The Queen of Everything

Chapter 509: Master Yunzu

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"You embroidered?"

The old lady couldn't hide the consternation in her eyes.

She likes embroidering, and she often meets with the master, how can she not see the quality of the embroidery pattern on this Jinpa.

Just looking at the meticulousness of embroidery workers and stitches, and such vivid works are even rarer to see. At a glance, they know that they are masters' handwriting, and they are the kind of extraordinary.

Su Cha even said that she embroidered herself.

She had a slight face, and originally wanted to make no jokes. Later, she thought that she had never seen a work of this style, and she could also see that Su Cha, she would never lie in front of herself. .

It's just that she was shocked that her embroidery worker was so good, no less than a contemporary master.

She is only eighteen years old!

And the old lady remembered that she had not heard that the child would also embroider. Who would learn this thing among young girls now?

Soon afterwards, the old lady took the Jinpa back into the box, or asked directly: "The thing you asked me to help is related to it, what is it?"

Su Cha is not nonsense, just open the mouth: "Since Grandma likes embroidery, she also knows some masters, naturally knows that embroidery is divided into many factions, each faction uses different embroidering methods, and presents different works. Among them, ancient times There was a very famous embroidering method, which was the world's best known as embroidering Tang thorn. And this piece of my work is embroidered using embroidering Tang embroidery method, but in the eyes of outsiders, embroidering Tang embroidery method has been lost for hundreds of years, almost No one can be trusted. I asked my grandmother for help. I just wanted my grandmother to inquire about the masters of the Embroidery Culture Center. What can they know about the embroidered Tang thorn, and even help me identify whether my embroidering method belongs to the embroidered Tang thorn."

"Embroidered Tang thorn."

The old lady was a little shocked. She murmured: "I have heard of it. Master Yunzu often said that if embroidered Tang thorns are still alive, the Chinese embroidery will definitely take it to a higher level, but you now say that what you use, It is the embroidered Tang thorn? Since it has been lost for hundreds of years, where did you learn from it?"

The old lady really grasped the key point, and asked Su Cha the difficult problem which is not clear now.

She only smiled and blinked: "Grandma, where did I learn the embroidering method, where did the teacher inherit, and the teacher has an agreement, I can't say. I can guarantee that I use the embroidered Tang embroidery method, but there must be a master Can be identified, otherwise, I cannot spread this embroidering method."

Hearing what she said, the old lady also understood that Su Cha could not say it.

She thought for a moment, and hesitated: "I don't know very well."

But she glanced at the Jinpa, and since she wanted to accept it, she could not fool Su Cha with this matter.

Thinking of this, she said directly: "Wait a moment, I'll call and ask."

"it is good."

Su Cha nodded and waited for her in situ.

The old lady entered the house, got her cell phone, and dialed a call to go out.

Although far apart, Sucha's ears were amazing, and he heard the old lady's phone call vaguely.

It turned out to be Yunzu.

The representative master of Yunxiu Contemporary, the relationship network of the old lady is really not ordinary...When you look for it, find the most powerful guy.

Although Yunxiu is different from embroidered Tang thorns, it is also the representative faction of Huaguo embroidery today. It has a transcendent status and is also the most widely spread. Since Yunzu is good at Yunxiu, he may not know about embroidering Tang thorns.

About what the old lady said was too surprising. Many questions were asked over there, and the call was kept for several minutes.

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