The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 216: illusion

"Song? Do you have it?" Mei Lilu beside her also turned her head to listen, "There is no song at all! Did Meixi hear it wrong?"

"Maybe..." Yaoshiji Meixi also became suspicious, "Maybe I heard wrong."

The three continued to walk along the pedestrian street.

But he couldn't find a topic for a while, so he could only lick the ice cream in his hand in silence.

Yakushiji Mixi chose vanilla-flavored ice cream. Because of concerns about maintaining her weight, the three girls were very restrained and only chose one ball.

Yuan Shanyao chose the strawberry flavor, and Meililu's chocolate flavor, which happened to be a complete set of three colors.

They agreed to exchange tastings with each other, so that they can try all flavors of ice cream!

"That's right! Let's exchange ice cream!" Yakushiji Miyuki said enthusiastically.

She turned around and looked, only to find that Yuan Shanyao and Mei Lilu were gone.

Immediately afterwards, Yaoshiji Meixi suddenly found that she herself had come to a strange place at some point—it looked like a remote and deserted electronic parts store, and the shelves around her were full of electronic components she didn't know, and Small mechanical parts such as gears and springs.

Yakushiji Mixi is not interested in these things at all, and she will never enter such a shop.

"Strange...what's going on? Why did I come to this kind of place without knowing it?" Yakushiji Mixi muttered, "And I got separated from Haruka and the others... Isn't the street very crowded today?"

The girl wandered around the shop in a daze, but did not notice the other two. She didn't even see a second customer besides herself.

And as Yakushiji Mixi observed her body deeply, and her mind gradually became clearer, more and more sense of disobedience surfaced in her heart.

Not only is there no one here, but the whole space is filled with abnormally cold colors. The azure blue cold light pours down from the ceiling above the head like flowing water, giving people a weird and strange sense.

It's like being in an underwater environment...

"There is a familiar feeling..." Yakushiji Mixi murmured, her brain thinking became clearer, "By the way, when I was diving in the bottom of the swimming pool yesterday, it was such a color!"

"Is this an underwater environment?" Yakushiji Mixi was taken aback—as she woke up, the air around her became thicker and thicker, and finally it seemed to really turn into a liquid.

She threw away the ice cream in a hurry, raised her hand to cover her mouth and nose and held her breath, worried about drowning.

"But how is this possible? The store has turned into an underwater environment? Is this the technology of the swimming pool yesterday?" Yakushiji Mixi's thoughts changed sharply. middle?"

Yaoshiji Meixi was taken aback suddenly: "In a dream? No, this is a hallucination!"

Yakushiji Mixi suddenly realized, she knew best - because when she worked part-time with Mr. Kiyama Haruno, the last experiment she conducted was a similar job!

—Through your own singing voice, you can indirectly affect other sense organs of the human body, thus creating a real "illusion".

Yakushiji Mixi suddenly recalled the strange tune she heard just now.

If that is "lullaby", it can indeed indirectly interfere with her other senses such as vision and touch through auditory effects.

"...That is to say, what I see and feel now is all fake!" Yakushi Tera Mixi gritted her teeth, forcing herself to ignore the strong discomfort of being submerged in water.

It's all an illusion!

The girl shouted in her heart, then closed her eyes, opened her red lips lightly, and sang her own "song".

Theoretically speaking, at the end of the part-time job, the "illusion" system has not really been completed, it is only verified in theory.

Yakushiji Miyuki still can't do that... Of course, Mr. Kiyama Haruki is far from practical.

So Yakushiji Mixi herself couldn't be quite sure.

But at this moment, all she can do is try her best.

la la la ~

The singing of Yakushiji Miyu resounded in this space.

The azure blue "sea water" centered on the girl's body, rippled round after round.

The sea water receded like an ebb tide, and Yakushiji Mixi could hear the sound of the tide surging in her ears.

Then, the sound of running water gradually turned into a melodious and ethereal song.

The azure water light receded, and then the electronic parts store shattered into pieces like glass ornaments and disappeared without a trace.

The "song" dissipated, Yaoshiji Meixi's ears heard the bustling voices on the street again.

It worked!

Yakushiji Mixi opened her eyes again, and found that she was standing at the intersection of an empty alley not far from the ice cream shop just now, with pedestrians coming and going in front of her.

Many people stopped to listen to her singing.

This discovery made Yakushiji Mixi blush a little. But she immediately realized that she was attacked!

"Melilu! Ah Yao!" She quickly turned her head to look for the other two.

"Ayao? Meixi? Where are you?" Meryl yelled loudly.

Beside her was a strange azure blue space. Although it looked like an old computer room of an Internet cafe, it gave people the feeling of being immersed in water.

two minutes ago...

"This music is really weird. Have you heard a strange tune?" Merylu asked, licking the ice cream scoop in her hand.

"No..." Yakushiji Miyu on the left said leisurely.

Mei Lilu listened carefully again: "Obviously there is! Ah Yao, did you hear that?"

She turned her head and asked Yuan Shanyao on the right.

But there is no one around.

"Ayao? Where are you?" Meililu looked behind her, but there was nothing there!

She turned 360 degrees and looked around, but there was no trace of Yuan Shanyao.

Even Yakushiji Miyu, who was still by my side just now, is gone!

Meryl found herself completely empty!

On the pedestrian street that was bustling and bustling, even pedestrians disappeared...

The next second, when she came back to her senses, Mei Lilu realized that she was not on the sidewalk, but walked into the computer room of an Internet cafe at some point.

The computer room, which was also empty, was neatly filled with old picture tube display screens. It's like traveling through time and returning to the old computer room at the beginning of the century. UU reading

On the computer screen, the monotonous blue desktop flickered, and the machine made a low humming sound.

"There is still such a place in Academy City? Is this an experience Internet cafe that takes the nostalgic route again?" Meryl sneered, and then subconsciously wanted to sit down and check these computers—whether they were deliberately disguised as ancient models.

At this time, Mei Lilu suddenly realized that she was still holding something in her hand, which was a little in the way.

Looking down, it turned out to be the ice cream I bought just now.

She chose the chocolate flavor. Unlike the other two girls who cared about their weight, Merylu had the habit of exercising regularly, so she didn't strictly limit herself when it came to eating. But since the three of them came out to play together today, in order to keep pace with everyone, Meililu only chose one ball.

I made an appointment with Haruka and the others, and exchanged tastings with each other...

"Huh?" Meryl stood still suddenly, staring down at the ice cream ball, "Aren't I just shopping with Ayao and Meixi? Why did I suddenly appear in such a weird place?"

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