The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 220: lost contact employer

Yuanshan Haruka is a level 3 powerful person, "foreseeing the future".

This ability also derives the future within a limited period of time by analyzing the information and intelligence from Yuan Shanyao's surroundings. From the principle of realization, it is similar to the alchemist's "World Alchemy".

Because of mood swings, Yuan Shanyao's ability went berserk!

The superpower "foreseeing the future" that has been actively strengthened and is on the verge of losing control has interfered in the alchemist's domain.

"World Refinement" and "Foreseeing the Future" are deduced at the same time-continuously collect more information, and then further deduce...

Reciprocating, at a certain point, the two constitute an endless loop.

As a result, the back space of Sanze School fluctuated, and this "world" was no longer stable, and even began to exceed the control of the alchemist!

This point of entanglement happened to be on the golden statue of Baiyin Yao.

Because this is the point of direct confrontation and conflict between the abilities of Oreos and Toyama Haruka.

"Damn it!" Oreos cursed, although he immediately isolated Yuan Shanyao from the room where she was, but this entanglement point could not be eliminated in a short while.

The time for him to obtain the blood of silver had to be postponed a bit.

"Forget it, let it be later." Oreos suppressed the anxiety in his heart, snapped his fingers, and the golden and silver Yao statue floated in the air, and left behind him.

But not far away, the golden statue fell to the ground again and fell back to its original place.

— The entanglement points on her body make her impossible to be easily shaken.

Oreos gasped impatiently, then dropped the statue and turned away by himself.

At the corner of the corridor, a black-haired girl dressed as a priestess waited quietly.

She doesn't seem to be affected by this abnormal space, and she can move freely like Oreos.

If Tu Fanghu or Ling Xingye were here, they would definitely be able to recognize this girl immediately.

Hime Kami Akisa, this beautiful girl who likes to dress up as a witch can be regarded as their passer-by friend.

"Who is that woman?" Ji Kami Qiusha asked.

"It's an alternative." The alchemist simply responded.

But in fact, he has already made a decision in his heart - now, the "vampire killer" in front of him is the "alternative plan".

So, now that this girl has almost lost her value, don't pay too much attention to it.

"Take advantage of this time, let those puppets take action and bring over the list of forbidden books..." Oreos' thoughts quickly turned back to his plan.

In the corridor behind him, Bai Yinyao, who had turned into a golden statue, stood frozen in place while maintaining his fighting posture.

…The master of this world didn't notice that the pupils of the golden statue were quietly turning silver.

On the afternoon of August 5th, Bai Yinyao went to Sanze School in person to negotiate with the alchemist Oreos, hoping to recruit this talented alchemist with the potential to refine "soft stone" and provide them with "Baiyin" "The organization creates a new eaux-de-vie.

However, what Baiyin Yao didn't expect was that Oreos had completely fallen to the side of the automatic puppet "Yanshi". Even boldly tried to seize the blood of silver in her body to refine the water of life.

On the "back side" of Sanze School - a world that belongs entirely to Oreos himself, Baiyin Yao and her puppet Xingtian were attacked and turned into two pure gold castles by Oreos' "Instant Alchemy". statue.

At the same time, Lu Cun, who was supposed to support Bai Yinyao's operation outside, also lost his whereabouts for some reason.

In the laboratory on the seventh floor of the "Hubrian Robotics Development Company"—this empty and wide space was dimly lit.

Liu Yinjian stayed here alone, sitting quietly in the shadows like an old monk in meditation.

All around was deathly silence. The good sound insulation performance of the laboratory perfectly isolates all external noises.

Lucun's company has not officially opened for business, so there are no other employees.

Moreover, the relationship between Lucun and Baiyin Yao is not so harmonious, and the conflicts between old and new factions of Baiyin are sometimes even more troublesome than enemies.

Liu Yinjian, as Bai Yinyao's partner, is of course consistent with his employer's position.

For example, he didn't have a good impression of the carefree bomb girl.

Coupled with the professional habits of the two of them, they usually avoid contact with each other when the employer is away.

Liu Yinjian just likes the quiet atmosphere of a person; Yanaka Kumiko is simply afraid of that famous top killer.

So now, Liu Yinjian is like a dove occupying a magpie's nest, staying in what should be the base camp of Lu Cun and Kumiko Yanaka. And Kumiko Yanaka had to hide in the Gold Coast swimming pool to avoid this evil star.

Liu Yinjian is not dissatisfied with this, or he enjoys this kind of cleanliness very much.

However, twenty-four hours have passed - counting from the time when Bai Yinyao set off for Sanze School.

After that, there was no news from Baiyin Yao.

Even Lu Cun did not move for a long time.

This made Liu Yinjian start to worry. He believes in Baiyin Yao's strength, but he knows better that nothing in this world is absolute. Accidents, like miracles, can happen at any time.

tick tock...

The ex-killer's biological clock told him it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

"We can't wait any longer."

Liu Yinjian got up suddenly and walked out of the shadows. He pushed his glasses, and the plain lenses blocked his needle-like vision.

The "Gold Coast" swimming pool is open today. Because of word of mouth from tourists who have experienced it before, coupled with the impact of yesterday's closure, there are especially many guests today!

In the luxurious president's office on the top floor of the swimming pool, Kumiko Yanaka no longer pretended to be a female employee, but changed back to her usual attire—a camouflage vest, baggy jeans, and a long light-blond hair simply tied into a ponytail hanging on the the back of the head.

She is lying in a leather swivel chair very a pair of long legs are kicking on the desk in front of her, while watching a Hollywood blockbuster with full of special effects and flying parts, she glances at the other from time to time Monitor screen on the screen.

"Today's popularity... It's a big loss not to sell tickets!"

As she said that, the woman who had become lazy stretched out her hand and reached for the Coke on the table next to her with some difficulty.

After trying a lot, Kumiko finally gave up.

She sighed, drew her hand back, and took two sticks of dynamite from her pocket.

"Hey, please don't be so elusive! It really scares people out of heart attack!"

A wisp of flame popped out from Kumiko Yanaka's fingertips, and it was near the fuse of the explosive.

—Following her line of sight, a figure suddenly appeared in the shadow of the bookshelf at the door.

I don't know when he appeared here, as if he had stood there from the very beginning and was a part of the decoration of this room.

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