The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Chapter 566: 2 The right to harm, whichever is less

The wars in this world are going on according to the rhythm, and now there is no need for Cai Ruichen to intervene in person.

Zhao Long is competent enough to carry out the suppression of the small warlords and Islamic State armed forces in Salahuddin Province. The entire work of recovering Salahuddin Province has only entered the final stage.

The liaison with the Silk Road tribes also started under the secret leadership of the big boss.

This has also saved Cai Ruichen a lot of work, and with the support of the big boss, the cooperation with the Silk Road tribe will also go smoothly.

The phone call that time yielded a lot, and the big boss also strengthened his decision and judgment in regard to his problems.

As for whether the future technology group really cooperates with the Silk Road tribe, whether the crisis will reach the small and medium-sized enterprises in their hometown, the big bosses also expressed that Cai Ruichen is completely relieved.

However, Cai Ruichen is not the kind of person who does not know good and bad. He also knows very well that once the Future Technology Group cooperates with the Silk Road Tribe, it will bring it to those companies or companies that have already cooperated with the Silk Road Tribe. Not a small impact.

Because the products of the future technology group will be better than them, and the prices will be similar, naturally it will be more popular.

He didn't naively think that it really had no effect at all, and the big boss' words were just comforting him.

And big bosses can only support those companies or enterprises affected by this incident normally and help them resolve such difficulties.

Of course, as the big boss said, the global free competition market, because all the products of the future technology group are needed, it does not matter whether they join the WTO or not.

The impact is global. Those companies that cooperate with Future Technology Group will naturally have great benefits.

However, under the impact of the advanced products of the future technology group, it will inevitably bring about a result of the survival of the fittest. Under such circumstances, there will definitely be many less and less competitive enterprises and companies facing the risk of bankruptcy.

This is something that no country can do because of the business competition model. It was very cruel. A company that has lost its competitiveness can only close down or be annexed.

This is the eternal theme of the commercial market, not to say that Cai Ruichen deliberately does it, even if he wants to avoid it. There is no way.

Unless it is countries that have implemented trade barriers to protect domestic industries. But those companies that cooperate with Future Technology Group will also face the same problems.

The power of the two evils is the lesser one. This is what all countries need to do. Instead of putting an end to the development of domestic high-tech industries, because of this approach. His eyesight is too short.

Most of the reason is that the country hopes to introduce advanced international technology, and no one will really extrapolate such technology.

At the same time, a technological innovation will inevitably make many similar companies reluctantly accept reality. Thinking of my big Nokia back then is the best explanation.

So in the words of the big boss. Only Cai Ruichen has the ability to do it casually, no one will be on such a thing. Say it's not.

Of course, if there is malicious market competition, it will be different, and the price must be protected accordingly.

And countries will also introduce some relative measures, that is, to naturally increase the production costs and selling prices of future technology groups in their own countries, so that those companies that still have certain competitiveness can still have a certain way to survive.

As for this approach, it has nothing to do with Cai Ruichen. The products produced in various countries are all in cooperation with enterprises of various countries, and increasing costs only increases the costs of these enterprises.

As a monopoly on the core value of technology and products, he still earns as much as he deserves.

Especially when the future mobile phones and computers are also officially sold, this is still the truth. It is impossible for Cai Ruichen to do something to lose.

If the company feels that such cooperation makes them less profitable, Cai Ruichen will not care about it, because even if the profit is small, there are a large number of people who want to cooperate with the Future Technology Group.

Core technology is where the value of an advanced product lies. Without the support of Future Technology Group, these cooperative companies will not be able to produce the same or similar products.

Even if it is a copycat, it will not come out.

Once in the future, if Cai Ruichen really has a complete quarrel with the United States, he will stop the supply of all core parts of the product, and the damage will be fatal to these industries.

Only a few people know this picture. From the outside, Cai Ruichen and the United States are very good. For him, the United States has threatened Israel many times.

No one would think that Cai Ruichen dared to leave the United States. Otherwise, the future technology group in the Middle East would be a tragedy.

Of course, the outside world is naturally impossible to know the actual situation, even the United States believes that Cai Ruichen is now inseparable from the United States.


After finishing the things of the world, Cai Ruichen has recently started to travel between the world and the wasteland frequently, and the focus of development has also shifted to the world of wasteland.

In the present world, the U.S. is also very clear about the reasoning of slowness and greed. After seeing that the Marin Division has almost recovered the entire Salahuddin Province, the U.S. also stated that only two troops can use it. The Future Technology Group of China is still slowing down.

After waiting for a while to stabilize all these areas, we will enter the Islamic State forces attacking the north.

Otherwise, the Americans will not just let the Islamic State go. At present, American public opinion is propagating this matter. Since the last incident of exposing the seal squad's body, the United States has become more determined to combat the Islamic State.

It also reported in detail that the US Air Force and the Marin Division of the Iraqi Government Army jointly recovered the Salahuddin Province and annihilated more than 20,000 soldiers armed by the Islamic State.

This has also brought a stabilizing effect to the American public opinion circle, which can make the anger in many Americans vent smoothly.

When Cai Ruichen came to and from the wasteland, Baghdadi also directly ordered all the armed personnel in Salahuddin Province to be withdrawn to the north, because it is meaningless to continue to fight with the Marin division here. Up.

Baghdadi’s behavior has also won the support of most people. After all, everyone understands that the Islamic State, which has lost its absolute power in Salahuddin Province, is no longer able to continue fighting here for a long time and can keep its troops back. It's already pretty good. There is no need to continue to smash and waste soldiers' lives for no reason. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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