienced it, it is like this with a few friends, drinking something, eating some snacks, watching a few exciting games, and being happy for a victory. Jumping up and down, that feeling hey..."

"That's one of the reasons why you guys are often taken for fools..." she said stubbornly.

Amazingly, Louie and her have a lot to talk about. Lorraine may just need to talk to someone, and Louis shows up just in time.

And the reason why Louis was so warm-hearted was very low-level. At first, he was only interested in Lorraine because of his appearance.

Seeing Lorraine for the first time reminded him of Sophie Marceau in The First Kiss.

However, given her current appearance of pear blossoms with rain, and her age a few years older than Sophie in that movie, her lethality is amazing.

The love of beauty is the driving force. After the exchange, I found her to be very interesting and an extension of the throbbing.

From Lorraine's recounting how dehumanizing the Italian bar exam is, to the fact that she and Louis disagree on sporting events, the two sides introduce themselves to each other.

After a while, Louie asked her to dry her tears and asked her to introduce a restaurant for a late night snack.

"Because a late night snack can dilute all worries."

Cutlery was placed in front of them. The two seem to get along more easily, become more forthright, have less central awareness of self-protection, and more intimacy.

The difference between Lorraine and the other women Louis has seen after crossing is that they did not develop into the bed in the end.

Louis sent Lorraine home. Originally, he thought that this would be the end. He and Lorraine would become friends who met by chance, but there was no contact information for each other.

Lorraine came to the door and returned to Louis: "I have seen many people here."

The city is still quite small... Louis feels that Lorraine may have seen everyone in the city.

"I've never known those people, like you and me tonight, sometimes say hello, sometimes they pay too much attention to my every move." It's inevitable, she's so beautiful. "The first side of those people with me is often the last side."

Louis is a mature man, he knows that Lorraine is only 18 years old, she will meet many people, and he is only on a business trip to Italy. Maybe Volcker will get his contract done soon and he will leave Italy, so he better not have any emotional entanglements.

When Lorraine walked to the door, he thought so.

But when Lorraine returned to him and said these words, he saw a young and vigorous little woman euphemistically expressing her favor.

"It's possible that we're like that..." Louie decided to try to go down and have a look, "but, maybe it's not."

Louis smiled and said, "I live in the only Marriott hotel in the center of the city. If you want to see me, you can go there and find a waiter... Of course, if you don't want to go that far, I can come to you."

Hearing this, Lorraine wrote down her home phone number.

When she handed the piece of paper on which her phone number was written to Louis, their fingers inadvertently hooked on each other, and under the subjective control, they pulled gently.

It's very different from meeting a beautiful woman in an American bar, chatting for the first ten minutes, expressing your will for the next ten minutes, and going to the bathroom/to a nearby hotel/or going to a place where no one's going to start a fight for the last ten minutes. Same.

Louie remembers when he was in high school, after school with his first girlfriend, going to the park on a date. He was a crazy guy back then, like his little girlfriend who dared to fight the world for each other (parents and teachers, actually).

Louie walked back to the hotel, where Volker was already asleep.

The next day, the other party informed him that the contract had been completed.

This means they are leaving Italy.

Louie decided to stay a little longer, because it was the offseason, the negotiations between the owner and the players' association were rattling, the NBA stopped all operations, and he had nothing to do when he returned to the United States.

"Okay, I'll make it clear to Reed."

"Thank you, Mr. Jane," Louis asked with a smile, "Oh, by the way, do you want me to **** you to the airport? Save yourself the trouble of stepping on those people's paintings. I can provide professional services to deal with such rogues. "

Walker is also a smart person, he asked with a smile: "Did you have other plans?"

"It's very disappointing that you want me so much because I just want to help you a little bit."

Louis originally wanted to borrow Volcker's remaining funds and return it after waiting for tens of thousands of years. Unfortunately, this guy was very clever and didn't give him a chance.

Fortunately, he is not the same as when he first came to Boston to apply for a job. He is not short of money, and greed for such petty cheapness is purely due to inertia.

The nba has entered a de facto shutdown.

From July to August, no free agents were signed.

The only move is the Philadelphia 76ers. From 1977 to the present, they have been sitting on the most popular player Dr. J, but they have repeatedly suffered from deflation in the playoffs and finals, and they urgently need another superstar to join.

After Moses Malone became a free agent, the 76ers launched an enthusiastic pursuit of him, and their owner, Harold Katz, a high-profile show-off and basketball lover, could not wait to bring Malone back to his team immediately.

A warning from Larry O'Brien's annual meeting stopped the 76ers.

However, after several negotiations, the players' association and the owners showed no sign of reaching an agreement at all. They were unable to reach a consensus on a simple reduction in the number of players.

In early August, the 76ers first broke the silence when they sent Daryl Dawkins, who had dunked them many times over the years, in return for $700,000 in cash and a first-round pick.

Dawkins' trade was a blow to the Sixers.

In terms of athleticism alone, Dawkins may be the toughest in the league.

The combination of him and the Jones brothers is a nightmare for the East. With Laimbeer, Maxwell, Sampson and Bird, the Celtics played 14 games in a two-round series and always suffered in the interior.

After sending Dawkins away, the 76ers' desire to win Malone has changed from a desperate desire to an urgent desire.

The 76ers were slow to take on Malone because Katz publicly supported the league's spending cuts to stay afloat.

But since trading Dawkins, they've been a little bit restless.

If the negotiations are over and teams from other big markets get involved, the 76ers may not be able to bring Malone home.

The Sixers' offensive against Malone was the most ironic thing of the offseason.

The day before, the owners were arguing with the players' guild, saying that they couldn't keep it up and that players' salaries had to be controlled, otherwise they would be finished in a few seasons, and then the 76ers came out. Frustrated, he smashed the 6-year 13 million contract in front of Malone.

Pistons general manager Jack McCloskey immediately jumped out and accused the 76ers that the contract would seriously hurt the league.

The Bucks almost spit blood on the negotiating scene. If this contract comes true, then Malone's contract alone will be bigger than their entire team's contract.

Jerry Bass' grievances flooded in all directions.

Moses Malone was originally his main target in the offseason. He is sure to offer a price that the Rockets can’t match, but over the past year, every household has complained that he is too generous and uses too much money. Other teams Bass is trying to dispel that impression by becoming one of the few owners who openly supports the league's cap on player salaries.

As a result, another boss who publicly supported the matter was smashed in the face with a Shenhao contract that he might not even offer.

"Is it possible that as long as that person is not named Bass, he can spend money lavishly?" Bass was furious at the boss's briefing.

The Rockets, the biggest victim of the contract, challenged the league, arguing that the 76ers violated the agreement reached after the Robertson case.

Malone's contract is complicated, with $13 million guaranteed, but there are five bonus clauses he can definitely agree on, and if he completes all of them, he'll get $15 million.

The Rockets' ancestral art can cry poor, but in the end, this will not bring any repercussions.

Because the 76ers strictly followed the spirit of the Roberson case and pursued restricted free agents with all their might. If the Rockets want to keep people, they should match this contract. If they don't want to keep people, they should start preparing for some compensation from the 76ers. .

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