The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 148 147 It’s time for the provincial examination results again

"Did you see that paper?"

The discussion in the outer room gradually died down, and the examiner asked the deputy examiner in a low voice.

The deputy examiner just nodded slightly when he heard this, and then smiled and said: "It's almost what he meant, and I mean the same thing. The paper should have been sent to your desk by now. Take it or not, you are the examiner, you Make up your mind, haha."

The chief examiner was amused by the deputy examiner's words, and he also laughed and said: "You are always good at passing the buck and sending it all to me. Isn't it obvious that you think it's feasible? Can you shirk this responsibility?"

"Ha ha."

A few days passed in a blink of an eye. Wei Guangde and other candidates who participated in the Jinke Provincial Examination were emotionally nervous from the previous relaxation. After all, the results may be released at any time, and if there are no accidents, this will determine the individual's next three years. fate.

The banquet faded away because the scholars and students gradually became nervous. No one came to the inn for three consecutive days and Zeng Yuanshu only came twice. The news about Gongyuan was that the entourage they brought with them went to Gongyuan in waves. While running, he listened to the news around Gongyuan.

Now Wei Guangde knows that for the candidates on the list, they will worship at the Confucius Temple on the day of the Luming Banquet, so by keeping an eye on the situation at the Confucius Temple, they can roughly guess the time when the list will be released.

Although there are many soldiers stationed around Gongyuan, as long as you don't get close, no one will care about you.

On this day, Wei Guangde called Zhang Ji and called several other people's entourage to go to the street and bring back a lot of food. The students moved chairs in the backyard garden to bask in the sun.

It has entered September, and the sun in the sky is no longer as hot as in summer. It is a good time to enjoy the sunshine. Going out for an outing at this time is a good activity.

It's just that because the provincial examination list has not come out, no one is in the mood to go out and play.

Many students choose to stay in the inn, and naturally they don't just sit around like this. They even gather a few tables to play for money, which is a good way to distract themselves and relieve mental stress.

Wei Guangde and God of Gamblers Lao Kan didn't go over to join in the fun. Instead, they lay back on their chairs and chatted wordlessly with the others.

At this moment, the two young men who had arranged to go to Gongyuan to inquire about the news this afternoon had hurriedly ran in from the front. After entering the courtyard, they loudly said out of breath: "Young Master, gentlemen, what are the surrounding areas of Gongyuan today?" The Confucius Temple has started to be decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and many people are sweeping the place there. It should be the time for the announcement."

When he saw people running in, Wei Guangde had a hunch that if there was no news, they would not rush back in a hurry.

Sure enough, when they heard that the results of the provincial examination were about to be announced, not only did Wei Guangde and others sit up immediately, but even the gamblers stopped what they were doing.

"Counting the days, it's almost time to release the results."

Lao Kan next to him took a long breath and said.

"It should be tomorrow."

Shen Liangdong, who was sitting at the card table next to him, answered, "Let the store know and prepare the food and drinks tomorrow. Let's go to the lobby to eat and wait for the news."

One of the two followers was from Shen Liangdong. When he spoke, one of them immediately bowed and agreed, then turned around and went to the front yard.

Another sleepless night.

Wei Guangde is not as relaxed now as he was last time. Wei Guangde thought he could pass the last provincial examination, so he ate well and slept well. Although he was a little worried, he suppressed it.

But this time, naturally I was not in such a good mood. Although I had already experienced failure, but...

Wei Guangde did not sleep well and got up early the next morning to wash up.

He thought he was early. When he went out, he saw that there were already many people upstairs and downstairs. Everyone seemed to be in bad spirits.

Well, Wei Guangde knew in his heart that he was not the only one who had not slept well last night. I am afraid that most of the thousands of students in Nanchang City are in this state, and there are only a few top academic figures, and those who have not slept well. Only those with no heart can sleep peacefully.

As everyone saluted each other, they left the courtyard in twos and threes and went to the front lobby.

After learning from the waiter that the students were getting up and washing up, the store owner ordered the kitchen to prepare meals. As people came out, hot and delicious meals and drinks were put on the table.

However, at this moment, no one had much appetite for these delicious dishes, so they just sat down and used their chopsticks casually to drink two glasses of wine.

Wei Guangde didn't have the habit of drinking in the morning, so he asked Zhang Ji to make a pot of tea.

"Come out, come out, the one with the good news is here."

Not long after, the waiter guarding the door shouted inside.

At this time of year, most of the people staying in the hotel are scholars from abroad taking exams, and a few others are businessmen.

However, these people knew that the results might be released today, so naturally no one came forward to join in the fun. Otherwise, they were not from their place.

Most of the people staying in this inn are from Jiujiang Prefecture. Not only students from the prefecture, but also students from Pengze and Hukou counties also live here. Who asked Zeng Yuanshu to arrange it.

Soon, the first team to announce the good news ran past the door without stopping at all.

"Those who apply for the secondary list will be listed behind."

"Yeah, the good news on the secondary list is nothing."

The students waiting for the news in the lobby comforted each other like this. Although they knew about the deputy list, they were on the list after all. Those who had the conditions could even go directly to Nanjing or Beijing for this reason. Although they could not participate in the examination, they could still rely on the deputy list. Those who were admitted were eligible to study in the Imperial College, and they would also have official status upon graduation.

Soon, several more teams passed by announcing the good news, but still no one came in.

Lao Kan, who received the good news of being on the secondary list last time, is the most worried now. The last time he was on the secondary list, he did not consider going to the Imperial College at all, but chose to continue the provincial examination, naturally for a better future.

In the past few years, there has been no scientific examination. This time I signed up directly to take the provincial examination.

While he was hesitating, another group of messengers approached to announce the good news. This time they did not pass by the door. Instead, they looked at the plaque of the inn at the door. They seemed to mutter something and then walked in.

Soon, as the official announcement was announced, the good news that a Hukou candidate won the third place on the secondary list became known to everyone.

Wei Guangde stood up with the crowd and congratulated the candidate. Well, seeing that his face was full of entanglement and unwillingness, but in this situation, he could only force a smile and reward the official who announced the good news with money.

After the team of guards left, the inn fell into a brief silence, but the previous discussion about the poor performance of the deputy list disappeared.

As two more teams of messengers passed by to announce the good news, everyone knew that the next step was to deliver the good news. By this time, everyone saw the eyes of the official officers passing by the door with deep desire.

The results of Jiujiang Prefecture's rural examinations in Jiangxi have always been average. To be precise, they are at the lower-middle level. Only a few people have a chance to be on the list in each provincial examination, and sometimes one or two people are on the list.

However, because of the unique location of Jiujiang Prefecture, the families of the candidates here are generally relatively wealthy, and there are many families doing business, so they can book this inn very close to Gongyuan.

Just as everyone was waiting nervously, there was another burst of footsteps outside the door, and they suddenly stopped outside the door.

Wei Guangde's ears stood up at this moment, and then he was startled.

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