The Reincarnated Goddess is Fierce

Chapter 2285: The boss is back

When Zixibe came back, a strange man followed behind him, which surprised everyone a bit.

After finding out the identity of the other party, everyone's surprise turned into surprise.

"Boss! You are finally back!"

The captain was the most excited, and immediately rushed to Qiao Yanjue, wishing to take his hand and cheer, "We want to kill you!"

"I miss you too."

Qiao Yanjue said with a smile.

Although he changed his appearance, his tone and body remained unchanged, letting everyone know that he was Qiao Yanjue.

And his smile made everyone happy, "Are you okay? You have been there for so many days, Princess Moya didn't do anything to you, right?"

"Of course not." Qiao Yanjue shook his head, "I'm fine, it's okay."

"It would be great!"

The captain circled Qiao Yanjue, "We are worried to death, we are afraid... Forget it, just come back safely!"

Qiao Yanjue's return safely this time is better than anything else.

"Well, you guys should be fine too?"

On the way back, Zixibe had already told her about this mercenary group.

Zixibe opened a cosmetics shop in Modu City and called all the members of the mercenary group.

They are not all pharmacists, nor are they refiners, but that doesn't mean they can't help.

Except for some steps that require mental power, many steps can be simplified, and they can all help.

Because of their help, cosmetics shops can open so quickly.

They all regarded Zixibe as their sister-in-law, and they all helped.

Moreover, Zixibe did not treat them wrongly.

When cosmetics are on the market, the price positioning is directly mentioned.

Qi Xibei's goal is very clear, she is heading for Princess Moya.

Who is Princess Moya? People are the princesses above all!

As a princess, there are so many things to see, and those cheap and ordinary things can't get into her eyes.

If Qixibei took the parity route, the princess would not pay attention to them.

In this way, how can she get to the princess?

Moreover, these cosmetics are not ordinary goods, but they are all handmade. Of course, the price must be raised.

The higher the price, the more income.

Zixibe took most of the interests inside and handed them over.

For Zixibe, she has passed the stage of looking at money.

As long as she wants, she can make a lot of money.

In this case, she doesn't need to keep the money in her hands.

After giving the money to everyone, everyone's enthusiasm is even higher.

For them, this is a great thing!

This is a lot more money than they can make by playing outside!

If you can, who wants to live without a fixed place, wander around and take risks?

But, who keeps them out of money?

If you don't have money, you can only continue to work, and you have to work hard.

And now, with such a stable and good job, their income has increased and their lives have become easier.

Moreover, they also have the money to buy more pills and weapons, and even if they continue to be mercenaries, they can better protect their safety.

Therefore, they are living well these days.

If they weren't worried about Qiao Yanjue, they would have had a happier life.

And they are even more grateful to Zixibe who provided them with all this.

It was only because she was the object of their boss that she was respectful to her.

But now, she is their God of Wealth! Of course you have to hold it!

After listening to their explanation, Qiao Yanjue was in a good mood.

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