The Queen of Everything

Chapter 571: A pot

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Having eaten with Le Anqi, the two came out and she took a taxi and went back.

Su Cha felt that the paparazzi who followed her did not go at all, so she walked on the street by herself.

The paparazzi's vehicle followed her unscathedly, and several people in the car were staring at it, feeling that Su Cha at night was definitely not normal to walk outside.

Speaking of spirits, she was somewhat excited to think there was some news, but the result was that in the blink of an eye, Su Cha seemed to just walk into a shadow, and when she fixed her eyes, she disappeared.

The paparazzi who had been staring at her for a while froze, blinked hard, and opened her eyes again, and the person was indeed gone.

"Did hell?"

"Why are people missing?"

"Did you find us?"

"Even if she finds her, it's impossible to suddenly disappear!"

The paparazzi scolded, and got off the car where she disappeared, but it was just an intersection, and next to it was a construction section surrounded by metal sheets. Looking forward, it was a brightly lit road.

A few paparazzi looked around, and they all felt evil.

Why are you missing?

Of course Su Cha flew away with light skills.

She mentioned the extreme in the shadow form, and it disappeared in an instant. A few paparazzi in the car behind could not react.

She was just too lazy to get rid of them by other means.

Just let them think hell.

Back at Wangge, because He Anqi ate hot pot, it was already late at night.

When he arrived at the house, he found that Bai Kun led a person out and saw her, and Bai Kun looked like a savior: "Miss Su, you are back, go and see the young master, he is sick today."

"I got sick?"

Su Cha's heart tightened for a moment: "How come I'm sick?"

Bai Kun said with a bitter face: "We don't even know, the doctor we just hired when we came back, high fever..." He murmured again: "I don't know how to support it until now."

You have to go home and ask a doctor, the purpose is very obvious, just know that people are coming back, waiting.

Su Cha didn't hear him say too much and hurried into the house.

The doctor next to Bai Kun was a little surprised: "Master's wife?"

Bai Kun froze for a moment, responded randomly, and nodded, "Yes."

It doesn’t matter, it’s definitely in the master’s mind anyway.

As soon as the report went out, Miss Su's identity was determined.


"How did you get a fever?"

Entering the room, Su Cha saw the person lying on the bed at a glance, as if there was no difference in peacetime, just lying on the bed with closed eyes and falling asleep.

As soon as Su Cha opened his mouth and heard the sound, he slowly opened his eyes.

The unburnt hues in his eyes went out when he saw Su tea, and he was soft and confused for a moment: "Tea."

Su Cha came over and touched his forehead, which was really hot.

She frowned a little, and it was normal to get sick, but Bo Mu was sick as if it was so unbelievable, "I haven't paid attention to the temperature these days, or something is wrong, why is there a fever? Isn't it a good rest."

She babbled a few words, touched his forehead, and the lying man's expression was much more fragile, not as usual as usual, making Su Cha look distressed.

He grabbed Su Cha's palm with one hand, and the temperature was amazingly hot.

Even so, his voice was dumb: "I blame you, think what you think..."

Su Cha: "..."

Unexpectedly, she caught her.

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