The Queen of Everything

Chapter 525: Lead rhythm

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Although it's awful to scold, some viewers who didn't think too much actually watched the show and felt quite cola.

I feel that Li Miyi can go back with every word of Sucha. Seeing this always arrogant Li Miyi's dumb and speechless look, I feel quite interesting.

Although not accustomed to Li Miyi, people who often watch this show will find that Li Miyi is not so... impulsive.

It's the hysterical state.

Because before that, if Li Miyi didn't meet any of the requirements, he would start rolling like a splash.

But in this episode, facing Sucha, it seems to be much more peaceful.

At the end of the first episode, I don’t know if the program group intentionally cut the quarrel that broke out from the beginning to the end, and the part that has not been played completely. The reason is that Li Miyi ate the apple but did not eat it and screamed. Let Su tea roll that paragraph.

When Su Cha put the money on the table, she went straight out.

Suddenly, the audience's heart was lifted, and Su Cha left like this, the boy left?

Do I have such a big temper?

It is precisely because of leaving a point that is too controversial. As soon as the program ends, the topic of this issue is obviously very hot.

But most people's attitude towards Su Cha is still very clear. Li Miyi's fans even caught Su Cha scolding.

What said she was vicious to children, it was not like human beings. Once this program was broadcast, all of it was scolded under Weibo.

Occasionally, fans of Su Cha followed up with a few arguments, but all had little effect.

Of course, not all of the nets are scolded. Some other audiences still stood up and explained to Su Cha, obviously Q ball has a bad temper.

How can I blame Su Cha alone.

But I don’t know if Q Ball’s parents didn’t know it at the beginning. After the program aired, they seemed to have opinions about Su Cha too. Li Miyi’s mother’s Weibo updated a new trend, which said a bit about it. The main thing in this period is that the children all suffer from their own homes. The children are not sensible, and the adults do not understand.

Anyway, I'm not very satisfied with Su Cha's performance on the show, and it's like a snack that hurts my son's bullying.

This attitude caused Su Cha a wave of scolding again.

Compared with Su Cha, other players are so painstakingly pleased with the children, and the combined heat feedback is not as good as Su Cha.

Although they are all cursed.

I didn't know for a while that people should be angry or laugh.

Su Cha also watched this episode.

I can’t say that it’s because the show crew deliberately blacked her, because all the facts presented are normal. It’s normal for the show crew to edit these. The only abnormal point is to leave the conflict that broke out at the beginning to the end, and suspense the next issue .

Therefore, the audience will react so much.

Li Miyi was so angry that Su Cha was gone. Is Su Cha doing such a hateful thing?

Although this child's criticism is not very good, but at this time, everyone is consistent with the outside world. After all, there is a Su tea larger than him.

The child is not sensible, how come you are not sensible?

The program team over there sent a short channel to Su Cha and apologized, saying that Li Miyi’s mother did not know in advance that she would post on Weibo and explained the matter to her. After all, when going to Taekwondo class, Li Miyi and other children Su Cha resolved the conflict.

You shouldn't deliberately lead people on Weibo.

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